View Full Version : I think I found my sweet pup a new home!

11-09-2006, 08:07 AM
Well, it hasn't even been a week since I put out the "call" to find a new home for my 7 year old, 2 pound Maltese.

I have received 3 calls already.

One of the calls was from a retired lady who lives very close to me. She currently has 2 Maltese. One is very old and close to death, and the other is a puppy-mill rescue.

Tashia (my dog) and I went for a meet and greet last night, and the lady had a very nice house (she really takes care of her yard, etc. Good sign.), and the dogs were so sweet. Her dogs were well groomed and behaved.

Tashia snooped all around the house, and the other 2 dogs didn't really pay her any attention. Tashia seemed comfortable around the dogs and didn't act shy or aggressive towards them. My dog typically does NOT act this way around other animals. Tashia even found the water bowl and started drinking.

Then, after a couple of hours, she was going to be the backdoor to be let out!

So, I am taking her over there for a trial period to see if she will fit in with the household. If so, my baby will have a new home where she will get more attention and be around people and dogs just like her... more.

I just figured I would give you ladies an update since many of you urged me to try to find her a good home where she wouldn't be locked in a cage 12 hours a day.

11-09-2006, 08:34 AM

Congratulations - sounds like a wonderful place for your little maltese! Kudos to you for doing what's right for your baby - that can't be an easy decision to make.

We had to re-locate a golden to my dad's house. She had terrible allergies, we had been to specialists, and there wasn't much hope of keeping her comfy. Whatever she is allergic to is not where my dad lives (mountains). He's disabled, and she has become almost an assistant to him. She healthier and dad has a companion. So, it really was for the best. But I (sort of) understand what you must be going through.

Carrie Anne

11-09-2006, 11:00 AM
Wonderful KSH! It must be very difficult for you, but you are doing the right thing for both of you. Her new potential home sounds perfect for her.

11-09-2006, 11:23 AM
KSH, wow, that sounds too good to be true! :)
If it works out for your little dog, you will be able to feel so GOOD that you found her a home where she can be spoiled all day and have little buddies to play with. :p

11-09-2006, 11:25 AM
Great news, KSH! This sounds new home sounds like it is win-win for everyone. The universe answered your request! How wonderful!

Hugs and butterflies,

11-09-2006, 11:46 AM
I'm happy for you both KSH... I admire that you're doing what's best for your baby... that can be very hard to do... if only the "right" thing to do could always be the "easy" thing to do...

let us know how it works out...:)

11-09-2006, 11:48 AM
Sounds like a great home -- nice work in persevering to help your pup.

11-09-2006, 07:02 PM
That's wonderful! Maybe if it works out, the new owner wouldn't mind if you paid her a visit now and then.... :)

Very happy for you, and you are doing the right thing for your baby.


11-10-2006, 05:27 AM
That's wonderful! Maybe if it works out, the new owner wouldn't mind if you paid her a visit now and then.... :)

Very happy for you, and you are doing the right thing for your baby.


The new owner is very nice and lives very close. She said I am welcome to visit anytime. I do want my dog to get attached to her new home though, so I will stay away for awhile. I will call and check in on her though. I wanted to call this morning, but I will resist. I wonder how her first night went.

After I dropped her off last night and was so depressed and cried. But I told myself, no more crying from this point forward... because I did what was good for her.

The lady and I said she would "try her out" for 2 weeks, but I am pretty sure my little pup will not be coming home.

11-10-2006, 10:46 AM
After I dropped her off last night and was so depressed and cried. But I told myself, no more crying from this point forward... because I did what was good for her.

What a kind and loving thing you did for your little dog!!! :p :p :p

11-10-2006, 12:24 PM
The new owner is very nice and lives very close. She said I am welcome to visit anytime. I do want my dog to get attached to her new home though, so I will stay away for awhile. I will call and check in on her though. I wanted to call this morning, but I will resist. I wonder how her first night went.

After I dropped her off last night and was so depressed and cried. But I told myself, no more crying from this point forward... because I did what was good for her.

The lady and I said she would "try her out" for 2 weeks, but I am pretty sure my little pup will not be coming home.

I can't imagine how difficult it is to let her go like that, but you should hold your head up high knowing you did the right thing. You loved her so much, you set her free ;) By finding her a good home instead of taking her to the shelter or just "offering" her to whoever came first, you are miles ahead of so many people who get animals that don't fit with their lifestyles.

Good work, KSH. Maybe it's time for a cat, who could care less if you're around all of the time as long as you have food, a place to poop, and a nice set of blankets to sleep in. ;)

11-11-2006, 05:43 AM
I'm glad it's working out, KSH. I know it must be hard, but you're doing the right thing.

I became a foster parent to Wren the Rat Terrier yesterday. My best friend's mom lives near me and she is getting too frail to have a high-energy dog underfoot. I agreed to help her find a new home, if I couldn't keep her myself.

She is identical to my 20 yo Jack Russell in coloring, but Wren is really fat--as old ladies' dogs tend to get. She's only 3 years old, has papers, spayed and is really sweet. She also has spots on her back that look like a panda face. I would keep her, except I've been waiting for the day my JRT dies so I don't have to contend with half-inch long white hairs on everything. Wren sheds identically to Percy, and I just can't keep her. She sits on command, but is food obsessed. Well houstrained, though, and did learn to use the doggie door just by watching the other dogs. I hope to break her of the habit of standing on her hind legs to look at the table or counter. (She's too short to reach.) My dogs don't do that, although they do sit and stare at us while we're eating. She's also very quiet. I heard her bark a few times at some neighbors yesterday, but other than that she's silent.

So, if anyone is near Arkansas and would love a well behaved, full-blooded Rat Terrier that needs to be on a diet, I have one. She will only go to a home I approve, though.

11-12-2006, 03:26 PM
Tuckervill... what a cute dog! I hope you can find a good home for her.

I called the lady who took my dog... just to see how the past 3 days went. She told me that my dog is completely happy and hasn't peed on the floor.

My little pup has been sleeping in her bed and sitting on the couch with her to get some lovin'.

She assured me that my dog was happy ... and that she was in love with her and there was no way she could give her up.

I told her how happy I am... and I am! :)

11-12-2006, 03:51 PM
KSH I am so very happy everything has worked out so well. :)

11-12-2006, 05:33 PM
Absolutely great news! Congratulations for finding a match made in heaven. Sounds like your pup is a real happy camper! :)


11-12-2006, 06:44 PM
KSH...how incredibly WONDERFUL!!! I'm so happy for you! And for the old lady....and for your doggie too!!! :D :D :D

11-14-2006, 09:13 PM
Oh, KSH, what a wonderful way this worked out!

You did the right thing!

11-15-2006, 10:36 AM
Wow! You're very lucky this all worked out so well, and quickly too. I believe that when things work out that smoothly they were meant to happen. I'm happy for you and for your dog, you really are giving her a better life, which makes you a good guardian. I agree about the cat thing, if you like cats, they are much less maintenance than dogs and still provide companionship.
