View Full Version : (Long and Less Long) Runs- 1/15/07 to 1/21/07

01-15-2007, 07:53 AM
Just starting the thread!

I ran Sunday, so I probably won't run tonight.

I am out of town from 1-20 to 1-24 in Florida. I hope I get some "free" time away from the J-O-B to run, but I doubt it. They like to work us 14-16 hours a day at these off site meetings.

01-15-2007, 11:17 AM
Brick today....with the DH

I even did a little dance in the driveway during transition to the tune of Brick House...somethin' about the "she's mighty, mighty" part that I love...

Bricks...strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.....

Tri Girl
01-15-2007, 11:45 AM
Good job girls!
Since we're trapped in the land of Antarctica (alright, so it's Oklahoma, but just iced over nicely), and since my wimpy gym has been closed for 4 days and I haven't been able to go outside, I FINALLY ran today. Did 7 miles on the snow/ice. Wasn't too treacherous, but was definitely a tough workout. Man, I was doing my best to do 13-14 min/miles. Snow/ice sure does slow a body down. Do you think the 7 really counts as 10?????

Hopefully I can run on the treadmill tomorrow at the gym for some much smoother trekking.

Be safe out there, and run happy! :)

KSH- have fun in Florida. The weather should be much nicer than Dallas!

01-15-2007, 12:29 PM
I think it would be fun to post our mileage for the week on Sunday so we can add them together and see how many marathons we ran together as a group.

Last week I logged 19 miles.

Anyone else want to play? :) :)

01-15-2007, 12:33 PM
I will play...9

Tri Girl
01-15-2007, 02:50 PM
I'll play-
last week I logged a measly 14 miles (no runs for 4 days due to ice- grrrrrr). Wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have a marathon in- yikes :eek: - 9 weeks!

Good job runner girls- keep adding those miles up! ;)

01-15-2007, 04:07 PM
Not too much running last week - I need to start upping my miles on foot, and less on bike. Anyways, I did 7.3 miles, would like to get closer to 10 this week.

01-15-2007, 04:21 PM
I think it would be fun to post our mileage for the week on Sunday so we can add them together and see how many marathons we ran together as a group.

Last week I logged 19 miles.

Anyone else want to play? :) :)

Let's play!

I did 15 and half last week.

01-15-2007, 09:06 PM
So by my calculations so far we have 64.3 miles last week. That's 2.45 marathons. Not bad!! Anyone else?

01-16-2007, 05:41 AM
I ran a big fat zero last week although I did get some good cross-training in.

Tri Girl, you're a hardy soul. My hat's off to you for running in all that ice. We got a sleet/snow mix up here in Kansas so we have a "packed snow gravel." It's semi slick - some places you sink a little and others you try to step and next thing you know you're on your butt. I just flat won't run in that. Don't know how you pulled off seven miles on full-fledged ice. Good job! (Yes, it should definitely count as 10 miles!)

I'm going to try to get to the gym and run on the treadmill tomorrow or Thursday and do a long run again over the weekend. More cross training as well.

Keep up the good work everyone!


01-16-2007, 09:55 AM
So by my calculations so far we have 64.3 miles last week. That's 2.45 marathons. Not bad!! Anyone else?

Add 9.75 to that.

01-16-2007, 12:01 PM
Did a short run to test my ankle as I have been fine walking and balancing on it. It was quite painful on footstrike - which i think is really not helped by the fact I'm a forefoot rather than a midfoot/heel runner. It stopped hurting after twenty minutes but I think that was just the endorphins kicking in. So more resting....

01-16-2007, 12:45 PM
I ran a whopping three -- yes, THREE -- miles last week due to a stomach "thing" that kept me sick for four days. However, I'm back to normal this week. Did three Monday, plan four for tomorrow, three for Friday, and something around 8-10 for Saturday. I would really like to do a local half marathon on March 3. If I do well on Saturday's run I think I'll go ahead with the training for the half. Keep up the good work ladies -- you really do motivate me!


01-16-2007, 03:29 PM
We're up to 80.55 for last week. That's 3.07 marathons. I'm supposed to run today but the weather's crap and I can't run outside. Idon't know if I can face another TM session!!

This is going to take some Iron will.

01-17-2007, 01:43 AM
Hey Wahine,
I posted my race info for you over in mt biking.....my first thought when I saw your response to the thread was...Hey...look who stopped by the the dirty forum.....it is ok..we know we are dirt girls!


