View Full Version : While Not A Crazy Driver Story...

Biking Chick
05-17-2004, 05:50 PM
This is certainly a first for me.

Last night after arriving home following a long 7 hour car ride from our son and daughter-in-law's ... and three days of eating 'stuff' that is not on our normal diet I jumped on my mtn bike (Iris) and headed out for a quick half hour ride.

I'm on my way home and the number of people out walking, roller blading and biking has thinned out. Ahead of me I see a woman walking towards me ... reading a book. Not a paperback that will fit in your bag .. but a big, honkin' hardcover novel sized book.

I move from the right side of the path to the left and wouldn't you know it - so does she. By now I've slowed down and moved back to 'my side' of the trail on the right hand side. Without even looking up she also moves back to the right side as if we are locked into some kind of death wish dance! I have slowed to a crawl, announced, 'biker up' but to no avail. Now I am unclipping from both the pedals and with my best outside voice yell, 'Bike Ahead.'

She glances up from her book, moves to the MIDDLE of the path and continues on without giving me a passing glance.

Reminded me of the bumper sticker 'hang up and drive' only this one will says 'put down that book and walk.'

05-19-2004, 10:01 AM
So here is what bugs me. I'm in the bike lane and there are people walking in the bike lane, against traffice and they have a big hugh sidewalk to walk on.

Once in a while I get really nasty and shout, "there's a sidewalk right next to you!"

05-19-2004, 01:06 PM
Biking chick, very funny. If only because i love to read and even used to study for college while walking to class and work. I would step off the curb and stumble occasionally, but was more of a threat to myself. Even now, my kids will ask me things on purpose, like "can i light the house on fire to improve visibility?" And I agree bike paths are for bikers; I don't like it when i get glared at because a dog has to be controlled or someone has to move over. But at least they are on foot instead of trying to run me off the road with a car...

05-19-2004, 05:04 PM
shoot, if I tried to walk and read a book, I'd crash into a tree.........

05-19-2004, 05:58 PM
I've had walkers and stoller-ers act as if they have never driven on a highway and had to stay to the right. Saying "On your left" is apparently like speaking greek. This is a public use path, so they certainly have a right to use it ( and I'm glad they do), but lets use a little common sense. One of my other peeves is roller bladers. Because of the side-to-side nature of it, they are ALL over the trail and barely give me enough room to pass.:rolleyes:

I have never seen a book-reader though.