View Full Version : Long Runs 10/30 - 11/6
11-04-2006, 08:05 AM
Today was a step-back day -- we only had to run 10 miles. The weather was great, but we're feeling tired for some reason. Today's 10 miles seemed harder than last week's 11, but somehow we're still managing to keep our 10-minute-per mile average pace. Only two more long runs before the half. I don't know how you ladies who train for marathons and more do it. You have my utmost respect. If you will excuse me, I'm going to crawl to couch now . . .
Good job on your 10-miler!
15 km for me... tomorrow.
Dear Partner is interested in running with me.
It will be in pouring rain... It has started, only to stop in March!!!
I'll also have a little 7km before dinner tonight...
11-04-2006, 11:39 AM
I have definitely felt bummed this week. On Sunday, I started to feel sick, and it's lasted all week. I don't feel totally sick, I don't have brain fog or anything, but I feel sick enough that if I run, it will push me over the edge. I have missed 3 days so far, today would be the 4th if I end up not running my 3 miles. Tomorrow is a 20-26 mile day, my last long run, and I really want to be able to finish it, so I'm tempted to not push at all today and just hunker down. I feel like I could have ran almost every day, but I always thought if I just protected myself I'd feel better the next day and be able to resume normal life. :mad:
Fingers crossed for feeling better so I can put all of the miles in tomorrow. ;)
Congrats to those of you who FINISHED your long runs this week, and good luck to those who have yet to start.
16 km: done, just below 1h30m. We even managed (barely) a negative split. Getting home within that time was all that held my running partner and I up running (up) on the hill as we made our way back home. It's a mile long at 5%, and really painful, but we made it!
Just reading about the 20-26 miles run of Colby hurts right now!!! My toes also took a beating: I have a blister on my big toe from hiking last weekend and it didn't enjoy the banging.
Thankfully next week there is no long run (rest week).
The good news is: if I can run 16 km and not totally feel like crap, then I can run a half-marathon, it's "only" 5 more km!!
I'll need a cold bath tonight.
Keep on running girls!!
11-05-2006, 04:56 PM
Fingers crossed for feeling better so I can put all of the miles in tomorrow. ;)
Well, today was an... adventure.
First 4 miles, ouch, that was rough. If the whole day had gone like that, I might have had to quit. But, the next 4 miles felt great, and the 4 miles after that felt great, too, so I thought I was all set. I was planning for over 20 miles, up to 24, so 12 miles was about my halfway point. I knew I couldn't make all 24 without filling my Camelbak and I really really had to pee, so I made a 2-mile loop and returned home for a pit stop. Filled up my water, told my husband I was about halfway done and if I completed the 3 loops I planned on doing, I'd be closer to 25 or 26 miles.
I set off on my second set of loops as if they were my first, a great mental trick. It was going pretty well, and physically I felt good. Well... at about mile 18, I started to wheeze. I thought "huh, that's weird" and walked it off. Started running again, half-mile later... wheeze. Okay, now I as starting to panic a bit. I decided I couldn't continue this way, and turned the corner for home, walking, still wheezing a bit... and the tears came. I was SO frustrated with myself that I couldn't finish. I realized after about a half-mile that I COULD walk and there was no reason I couldn't finish at least 20 miles by walking the last 2-3. That was rough. I felt physically good, except I couldn't get enough air in my lungs, so I ended up with side-stitches and wheezing and lightheadedness... ugh. It was SO frustrating to know that I COULD do it if it wasn't for being sick.
So, I walked to a quarter-mile hill and did a test. Could I run up the hill, and how did it feel? I did a test run, it felt fine. I ran up and walked down the hill 8 times :eek: and walked the last mile home, so I ended up somewhere between 20 and 22 miles and it took me about 4:30, all of that walking sure added a lot of penalty time. The marathon course is hillier than my normal run, so I know I'll be slower when that day comes, but the extra hills can't hurt ;)
When I got home, I felt a little wheezy and lightheaded again. After I iced my legs, I ran my sinus irrigator (which I've been doing daily anyway since I've been sick). Did make me feel better, now I just feel hungry and tired as usual.
