View Full Version : TE-DC ride in December?
11-29-2006, 01:03 PM
Are we going to try to get one in? I know it's hard to plan, what with temperatures due to get colder and Christmas and all, but I'd certainly be up for a casual (yes, I said casual) ride on road or towpath if we have a Sunday in December that's at least 40 degrees.
Anyone else interested?
11-29-2006, 01:15 PM
Me Me!!! I'm in NC (obviously), but will be in DC the weekend of the 16th and 17th. I'd love to meet some DC TE'ers!!!
We're staying in Manassas, but will travel. BTW - does anyone know of any good rides near Manassas? We're staying with a non-cyclist and I would like to get a few rides in:D :D
11-29-2006, 02:27 PM
We're staying in Manassas, but will travel. BTW - does anyone know of any good rides near Manassas? We're staying with a non-cyclist and I would like to get a few rides in:D :D
Y'know, I was wondering the same thing just yesterday. I love riding the Civil War battlefields at Antietam and Gettysburg and was thinking about whether there'd be good riding down at Manassas. Considering that the battlefied straddles two very busy thoroughfares, a battlefield ride could be kinda hairy. Manassas is right at the edge of the suburbs, though, so I'm sure there are roads around the area that could be good for pedaling. This is the only thing I found at (, but other people might have some routes.
11-29-2006, 03:51 PM
I'm always up for a ride :D Let me know what's being planned and I'll try to be there.
11-30-2006, 03:12 AM
Careful! Don't blink - December will be GONE before you know it! :p (and it hasn't even started yet! Yikes)
Here's a good link for various routes in the DC area - including info for visitors.
I'm a bit of a Virginia neophyte. I know Tyson's and Alexandria and that's about it! I guess my world lately stops at the DC border, yet heads well north! :rolleyes:
I'd be up for a ride. I was thinking just yesterday about maybe suggesting that we hook up at the top of Beach Drive in Garrett Park for a (relative) hammer ride (cruising at 17-20 mph) down Beach into Rock Creek Park some weekend day, when parts of the park are closed to cars. That route has the added bene of no hills (except the loop by the ranger's station)! :p :eek: I think it's about 25 miles or so as an out-and-back.
Of course, I'd also be up for a casual meander thru VA, if I had time. This weekend is out, but otherwise I think I'm good until the 23rd.
11-30-2006, 06:38 AM
I think the only weekend I'll be around and free will be 16th-17th in Dec. But of course feel free to schedule without me. I'd be up for doing Rock Creek again. The more of us who go, the more we can stay off the awful multiuse trail. Y'all are free to start near my house at the southern end of the parkway as well.
I kind of like that one hill there on the loop. Usually no traffic up there and it feeds nicely into the blocked off area where you can build up a good pace. I've only done that once. Lots of fun despite the hill. The hassle was getting up there via the trail or hitting the parkway / Beach with only 2 of us there by the tunnel. (We got lost a couple times).
North of there, I don't know where I'm going. But it would be fun to try it out. (and get the route mapped in my Garmin--I love my new toy!)
11-30-2006, 06:52 AM
I was thinking just yesterday about maybe suggesting that we hook up at the top of Beach Drive in Garrett Park for a (relative) hammer ride (cruising at 17-20 mph) down Beach into Rock Creek Park some weekend day, when parts of the park are closed to cars. That route has the added bene of no hills (except the loop by the ranger's station)! :p :eek: I think it's about 25 miles or so as an out-and-back.
I'd be up for something like this, but I don't know if that's a pace I can maintain. Of course, I've never really ridden in a pace line so perhaps it would be doable. I'd definitely like to give it a try.
I feel the need for a (relative) hammer ride this Sunday. I was planning on doing something up on my usual routes but if you wanted to try this one then I'm game.
Please keep me in mind for a more casual ride, too.
11-30-2006, 08:34 AM
You'd be surprised what you could maintain on that route - particularly north of East West Hwy. It can broken up with stop lights, so sometimes it's like "Sprint. Stop for a light. Sprint. Stop for at light." If you spot a rabbit up ahead (i.e., a faster cyclist) it gives you the incentive of chasing him/her down before the next light, so it's fun for working on speed. And, you re-group with your peeps at the light!
