View Full Version : Ingrown Head Hair??

05-13-2004, 03:44 AM
Is it possible for a new helmet to cause an ingrown hair on your head? I had this bump that I figured came from a bee or wasp sting on my ride (sometimes vents have their drawbacks!) but when I put my helmet on I noticed that the bump is where the helmet touches my head (at the top). It hurt like crazy!

In Tucson, it is perfect cycling weather - 60 degrees in the morning - and I want to take full advantage of it. But maybe I should stay off the bike until it heals (argh!!! no!!!)


05-13-2004, 03:56 AM
Do you have another helmet you could wear? Or could you put somehing like a bandana between your helmet and your head?

If those don't work, depending on how badly it hurt - I'd ride anyway. Personally i find a lot of my aches and pains seem to vanish once I'm out riding. They reappear once I'm off the bike of course. :p So no housework gets done.


05-13-2004, 05:41 AM
You may need to get your doctor to take a look at it. I had what I thought was a wart on the side of my head. Turned to be a sebaceous cyst. The doctor froze the thing off. It looked like a nasty blood blister after he froze it and then gradually went away.
You don't want it to get infected either. Good luck.
