View Full Version : first spinning class

11-20-2006, 08:31 AM
Yesterday I started my first spinning session

the leader is one of the club hammer guys but really nice - he assured me it would be "no drop" :)

I didn't recognize any of the names on the sign up list but ended up knowing everyone there. No one but me who signed up showed up but everyone who was there were regular club riders.

We all laughed because we didn't recognize each other w/o our helmets

The coolest thing of all was when I walked in I saw luvn' austin from TE !
She is up to see her family for thanksgiving so I got to get a "ride" in with her again :)

As far as the class goes I kept up and didn't get dropped :p
Quality of the class - no comparison - it was my first one :)

11-20-2006, 04:53 PM
I've only been to a few spinning classes because of my schedule, but it's so addicting! I've even negotiated with DH so that I can go to a class tomorrow night while he's at a club meeting (normally we'd be playing rock, paper, scissors to see who would be taking the dogs to the dog park).

Good luck and have fun!

11-21-2006, 03:38 PM
Hi, eclectic! Sure is good to see your name on the board again. You mean they have spinning classes in the middle of North America? Will wonders ever cease? Okay, you know I'm kidding. Heck, I grew up in that area. You'll be in great shape for the ride to the Peace Gardens next year.

I love spinning classes but need to be consistent in going. Some days I'll go for two sessions back to back (two hours); the first time surprised me to no end. Easier done than said. ;)