I don't think I've ever ridden the MUT thru the park - except past the stone house (?) and going by the zoo, and the route I had in mind wouldn't go that far south. I'll see if I can play with Routeslip some time and show what I had in mind. I never know the names of the streets there! :o
11-30-2006, 09:16 AM
Check this out.
Note that this is my FIRST ever attempt at RouteSlip, so it may be a little rough.
11-30-2006, 09:41 AM
Check this out.
Note that this is my FIRST ever attempt at RouteSlip, so it may be a little rough.
Thanks for plotting it out; I couldn't quite figure out all the twists and turns.
The best suggestion I can make to anyone using RouteSlip is to plot all of your points at a very high zoom level; that helps ensure that your points actually follow the road and give a reasonably accurate estimate of distance and climbing.
Is there parking near the start point? How busy is the route on a Sunday morning? Are you up for it this Sunday? Can Regina come out to play? ;) :D
11-30-2006, 09:45 AM
I just took a look at the elevation profile. Although we're not talking about a lot of climbing, basically all the climbing is on the home leg. :(
11-30-2006, 09:49 AM
Thanks for plotting it out; I couldn't quite figure out all the twists and turns.
The best suggestion I can make to anyone using RouteSlip is to plot all of your points at a very high zoom level; that helps ensure that your points actually follow the road and give a reasonably accurate estimate of distance and climbing.
Is there parking near the start point? How busy is the route on a Sunday morning? Are you up for it this Sunday? Can Regina come out to play? ;) :D
Even tho' it twists and turns...that's all pretty much one road (except for where it goes under Military Rd and makes that right towards Ross. I'm unsure if I hit the correct road there). There is a parking lot at the "T" of Beach and Garrett Park Road. And there's a porta-potty, too!! :D It's where the Rock Creek MUT goes on up towards Lake Needwood (another 7 miles beyond, I think), tho' I've never ventured beyond that parking lot really. It's where my friend and I occasionally meet for rides. It's 9 miles by bike from my house.
On Sunday a.m.s, it's not too bad. Lots of bikes. Not too many cars. Probably because they know there are lots of bikes. South of E/W Hwy, sections are gated off so no cars at all on the road. This Sunday, DH and I are planning (hoping?) to hook up with a friend at the C&O or other to demo a DSLR he's trying to sell us. I won't know until tomorrow if I can or not.
11-30-2006, 09:50 AM
I just took a look at the elevation profile. Although we're not talking about a lot of climbing, basically all the climbing is on the home leg. :(
It's not bad. Trust me! :p
It's only 800 feet over 24 miles! And most of that is Ross Drive (the loop) which can easily be avoided by staying on Beach Drive to the end, and turning around for a true "out and back."
11-30-2006, 10:38 AM
The tunnel is where you go under Connecticut or Calvert (hard to tell by the map). That's where you ought to take the road when the trail crosses around 24th instead of following it along the parkway then left through the zoo (best for a MTB or at least a cross bike, IMO). The sidewalk under the tunnel is too narrow. Not that the trail south of there is great either. I haven't taken the road up this way but I've seen lots of other bikes there. I've taken it home without major incident.
On the southern end, going home (south) is pretty flat (and more downhill on the way back south). With a big enough group especially fairly early, we could go on-road all the way to Virginia Ave, probably.
I think the loop is fun, but that hill is a slow one if you don't know it's coming to get your momentum up. I've never done it the direction you've mapped it, only backwards a couple of times (from the south, Ridge/Ross north to Beach back to bottom of the loop). I've mapped it here:
(haven't gotten around to doing the whole thing b/c the satellite view doesn't let you see the trail and I haven't mapped the road)
12-01-2006, 03:43 PM
Me Me!!! I'm in NC (obviously), but will be in DC the weekend of the 16th and 17th. I'd love to meet some DC TE'ers!!!
