View Full Version : Shot Bloks, GU, Accelerade, Oh My!

10-16-2006, 08:08 AM
As some of you know I am throwing myself feet first into running. :) Now I need advice, suggestions, personal prefernces, etc., please.

I need to stay very hydrated. Yes, I am aware everyone needs to. :) I need to a tad bit more. I dehydrate eaisly and sweat profusely. If I do not stay almost over-hydrated, very nasty things happen (severe migraine, sugar bottoms out...).

So, I have been looking online and have found many seemingly wonderful products. Which is best? How do they taste? I can figure out when and how to take these suppliments, I just need some advice as to which is worth the money and which are not. Also, which are decent tasting verses tres nasty.

Right now I am looking at:
Clif Shot Bloks
Clif Shots
Accelerade (I assume this could be made up and carried in a bottle?)

The only one I can buy locally are the Clif Shots. So, I cannot taste test anything, without spending a fortune on S/H to try one little package. Such is my lot in life.

Any and all advice is as always greatly appreciated. TIA!

10-16-2006, 09:38 AM
I'm not a big fan of the gels, mainly because when I'm on the bike the stuff seems to end up everywhere: my chin, hands, handlebars... (same with my fluid replacement drinks). Plus, if there's no trash can handy there's no way to get rid of a sticky, used gel packet without shoving it back in your back pocket. I like the shot blocks a lot because they're easy to pop in and not messy at all... You can also adjust your caloric intake by the number of blocks you injest (each one is about 33 calories). Several of the flavors also come caffeinated. The only downside is they can stick to your teeth (like gummy bears) and you have to wash it down with something.

For my fluids, I have taken a liking to MotorTabs. They are tablets that dissolve in water, so you can keep extra tabs handy. They taste like (not so sweet) fruit punch and best of all, if they spill on me there is no stickiness involved.

10-16-2006, 10:01 AM
Clif Shots - the lemonady taste - is awesome, but I get pretty much the same result with $3/can lemonade (diluted at less than recommended strength) from the grocery store with a pinch of salt. Both taste great and have carbs + electrolytes.

10-16-2006, 10:48 AM
I've tried all the gels it seems. Running is particularly hard on my digestive system - but Accelerade gels are the easiest (a thinner consistency than others, so it feels you can drink it). It is also the only one recommended for activity over three hours. Others are designed for a quick burst for an hour's workout or two. Accelerade is also gentler on my stomach and it claims it is good for those that are hypoglycemic.

As for your electrolyte loss, try supplementing with tabs in addition to your gels.

10-16-2006, 11:33 AM
The only one I can buy locally are the Clif Shots.

I love the Shots over the gels.

Now, I have only cycled with them... so not sure how they sit on a tummy 8 miles into a run... but they are easy to handle (no sticky gel everywhere!), and yummy. I get the cran-razz... those are good. The orange is GROSS (although my boyfriend prefers them?)... and the strawberry are so-so.

10-16-2006, 11:40 AM
I like the Apple Cinnamon Hammer gel--especially this time of year.

10-16-2006, 02:26 PM
I myself am transitioning back to running from biking and finding it a bit difficult to adjust. What I am finding is that I prefer the gels while running because I can slip them in my little pocket or pin them to my shorts where the packaging of the shot blocks are bulky. I prefer the shots overall but they don't travel well unless you are using a fanny pack or stash them on the road with your water bottle. I find it hard to pack my water. But I am so happy to be running again.:D

10-16-2006, 02:50 PM
I appreciate all the responses, keep them coming, please. I was wondering how the different ones would be transitioning from biking to running. As I cannot bike right now I am limited to running, which is fine by me. I just need something I can carry with me. :)

10-16-2006, 02:55 PM
i use the carboom energy gels for running (and biking). i really like them.

