View Full Version : Snowshoe running

roadie gal
01-06-2007, 10:13 AM
My new snowshoes for running came in yesterday, so I took them out for a try at the local cross country ski area. Holy Tamales, Batman! That really kicks your butt!! It's like running in the soft sand at the beach. You really have to pick up your feet or you'll catch a crampon and go a$$ over tea kettle (did it once). I had set out to do an *easy* half hour run. Well, I ended up doing a half hour - 5 minutes run, 3 minutes walk, 5 minutes run, etc. Can't wait to do it again!

Tri Girl
01-06-2007, 12:05 PM
Sounds like a very tough workout! Snow running (although I've only done it in my trail shoes) is tough... and FUN! Too bad it only snows once a year here... :rolleyes:
Now, go get out there and try that again tomorrow! Just be careful- we don't need another injured runner around here! :D