01-17-2007, 07:59 AM
I did 6 miles this morning... 38° and a cold wind in some parts, but it felt invigorating. I wish my time was better (1:10). Perhaps I will attempt to grow taller this week, I'm getting tired of running on stubs! ;)

01-17-2007, 08:18 AM
You can add my 18 to last week's total:D

01-17-2007, 08:38 AM
So that's 98.55 miles for last week. That's 3.76 maris.

Ran last night after all - 5.6 miles. Blech.

RnR - once upon a time, a long time ago, I was a dirty girl too. :D :D Still have my last cross-country mtb (1999 specialized stumpjumper M4 with a spectacular yellow paint job named Sally) and I take her out once in a while. I can't believe how chicken I am now on descents. :o

01-17-2007, 11:56 AM
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW YOU WERE DIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK...running tomorrow, will add my mileage...off to freeze my buns on a 20 degree night ride.

01-17-2007, 12:04 PM
You go RnR Girl!!!

01-18-2007, 09:52 AM
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW YOU WERE DIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, you have nooooooooo idea. ;)

01-18-2007, 12:47 PM
Had my first run in freezing rain today! I just couldn't face schlepping to the gym and . . . I'll be honest . . . I had new running shoes. There's no better motivation for me than the chance to wear new shoes!

Anyway it was raining very lightly, and this morning's snow and sleet (first of the winter!) had melted off the sidewalks. So perhaps not as badass as I make it sound.

Only made it 30 minutes (probably 3 miles or more) - my non-high-tech tights were getting pretty damp and cold. But I'm glad I went - now I have cute pink cheeks for the rest of the day! :p

01-18-2007, 04:38 PM
Three for me tonight in 36 degree pouring rain. Just lovely. Better than the 17 degree mountain bike last night. My feet were frozen.

Rock On!

01-19-2007, 08:30 AM
Three for me tonight in 36 degree pouring rain. Just lovely. Better than the 17 degree mountain bike last night. My feet were frozen.

Rock On!

Nice work RnR. How you feeling today?

I ran hills on the TM at work. AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHH! :mad: :mad: I must get outside soon. But it's too icy right now to run safely outdoors. First priority is no injuries.

01-19-2007, 09:50 AM
I ran 5.35 miles for 55 minutes (10:30 minute mile) today! My longest run yet. Too bad I wasn't outside!

Got on the treadmill at lunch and ran.

Told myself I would do 3-4 miles. I was feeling pretty good so went on to do 5.35 miles.

I would have done 5.50 even, but the dang treadmill stopping working on me.

Yea, about 2.50 miles into it, my pinky toenail dug into the side of the toe next to it... there was blood afterwards.

It hurt to run on that foot, but I reminded myself the difference between pain and suffering and tried to block it out.

I also got this weird chafing under my arms I have never had before. Luckily, I noticed that pain once I stopped. What can I do about this problem? Body glide my underarms I suppose?

My legs held strong running, but gosh I'm hurting now!

01-19-2007, 10:59 AM
Hi Wahine. I am not feeling too bad today. My legs are a little tired, like if I run up the stairs. The important thing was that I felt good during the run.
I am taking off today.

easy run, and swim tomorrow.

01-19-2007, 02:59 PM
I also got this weird chafing under my arms I have never had before. Luckily, I noticed that pain once I stopped. What can I do about this problem? Body glide my underarms I suppose?

My legs held strong running, but gosh I'm hurting now!

Be very very proud of the underarm chafing. It's because of your huge lats!! :D :D And yes body glide works well for this.

01-19-2007, 08:25 PM
Be very very proud of the underarm chafing. It's because of your huge lats!! :D :D And yes body glide works well for this.

Hhhuuummm... really? Cause I thought it was from my flabby triceps. ;) :p

Next time, body glide goes on. I guess I never got it before, because I have been running outside with long sleeves on, vs. just a sports top.

BTW- Wahine, if you could please start the new running thread starting for 1-22. I will be out of town in Floride from 1-20 to 1-24 and the laptop is staying at home. THANKS!

01-19-2007, 08:28 PM
BTW- Wahine, if you could please start the new running thread starting for 1-22. I will be out of town in Floride from 1-20 to 1-24 and the laptop is staying at home. THANKS!

Will do.