Tri Girl
10-16-2006, 03:02 PM
Jennifer, I can get all that stuff right around the corner, and would be happy to send you some samples so you can find what you like. I had to try many diff. things before I decided what I liked. No need spending a fortune on something you may wind up hating.
I alternate between diff. things to keep it interesting. I tire easily of the same thing on long runs. I like the sport beans, and clif shot bloks, but gels are my old stand-by for shorter runs. On the longer runs (10+ miles) I bring a little variety to keep my taste buds happy. I like GU, but also like Hammer Gel and Crank. Just depends on my mood.

And, ummmmm, just wait a couple days and your mailbox might mysteriously bring you some samples of gels and Clif bloks......

10-16-2006, 03:06 PM
I like "chocolate outrage" gu. Tastes just like canned chocolate icing. It's one of those things you either love or hate. If you like chocolate icing, you might want to give it a try. I've actually never tried any other gel flavors because on the bike I tend to go for Clif bars or homemade cookies, bars, etc. over gels.

I run a little (and I do mean a little!), but not long enough to need to eat or drink anything during the run other than water. I just make sure to have a little snack beforehand. Tonight's snack wasn't too easy on the digestive system - a plum and some peanuts. Can you say intestinal cramps before 2 miles were up?! :eek:


10-16-2006, 03:33 PM
I bought a case of Accelerade Gel last year when I was training for the marathon. Turns out, I hate gels. Argh! I've been consuming them on my long runs, though, like a good cheap midwesterner. I don't like the consistency--hard to swallow--the taste--too sweet--the drip factor--I always manage to get some on myself. That said, they are very easy to carry on a long run. But when I run out, I won't be buying any more. I love the Clif Shot Bloks. The CranRazz are my favorite. I find them easy to eat out of my bento box on the bike, but it would be harder to carry them on a run, unless you run with a fanny pack type thing. The Sport Beans are good, and only a little bulkier than the gels. I particularly like the orange ones--a little salty, and not so sweet.

You must drink at least 4 oz water with any one of those things. I know you'll be on top of the hydration. On long summer rides, I take Accelerade in one bottle, and water in another. You can carry a little baggie of Accelerade to mix in your water bottle, if you don't mind carry stuff and stopping to mix it. That's never been worth it to me on a run. Eating on the long runs has made a huge difference for me. I can go about 8 miles before I really need to take in some calories. I could've used about double the amount of calories I took in on the marathon last year, but it's hard to carry that much stuff with you! :o So, I eat gels. I think I will try a Clif Shot or two, though, and see if I like them any better than the Accelerade gels. Good luck!

10-16-2006, 03:46 PM
how does everyone carry their water when they run? my goal is to run the 7 mile trail i use to hike all the time when i get back to phoenix. only problem is the heat and i know i'll have to carry water. i hate having things in my hands and have considered purchacing a small camelback, though don't want anything bouncing when i run. i know i'm so picky... don't even get me started on running pants!

Tri Girl
10-16-2006, 04:18 PM
If I need lots of water, I wear the Camelbak, but if I only need 20 oz, I'll wear my water belt (water bottle on belt thingy). The Camelbak has never bothered me, no motion on my back, but the sloshing sound drives my DH crazy when he runs with me. It doesn't bother me. Sometimes on the trail I run around here I wear my bottle belt, but stash an extra one, and loop back to get it when I run out of the one I'm carrying.

10-16-2006, 05:13 PM
I hate carrying things, and I hate wearing things. But. Sometimes you can't plan your entire route around water fountains in the parks. So I bought an Amphipod water bottle belt. It's not the easiest thing to use, but I can carry 32 oz of water. It doesn't slosh. I shove the belt as low as possible on my hips. It also has a pouch, making it easier to carry beans, bloks, or gels.

For runs < 5 miles, I plan around the water fountains. Alas, those will soon be turned off for the winter. :(

10-16-2006, 07:06 PM
I like "chocolate outrage" gu. Tastes just like canned chocolate icing.