We're staying in Manassas, but will travel. BTW - does anyone know of any good rides near Manassas? We're staying with a non-cyclist and I would like to get a few rides in:D :D
I've got a friend who lives south of Chapel Hill--you know any good routes down there? I'll probably be passing through in early January. She's looking for good places to ride. Maybe I could drag her out one morning. Maybe if I'm the one who knows the route, chances are good she won't leave me in the dust (she used to do Ironmans) :o I thought of some in Hillsborough just off 70, but it's been a few years since I lived in the Triangle.
I may have a team ride on the 16th (not sure). How does the 17th look for y'all?
Beth H.
12-02-2006, 08:37 AM
Hi ladies,
I'd like to join in. I'd be up for a ride on Dec. 17th in Rock Creek if it's not too terribly cold, like much below 38 degrees. I'm running the Baltimore Winter Solstice 5 miler on the 16th for the very cool shirt!
By the way, any triathletes in this group? I'm starting to train and always looking for a training buddy.
12-02-2006, 06:02 PM
Hi Beth. Welcome.
Sure...Sunday the 17th sounds like it's shaping up as a plan.
Does an out-and-back from Garrett Park like I routed sound okay? Simple, and one road primarily, with moderate traffic (occasionally none where the road is blocked to cars).
Should we meet in the District? Or - we could meet in the middle behind the Bicycle Place on Grubb Road in Silver Spring, which has easy access to RCPark.
Tomorrow, DH and I will be at the C&0 on the mtb's, leaving from Riley's Lock. Not sure of the time - late morning likely - and DH wants to head into town from there, not out. So, look for us if you're on the trail and say Hi! We'll be on a black (me) and an orange (him) dualies.
p.s. I've been playing with to challenge mdhillslug's dominance on the site (:eek: !) - just kiddin' - and if you are up for a hill challenge, mapped DH and my favorite summer route through Howard County - a route we call the "Triathalon Loop" - don't know where the name comes from but I think some triathalon uses much of it for their race. I mapped it leaving from the Cloverly Safeway at New Hampshire Ave (route 650) and Briggs Chaney Rd. It's nice and (thus far) rural.
12-03-2006, 08:26 AM
I'd obviously prefer to meet in the District or as close as possible, but I know that makes a parking problem for the rest of you. And if it's far enough I wouldn't bike to the start anyway, then I'd need to park too :)
I haven't tried the north end of RCPark, so your route sounds fine. Only I'd love to do the "loop" backwards (as I posted before), not only because I need more hill practice but once you get to Beach from there you can really hammer as it's flat to downhill in that direction. Also, when you get to the end of the loop that way, the stop sign there in the blocked off area is a good place to stop and regroup. (You'd be on-road the other direction and facing left turns potentially with traffic). I'd also prefer to do the loop at least a couple of times for practice on climbing and descending. From the north, that'd mean doing the flat part before the hill, the hill being the way home. So if after a couple repeats no one wants to do the hill that way, we could regroup at the stop, turn around, and go home as mapped via Beach. Slightly less climbing that way.
Did that make sense?
Hope everyone is having fun this weekend and next. I'm studying for exams :(
12-03-2006, 04:47 PM
I haven't tried the north end of RCPark, so your route sounds fine. Only I'd love to do the "loop" backwards (as I posted before), not only because I need more hill practice but once you get to Beach from there you can really hammer as it's flat to downhill in that direction. Also, when you get to the end of the loop that way, the stop sign there in the blocked off area is a good place to stop and regroup. (You'd be on-road the other direction and facing left turns potentially with traffic). I'd also prefer to do the loop at least a couple of times for practice on climbing and descending. From the north, that'd mean doing the flat part before the hill, the hill being the way home. So if after a couple repeats no one wants to do the hill that way, we could regroup at the stop, turn around, and go home as mapped via Beach. Slightly less climbing that way.