01-19-2007, 09:29 PM
Ummm... if we only count the "run" part of my run-walks, I think I did about 1/2 mile this week. Plan to do another 1/4-1/2 tomorrow.

Got new shoes (beloved Brooks, the best running shoes in the universe for my goofy feet) and want to break them in tomorrow with a GOOD run-walk.

Knot-loved-to-run-since-a-little-kid, now-with-messed-up-knee

Edit: Saturday a.m. Did about 1/4 mile total run this morning in my fresh Brooks Ariels. Happy Knee, Happy Knot!

01-20-2007, 03:19 AM
18 K!! in 2:03 ... with an average HR of 160. I know... Someone with a W will frown but I felt really comfortable.

I made jogging playlist for my ipod, plugged it in and just went as far as I felt like. The only discomfort I had was in my hips.

phew.... went to town shopping and back... hobbling along. My legs are just a tad tired....

01-20-2007, 05:47 AM
Finally did the sensible thing and got myself to a running shop to have my gait analysed!

I seem to have fallen out of love with my Nike Structure Triax (I've always run in stability shoes - not entirely sure why) even the new ones feel really harsh to run in. So I dragged the old one out and had a look at the wear on them and it was all on the outside of the shoe (bad bad bad) particularly the left which might explain why my upper outer calf muscle (whatever its called) is so grumpy as its having to do a hell of a lot of work. The Nike were great when I was beginning but the longer runs are showing up the problems.

Off I trundled to a running shop taking my old shoes with me - the guy looked at them and shook his head and asked me where I got fitted for them - erm nowhere I sheepishly replied :o . He put me in a pair of completely neutral shoes (Pegasus) and had me run on the treadmill while they videoed my feet. I felt the Pegasus were lovely, bit squishy but much nicer than the triax. Turns out I have a completely neutral running style and have been running in the wrong shoes for the last year or so (well forever actually). The stability features were forcing me onto the outside of my foot and probably contributed a lot to my ankle sprain as well :mad:

So after trying lots of shoes on (which suprisingly I could actually tell the difference between) I now have a very shiny pair of Mizuno Wave Riders to run in - it felt like I was floating when I put them on.

Moral of the story: the wrong shoes really will hurt (why do I insist on doing everything the hard way?).

Will be giving them a spin on Tuesday - fingers crossed they help!

01-20-2007, 07:48 AM
KSH - I sometimes have the same problem with underarm chaffing, but mine is based on what Sports bra and shirt I wear. Some just rub me wrong, literally!! :D Body glide does help. Wish I could say it was because of my fantastic lats!

As far as running goes, I've been trying to get in some short runs this week. Sunday I did a 1.75 mile prebike run. Tuesday I got all bundled up against the freezing cold and did 3.7miles. I think the cold just slows me down, as I didn't know I could run consistently and be that slow. And I didn't feel that slow! I went for another un Friday, did 3.2 miles with some easy intervals (and yes, I know easy and intervals do not go together), but my HR just does not want to come up right now. I acually thought for the first 15 minutes that my HR monitor was broken, it was reading so low.

I have a brick planned for today, and a friend of mine is wanting to start running again, so I may be going out to run with her after that. Running twice in one day, didn't think I would ever do that! ;)

01-20-2007, 08:55 AM
10 miles for me this morning -- the first six with a friend and the last four by myself. It was windy and cold, but I had some pent-up work-related frustrations to get rid of, and it felt wonderful to get outside and just go. I'm tired now, but don't feel as frustrated. :D

Run on ladies!


01-20-2007, 06:13 PM
18 K!! in 2:03 ... with an average HR of 160. I know... Someone with a W will frown but I felt really comfortable.

I made jogging playlist for my ipod, plugged it in and just went as far as I felt like. The only discomfort I had was in my hips.

phew.... went to town shopping and back... hobbling along. My legs are just a tad tired....

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Well, if you felt good you're OK. Just don't whine tomorrow or the next week if you don't recover well or you'll get a big fat I told you so!! :p :p

I went cross country skiing today instead of running. It was fabulous. New snow, icicles dripping off the ends of pine needles, scattered cloud and sun sparkling on the trees and snow. Mt. Adams was impressive with his perfect coat of white, dominating the horizon like a stern father.

Thank god I finally got outside. :D :D I would have gone crazy if I had to do one more TM run.