All in all, I feel odd. I feel like I can definitely finish 26.2, but I feel disappointed that I didn't get a chance to do the long run I had hoped to do. This was my last one, now it's taper time. Marathon in 21 days.
11-05-2006, 06:30 PM
I ran 13.5 on Saturday and a recovery 5.25 on sunday. I felt pretty good on the run but boy did it take alot out of me. My legs would not relax Saturday night and I could not sleep. Does anyone else have this problem???? Sundays run felt like I was running in mud for the first 3 miles. Slow, slow slow!!
11-05-2006, 07:07 PM
I ran 13.5 on Saturday and a recovery 5.25 on sunday. I felt pretty good on the run but boy did it take alot out of me. My legs would not relax Saturday night and I could not sleep. Does anyone else have this problem???? Sundays run felt like I was running in mud for the first 3 miles. Slow, slow slow!!
My marathon plan always has the day after the long run free (I always do my long runs on Sundays). Even with the day off, if I do a 15+ mile run, that Tuesday after my Sunday long run still feels sluggish. They have been easier things, like 3xMile, or 6x880s, but they are rough.
Hey Colby... it sounds like you are ready for your marathon!
My long run today was 2.5 miles! :D
I know, that sounds pathetic... but for me... that's pretty darn good. Especially considering I didn't walk any of it.
Well, the rest of you ladies ROCK running as far as you do. I hope that is me... very soon!
11-05-2006, 08:10 PM
My long run today was 2.5 miles! :D
I know, that sounds pathetic... but for me... that's pretty darn good. Especially considering I didn't walk any of it.
2.5 miles with no walking is definitely a victory, and it's only November! ;) :D
Wow Colby, that looks like it hurts! Good for you for passing the 20-mile marker though. You'll be awesome on marathon day!
KSH, don't despair. Take it easy so you can keep improving...
I also take a day off after my long run (on Sundays) and Tuesdays are tough anyway. I think I'll start doing speed work again but on Wednesdays... I have dropped that for a while. But I shouldn't, really.
Funny, I had French (from France) colleagues in town today and I drove them around (in the POURING rain) and there were all these people running, even after dusk - Vancouver is a big running city - and they were just amazed, couldn't believe why so many people would hurt themselves like that! I must admit that, when I think about it... ouch.
11-06-2006, 04:00 AM
Grog -- sounds like you're doing great! That last hill sounds like a bear.
Colby -- hope you're feeling better. I think you're ready. On marathon day the adrenaline will get you through. And now that you're into your taper you'll get some extra rest, which it sounds like your body needs.
Shiraz -- yes, I sometimes have trouble sleeping are a long run or ride. In fact, I didn't sleep well last night. Although my legs were tired after Saturday's run,the weather was beautiful yesterday and I hadn't ridden my bike in a couple of weeks (yes, she was very lonely!), so we went out and rode for a couple of hours. Didn't sleep well last night after that and had to get up before 5:00 to run this morning. We normally run 3 on Mondays, but I did 1.5 miles and told my buddy he would have to finish without me today.
KSH -- you'll be out there running lots of miles soon. I'm happy to hear that you ran pain-free. That's the most important thing!
11-06-2006, 01:11 PM
Colby--sometimes I get that wheeze thing going when I start out to quick without a proper warm-up . . . but you would think that after 12 miles you wouldn't have that problem. Unless you took off a little quick after your bathroom break. Other than that, it sounds like you are doing great. You're going to kick some marathon azz.
I didn't mean to do a long run this weekend. I wanted to do a nice easy 6 mile trail run. My plan was to run out on the trails 30 minutes and then turn around. I must have taken one too many turns because when I came to the clearing after 60 minutes, I was at the opposite end of the state park from my car :eek:
At that point, I had three choices. 1) Jog back through the park on the trails I didn't know nearly as well as I thought I did. 2) Go westerly around the park, a shorter route but up a trecherous, long, heart-breaking hill 3) Head east, a 4.5 mile loop back, but flat with some slight downhill. I chose option 3.
I ended up with a nice 10.5 mile run. Thanks to all this marathon training, it was a piece of cake. A year ago I would have cried and maybe called DH to pick me up.
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