I usually think of the hill loop as "clockwise" vs. "counterclockwise". I think you're saying you do it clockwise, yes? I prefer the counterclockwise route because it's easier <<cough, cough>> and if I get a good start off Joyce, I can do the entire thing in the big ring. At the bottom of Ridge, after the switchback, we usually hop onto the sidewalk and not deal with the street to cut back over to Beach. Yeah, you got the long slog back uphill (gradual) to the ranger station. I'd be up for either way. I just spent an hour and a half mapping out a route from The Bicycle Place as a center start point, and crapped out (again) and wouldn't save the file! Grrrrr...:mad: I even had the ranger station as a regroup spot if folks wanted to do hill repeats. Sigh.
Oh...good luck with finals. Will you be done by the 17th?
12-03-2006, 07:32 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking clockwise.
I was just thinking that with several of us, it might be easier to deal with stopping w/in the blocked off area of Beach. Ranger station would work though too.
Routeslip sucks sometimes. A friend of mine was playing around with a loop he thinks I could do at home, and that day it wasn't calculating elevation at all. Not that there are hills in Savannah, but a bridge or two might be involved.
A start place w/ a bathroom would be nice, so don't worry about it if the Bicycle Place start isn't as good. Though if anyone wants to start way down at the bottom of the parkway, they can run into my house which even post-exams is much cleaner than the porta-potty. :p
I'll be done with exams after the 12th but still working on a paper probably. But the 16th-17th is the last weekend I'll be in town till about the 2nd week of January, and I'll be busy, but itching to get out on the bike.
12-04-2006, 05:18 AM
Routeslip sucks sometimes. A friend of mine was playing around with a loop he thinks I could do at home, and that day it wasn't calculating elevation at all. Not that there are hills in Savannah, but a bridge or two might be involved.
Those 0 elevation points do get fixed, in time, especially if you send a bug report.
I hope to keep riding during the winter, at least on days where the temps will be in the 30's. I was quite cold when I started out yesterday but warmed up before too long. Not too long later I was getting hot and needing to unzip and shed heat. I still need to work on my body layering but I must say that I love my Pearl Izumi AmFib tights. Why aren't there toe covers that work well with mtb shoes?!? :mad:
12-04-2006, 06:37 AM
Have you tried the new PI Am/Fib covers? I have them because they're the only ones that work with my Keos, especially since I have them set far back on the shoe. They could fit on a larger shoe at the toe. Or could you go up a size bigger than what's supposed to work for your shoe size in a road shoe?
The regular PI thermafleece kind didn't fit my setup at all.
Revolution lets you try them on and return them if you don't rip the tag off.
12-04-2006, 01:38 PM
The folks at the BP are ususally pretty good about pre- post-ride breaks in their BR. Does anyone know if the public ones are still open just north of the intersection of Joyce and Beach?
RE: Routeslip and elevations....when I re-mapped with a mid-route start, it gave me a total climbing of 1500 ft, vs. 800 ft for the link I provided earlier. There is NO way the short spur from Beach to the shop require 700 feet of climbing! Yet that was the only difference b/t the two routes - and the hill was clockwise vs. counterclockwise...but since it's the same hill, hello? You'd be doing the same amount of climbing. Sigh. So, I view the elevations as suspect. I have one route on my Garmin where I did this route (without the shop) from my house - from Colesville through Wheaton and Kensington (for those who know the area, I climb Plyers Mill from CT Ave to Georgia Ave). That total ride was 1700 ft elevation gain. According to Garmin.
Anywho.... for our new folks and visitors, I'd suggest parking at the shop. Easy to MapQuest directions and plenty of parking. (okay...can you tell my bias about hating to drive into the District? :p A "city girl" I am most definitely NOT!) We could drop into the Park and do the hill (clockwise) while our legs are still fresh (twice if the speedy are so inclined! ;) ) and regroup at the ranger station at Beach and Joyce.
Thoughts? Different opinions (I could alway park my own butt at the shop and ride my bike down to the bottom of Beach and meet you'all there!)?
Last thing: Re: AmFib tights...Nicole...Toasty warm? I'm thinking I need to replace my old tights. I have lightweight tights and knickers for cooler and sick-warm tights for the brutal cold, but my mid-weight tights for 30's and 40's kind of rides are getting old and thin. Would these fit that niche pretty well? And I agree on the shoe covers - try a larger size.
