View Full Version : Las Vegas 1/2 marathon Report

12-13-2006, 07:51 AM
Hi Everyone,
Well I did it and all went well :D . I did not meet my 2:06 goal (2 year old PR) but I did finish in 2:11:20 , 137 out of 616 in my age group. Over 16,000 runners total with the full and half. We had Elvis runners which was really fun and couples getting married during the run. I felt great after the run and enjoyed my trip. We started in front of Mandalay Bay and ran down the strip with fireworks and then through Fremont street and ran back into Mandalay Bay down Industrial Way (not that much to look at). The biggest problem was the wind!! We had gust of 25 mph with a head wind. The New LVM has improved 100% from the run 2 years ago. They still need to make some improvements (more support for the 1/2 mar, more food, a lot better t-shirt, better mile markers), but overall I enjoyed the trip. I am just so happy to be running again I am okay that I didn't meet my time goal.:D

12-13-2006, 09:27 AM
Way to go!!! Running with strong wind is tough. You should be very proud of yourself.

12-13-2006, 01:46 PM
Congrats, shiraz! :D

The wind sure can be a beast. The race sounds really neat, running in Vegas without having to duck cabs, tourists, and drunk people must have been nice. ;)

12-13-2006, 03:15 PM
Awesome run, Congratulations! :cool:

12-14-2006, 12:29 AM
Well done for running against that wind! You weren't that far off your PB. In that kind of wind I find I just concentrate on keeping running rather than aiming for a time.

I've been contending with strong winds here myself - 40mph gusts during my run on Tuesday and forecast 35mph when I am due to run today, deep joy! Got blown off my bike three times last night (offroad, soft landing). Its supposed to break here for a bit over the weekend, here's hoping I don't have to do my long run against strong wind.

12-15-2006, 08:11 AM
Thanks everyone for your support!!! I love my friends on TE. Now I want to sign up for another run.