01-21-2007, 06:13 AM
18 K!! in 2:03 ... with an average HR of 160. I know... Someone with a W will frown but I felt really comfortable.

Not sure what you meant by this? 160 is a normal working heart rate for me, I can still breathe through my nose at 160. If its too high then I'm snookered!

Nice going on the 18K!

01-21-2007, 07:15 AM
Wow, what a great run this morning! It was about 30F and not too windy thankfully, The Boy was home for the weekend from CO so we went for a run. Did 2 miles out with a quick walk and then 2 miles back. Felt really good the entire time, and it felt great to have someone to run with and talk to the entire time! It really is true what that article I read on some website said the other day, that running really gets the conversation juices flowing!

So that makes it a 10ish mile week for me, and 4 miles was my longest run ever!! I have that great after-run thing going on (and it doesn't hurt that The Boy is making us a yummy breakfast of eggs in the kitchen right now!!)


01-21-2007, 09:03 AM
Ran about 1/4 mile again this morning. No knee pain! (knock wood)

But a seagull pooped on me. Iiiiiiccccky.

01-21-2007, 11:10 AM
3.5 for me this morning, 21 degrees, but nice in the woods.

Followed that up with a mt bike ride, not my finest moment, but I was off the bike for two weeks with a neck thing, so I have to get my bike legs back, and it was frickin' cold.

Home, warm in my flannels now...ahhhhhh

oh and bird poop is good luck right, or is that just what they tell you to make you feel better after you have been pooped on?

Tri Girl
01-21-2007, 11:22 AM
Good job on your longest run, Kimmy! Way to go!

Did 30 this week. Ran 13 today. Was 35F with a fairly strong N wind. Ick. Marathon training doesn't stop for this cruddy weather. Ran on snow, so it was sllllooooowwww and labored, but I finished. Don't know which was crazier- running 13 in this weather or the 5 min ice bath I took after (ice baths always keep me from being sore, so although I got minor frostbite- it was worth it :p ).

Stay warm out there ladies!!!!! :D

01-21-2007, 11:28 AM
Trigirl... that wind will kill you! I'm so glad we didn't run yesterday, the wind was horrendous. Today luckily it was milder and the trees kept the majority of it off us.

BTW your 13 miles totally inspires me! The Boy and I were talking today after our run. We had major adrenaline going afterwards, cooked breakfast, painted a room in the house, cleaned the whole place and then started excitedly planning things we're going to do in the future... and we kinda committed to doing a 1/2 Mary in Indianapolis with his sister and b.i.l. next May!

If you had asked me 6 mos ago, I would have NEVER thought I'd see the day when I was seriously considering a marathon or 1/2 mary! And excited about it to boot!


01-21-2007, 12:04 PM
Not sure what you meant by this? 160 is a normal working heart rate for me, I can still breathe through my nose at 160. If its too high then I'm snookered!

Nice going on the 18K!

It's all about long slow distance. Slow being the operative part in this situation. Usually recommended that when you are increasing distance on the long run, you should keep your heart rate low. This means less chance of injury and better use of the aerobic energy system for fuel. In effect, you are training to bias your body towards fat as fuel. This increases endurance and helps to prevent hitting the wall. Keeping your heart rate low also forces you to work on efficiency of running.

160 isn't a bad HR to run at, it just depends on goals etc. If you can still breathe through your nose, you're golden. Where your aerobic zone falls depends on age, fitness and especially anaerobic threshold.

01-21-2007, 11:41 PM
i'll be good from now on.

I was singing along with my ipod at 160 (only when I could be sure no one was around to hear).
I am a bit sore, but I did 2hrs spinning as well as a little swimming on Sunday. I ate well, and I added quite a bit more salt to my food over the weekend than usual. And guess what: almost zero PVCs last night in bed. Maybe it's been caused by sodium loss, I really don't know yet. I did not use to sweat much.

01-22-2007, 02:20 AM
160 isn't a bad HR to run at, it just depends on goals etc. If you can still breathe through your nose, you're golden. Where your aerobic zone falls depends on age, fitness and especially anaerobic threshold.


People are so very different with HRs aren't they? In my riding group we have great variability in working heart rates. Mine is usually about the 160 mark whereas my friend very very rarely gets anywhere near 160 (she is a "low beater"). My BFs working heart rate is quite a bit higher than mine but will happily hold a conversation at a heart rate I'd be gasping at...