12-04-2006, 03:14 PM
I view the elevations as suspect. I have one route on my Garmin where I did this route (without the shop) from my house - from Colesville through Wheaton and Kensington (for those who know the area, I climb Plyers Mill from CT Ave to Georgia Ave). That total ride was 1700 ft elevation gain. According to Garmin.
Consider them as rough estimates.
Anywho.... for our new folks and visitors, I'd suggest parking at the shop. Easy to MapQuest directions and plenty of parking. (okay...can you tell my bias about hating to drive into the District? :p A "city girl" I am most definitely NOT!) We could drop into the Park and do the hill (clockwise) while our legs are still fresh (twice if the speedy are so inclined! ;) ) and regroup at the ranger station at Beach and Joyce.
Thoughts? Different opinions (I could alway park my own butt at the shop and ride my bike down to the bottom of Beach and meet you'all there!)?
I'm getting a bit lost with the options. I'd prefer not having to drive into the district if at all possible. Just tell me where and when to meet...
Last thing: Re: AmFib tights...Nicole...Toasty warm? I'm thinking I need to replace my old tights. I have lightweight tights and knickers for cooler and sick-warm tights for the brutal cold, but my mid-weight tights for 30's and 40's kind of rides are getting old and thin. Would these fit that niche pretty well? And I agree on the shoe covers - try a larger size.
I find the AmFib tights nice and warm. My legs have never been cold in them (so far). In fact, the problem with them are if the temps start warning up into the 50's they get too warm.
12-04-2006, 03:16 PM
So you make me drive all the way through the District? Uh huh, I see how it is. ;) Eh, no worries.
Did you remap at a very high zoom? Maybe it's using an off-the-road elevation somewhere--in a couple of places that makes a difference. Twice comparing my Garmin to routeslip, routeslip has been short about 50 ft. Maybe yours needs debugged?
I tried on the Am/Fib tights. I've got fit issues with PI, but from that brief dressing room moment and from my toe covers, I like the material.
I was going to order a new pair of tights today, but my size disappeared. D'oh. What material are your "sick warm" tights, Regina? My midweight Cannondale ones might not do for the 30s.
Oh, and the weather on the 17th better not feel like it did today. Brr!
12-04-2006, 03:18 PM
We've hijacked your original post about a more casual ride. Are there still thoughts about this or are you hanging up the bike until spring?
BTW, the trail ride we did was the coldest I've been on a ride, even though the air temp was warmer than yesterday. I think that riding in the shade of the trees and at slower speeds keeps you from getting as warmed up.
12-04-2006, 03:52 PM
Ahhh....hadn't thought about the "off road" elevations. Good point.
I think I routed out at one "-" above fully zoomed in. I probably had us riding over some rock walls and hills! :rolleyes: But, yeah, I do view it as an estimate. I view the Garmin's estimates as suspect to, and use it just as a relative guage. reduce the's where we are at:
Road ride - moderate to fast pace (16-20 mph cruising) - December 17th (time?).
Departure point: Meet at The Bicycle Place, 8313 Grubb Rd, Silver Spring ( ) - meet in the parking lot in the BACK of the building.
Route: We'll ride from the Bicycle Place (BP) and drop INTO Rock Creek Park via Beach Drive. We'll do "the hill" - Ridge Rd to Ross to Joyce - clockwise once - or twice if certain someones pull ahead ;) - but we'll all discuss that as we ride. We'll regroup at the Ranger station (just south of the intersection of Beach and Joyce). We'll ride up Beach out of the District, into MD, out to Garrett Park. Turn around at Garrett Park (rest and potty break if needed). Turn around and follow Beach Dr. back down to the BP and end. Will be about 27 miles all told. Route is ALL on road.
'kay? :D
p.s. "Sick warm" tight are ancient Performance brand tights (consequently, the fit sux, but I have to admit, they are warm). They are fleece and fronted with a wind-block material. They come out maybe 3x's/year and can also be layered under windpants for spring skiing or xc skiing.
