View Full Version : 3-State, 3-Mountain in Chattanooga

01-23-2007, 05:53 AM
Well, it's official! DH and I just signed up for the Century yesterday. This means we have 14 weeks to train...my goal is to not be LAST! ;)

Hotel accomodations were difficult, but not impossible to find. We wanted to be close so that we could ride to the start. The three 'recommended' hotels have sold out of the promo rates (some have sold out of rooms all together), but others in the area still have affordable rooms available.

Any other TE gals planning on completing this ride? :)

01-24-2007, 11:59 AM
where is nanci? she was all over this last year!!! she must be on one of her 1000 mile rides or something...that woman became an animal! has anyone seen her around lately?

as for the 3-3...


hubby & i are most likely gonna be dirty that weekend and do a local mtbike ride. here is a great website for other local rides tho...


have fun!!!

Pedal Wench
01-24-2007, 12:51 PM
A bunch of women from my club (and me!) are planning on it. We have not signed up yet. And don't worry. I was planning on coming in last, so you shouldn't worry!