View Full Version : 1/2 IM Prep

04-24-2004, 01:14 AM
Hi again all,

Still freshly inspired from my first OD a week ago, I have decided to do a 1/2 IM in mid-Sept this year. In between, I've lined up another 3-4 OD events.

Any guidelines on how I should go about upping my mileage in all 3 disciplines? I especailly concerned with how often I should be doing long rides and runs, and of course, how long these should be eventually!


11-26-2004, 11:51 AM
Training program will depend on each person. Recommend you plug into a number of sites on-line, do some homework and find a program that suits you. Go for it - and enjoy - it doesn't matter if you win and you can only lose if you quit

11-28-2004, 02:33 PM
1/2 IM training program (http://www.trinewbies.com/tno_HIM.asp)

This program comes from trinewbies.com. A couple of summers ago, when I was training for my 1st half, I worked out for 5, sometimes 6 days a week - focusing on my weaknesses more than my strengths. That meant two swims weekly - one of close to or longer than the 1/2 swim distance at race pace or slower, the other doing intervals/pyramids for whatever distance I felt like (I would bargain with myself!) to try and build speed. Running a short faster run (3-4 miles) and another longer, slower run (8-10 miles). Biking a longer bike (30-50 miles) with the bike club in a pack and a shorter bike (19-30 miles) on my own at race pace. Sometimes, something had to give. Other times, I took the day off if my body said so. I also threw in weight training 2xs a week, but I've also trained without it. Fuel up properly before/during/after, as nutrition is often called the 4th discipline. Good luck!


02-09-2005, 03:22 PM
As an athlete and a coach I have found that many ofthe pre-made plans just aren't personalised enough for those of us who have varied schedules and other committments. Here is one I like:

www.trainingpeaks.com is associated with Ultrafit, by Jow Friel; one of the best known coaches in the country. Through the site you can buy a training plan and then use the site to log miles, training info, as well as utilize the discussion forum. It goes hand in hand with his book the Triathlon Training Bible. Also available are a list of his associate coaches located throughout the US if you want individual coaching or swim lessons, etc.

The program is great because you can download GPS and HR info as well as make changes necessary to your goal races. It defines your plan based on what your weaknesses are ie: muscular endurance etc.