12-04-2006, 05:24 PM
I won't be joining you for your 12/17 "hammer" ride--hammering is not in my vocabulary--but I thought I'd offer my two cents regarding warm tights.
I've got a pair of Shebeest Wind Pro tights that are nice and toasty, "sick warm" to use Regina's term. I wore them commuting today and was very comfortable in the 32 degree, 20 degree wind chill weather this morning. I tried a pair of Sugoi firewall tights but they made too much noise so I sent them back. The TE person said that the PI AmFib tights make a lot of noise also. The Shebeest tights are quiet.
Kali, I'd be up for a more casual ride on the canal if it's not too cold and if you haven't retired your bike for the winter.
12-04-2006, 05:45 PM
The TE person said that the PI AmFib tights make a lot of noise also. The Shebeest tights are quiet.
The AmFibs are noisy when I'm walking, but I never hear from them when I'm riding.
12-04-2006, 05:56 PM
So you make me drive all the way through the District? Uh huh, I see how it is. ;) Eh, no worries.
The Bicycle Place is about as close to being in the District as possible without actually being in the District.
OK, it sounds like a plan. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with you two. :(
Let firm up the time as we get closer and can look at the morning temps, etc.
12-04-2006, 07:46 PM
I wore them commuting today and was very comfortable in the 32 degree, 20 degree wind chill weather this morning. .
Kudos to you for commuting on the bike today. I could hardly handle walking 10 minutes to school for something.
TE people suggested Sugio midzero tights for me. But theyr'e all out in my size. They look kind of extra high in the rise though. My Cannondales already come up to my ribs.
The Bicycle Place is about as close to being in the District as possible without actually being in the District.
Yeah, yeah, it just happens to be on the *other side* of the District from me. It's ok. I can handle it. ;)
I think a look to the forecast is in order for times. The route sounds good to me.
I just plotted some possible routes for when I go home to Georgia in a few weeks. One of them has a whopping 71 feet of climbing over about 23 miles.
12-05-2006, 02:53 AM
Yeah, great that you commuted! I haven't commuted since October 30th! :(
Just FYI - on Sunday's the BP doesn't open until 12 noon. There is their regular Sunday a.m. ride that departs at 8:30 (unless it's wet/raining/snowing, or below 28 degrees) and return around 10:45ish to hang, chat, drink coffee, and schmooze until the shop opens at noon. That ride is a true hammer ride - I think the term they use is "spritited." :rolleyes: Hopefully, in the Spring, I'll be in shape enough to hang with the B-group again. Aicabsolut - that might good a good group training ride for you to get in with.
I'd also be up for a casual ride. Still hoping/planning to get my mtb out on the C&O.
12-05-2006, 03:18 AM
Well, considering the pony is stabled right in my living room, it's never entirely "hung up for the winter" ;) I fully intend to keep it lubed and ready to go if the weather's good and I get an itch to ride, so yeah, I'd certainly be up for a towpath ride or a casual road ride. I think you're right, though, Nicole, that the relative shade makes the C&O chillier. Plus, there's no hills to get the muscles burning. If the forecast is for sun and at least 50 degrees, I could easily be coaxed out.
That said, I am looking forward to getting back out in the woods. I spent so much time on the bike this year, I'm starting to really miss some of the places where I used to hike!
12-05-2006, 06:07 AM
Are the BP rides always Sundays? That would work out for me in the spring some as my team rides will be Saturdays. I hope I can keep up too. At least the B group for my training rides will be no-drop. They say the testosterone tends to get the better of the A group anyway and a base training route could turn into a race.
Kali, I came upon some roads that would be great for your cross bike in Cville. SEemed to be pretty good packed dirt and crushed gravel. Some of the main roads out there are dirt so they are in decent shape. If you ever make a trip down there, I'll send you a map. (Some of those are flatter too, which is why I wanted to take them, but no, had to stop and turn around when the pavement ran out).
12-05-2006, 06:47 AM
I just plotted some possible routes for when I go home to Georgia in a few weeks. One of them has a whopping 71 feet of climbing over about 23 miles.
I did a ride on the Eastern Shore in October: 28 miles and 140 feet of climbing. That's why I want the Seagull to be my first (metric) century. Hopefully the weather will be better in '07.
12-05-2006, 07:01 AM
That's why I want the Seagull to be my first (metric) century.
You could also try the Asthma Ride in June. I'm going to try to do the century this year; did the metric in 2005.
12-05-2006, 07:44 AM
Kali, I came upon some roads that would be great for your cross bike in Cville. SEemed to be pretty good packed dirt and crushed gravel. Some of the main roads out there are dirt so they are in decent shape. If you ever make a trip down there, I'll send you a map. (Some of those are flatter too, which is why I wanted to take them, but no, had to stop and turn around when the pavement ran out).
That would be great, Catherine :D I've been trying to find some double-track or fire roads around here to ride, but most of it seems to be either private property or more technical than I'm ready for. I could easily make a vacation out of biking in C'ville combined with some Civil War site-seeing.
12-05-2006, 09:46 AM
Yes - the BP rides leave every sunday at 8:30 a.m. We can talk to the folks about it on the 17th (I think there's a waiver to sign - in case you crash. Dang lawyers! Oh are one!! :D )
I've heard that the June Asthma ride uses the Seagull route and 9 times out of 10 has MUCH better weather! That sounds like a winner to me! But that said, DH and I will probably be on the Eastern Shore next October for the Seagull. We've been there for the last 2 years in miserable weather....we figure statistics are on our side for eventually having nice weather. It was gorgeous in '00 when I first did it!
12-05-2006, 09:53 AM
Here you go, Kali:
It's a really long loop, but gives you a good idea about what roads are good.
Although L on Boonesville at the top of the map sucks, it's made worth it to do that left hand side (to Browns Gap Tpke) that direction, because you can really fly. Anything else is probably fine backwards, though I like Simmons Gap (right hand side) the N-S direction too.
Ridge Rd (next major left after Millington off Garth) is also dirt. I haven't checked it out, but it's supposed to be a good running route at least. It ends at Free Union a ways south of the post office.
Garth can be pretty hilly around Free Union (especially past it towards town), and it can be a busy road. Simmons Gap next highest for traffic, particularly near bottom end.
(You have to zoom in pretty far to see most street names--it's also a good idea to know the road numbers. Sometimes signs are names. Sometimes only numbers. Boonesville = 810 I think).
12-05-2006, 01:05 PM
Thanks very much, Catherine. That is a long route, but it looks like it'd be possible to modify it or break it up.
I haven't been to Monticello since I was a kid, so I'm definitely thinking this route could be part of a pretty cool vacation next summer. A little Revolutionary history, a little Civil War history, a little biking... Any really cool coffee shops or cafes in C'ville?
12-05-2006, 05:09 PM
You don't have to go that whole loop of course. It's easy to break up, since you can turn back to Free Union from a lot of places. (that road is about the same up or back). Taking Markwood instead of Simmons Gap cuts out some distance too. I've done a 25 mile version, a 34 mile version, and a 47 mile version of those roads (minus the dirt ones).
Mudhouse is probably the best coffee shop. Go to the one on the downtown mall. I think it's at the end with the theater. Greenberry's used to be good (there's one in the Barracks Rd shopping center--Garth Rd on the map turns into Barracks) but lately it's been so so.
You can find awesome pizza at Christian's (also on the mall), and great bagles at Bodos (one on the "Corner" at UVA, one on 29 near Barracks).
Let me know if you have any other questions.
12-11-2006, 02:11 PM
Forecast looking pretty good for the 17th so far. Any more thoughts about when to start?
Oh and you can thank me for the warm temps .... it's all because I just spent money on some SubZero tights which should arrive tomorrow. Now that I'd be prepared I won't need them. hmmph
12-12-2006, 07:52 AM
Forecast looking pretty good for the 17th so far. Any more thoughts about when to start?
9 or 9:30?
Oh and you can thank me for the warm temps .... it's all because I just spent money on some SubZero tights which should arrive tomorrow. Now that I'd be prepared I won't need them. hmmph
Thanks! that's the sort of thing that usually happens to me ;)
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