Now that sounds good! I'll have to try that - I can easily pig out on chocolate icing. :)

I like gels when running. My blood sugar tends to be at the low end so I eat a half gel pack every half hour and it keeps me going. Power Gel makes a Vanilla and a Citrus flavor and I like both. Power Gel has started adding extra sodium, which can be helpful when you sweat a lot. My gel preference, though, is Gu. Orange and Lemon are both good, but always wash them down with water. Gu is a little bit thicker than Power Gel so it isn't as messy. I always stuff a baby wipe or two in my pockets along with the Gu packets 'cause I can't stand having sticky hands.

Besides gels, Sports Beans are handy and not as messy but if they get really hot they'll stick together, plus they rattle around in pockets, and they're chewy which I don't really care for when running and huffing and puffing.

CWR, I have a Camelbak Alterra which is a lumbar Camelbak, and I love it. After pulling it snug around my waist, I never notice any bouncing - that would bother me, too. It holds about 22 ozs. and it has a couple of small pockets in front for gels and a couple of zipper pockets in back for car keys, etc. I use it all the time for running 10 mile distances, etc.


10-16-2006, 08:09 PM
I like Gu pretty well, just tried out the vanilla bean it's pretty good. It's easy to get down even when I don't feel like eating, but I also like the Shot Blocks and Sharkies. I wash all three down.

Both are easy to carry and I don't have a problem with the wrappers, sticky or not ;).

I also favor the tried and true banana. I don't find myself enjoying bars as food during a long exertion effort, probably because they are dry and I don't need another thing taking away water from me, but they are fine for a pre-ride or snack.

For long rides it's 1 water 1 gatorjuice. Short rides 1 water. I've been running indoors so I just have water on the treadmill, but my sister who marathons (Chicago coming up) uses a "Fuel belt" which is a belt that can hold many little flasks of water or stuff. It also distributes the weight around the waist more evently.

10-17-2006, 04:04 AM
Banana strawberry power gel. Yeah, messy & icky especially when they smear on the cell phone in your jersey pocket, but it's better than littering. Problem is, they really need a good swig of water afterwards. I don't like to carry anything when I run either.

I'm a died-in-the-wool chocoholic, but cannot eat anything chocolate while I exercise. Gags me.

10-17-2006, 12:58 PM
I use gels, sport beans & blocks on long runs. It is nice to have more variety than just gels. The fruitier ones seem to be better. I am a diehard chocoholic, but the chocolate (or vanilla) gels just don't work for me. I do like the mocha, mocha.
I love, love, love the cran-razz blocks, but I have to stop to eat them. (One of these days I will remember to open the package before I head out.)
We are lucky to have a park with water fountains at about halfway on my normal 10 mile route, but for really long runs, DH wears a fuel belt and we refill with water. I also have running shorts that have a pocket across the back, so I carry the food.
Another option is to do loops and use your house or car as a rest stop.
Most larger races have samples in the race bags or somewhere. We are just finishing blocks from DH's Ironman in June and sport beans from the cycling championship Labor day. We love samples :)

10-17-2006, 03:30 PM
I am mostly a gel girl when running because of ease of consumption, ease on my stomach, and ease of carrying them. I did carry bloks once or twice, and they seemed fine, I just had to eat them more often.

Bloks, I liked Cran-Razz. Lemon-Lime tasted a lot like gummy gatorade. Easier to control what you take in in finite amounts, but I usually go by the clock and not how I feel anyway (or I'll eat too little and it'll be too late).

Gels... I'm not sure about the caffeinated ones. I'm not sure I really need the caffeine, let alone throughout some of the longer runs. It didn't seem to have any adverse affect when I tried it, but generally I try not to consume it unless I need/want it...

Clif gels: I like Razz which tastes like syrupy raspberries, Vanilla tasted like vanilla icing, strawberry was really good but caffeinated, orange cream tastes JUST like creamsicles (which I hate, but if you love creamsicles you have to try it), and I haven't tried chocolate yet.

Gu gels: I like banana a lot, the texture doesn't make me want to spit it out first thing in the morning (kind of mushy, like a banana!). I tried their tri-berry, which is good but caffeinated, and I think most of the rest are caffeinated as well. So far I haven't spent a lot of time in the chocolate/vanilla/mocha flavors in most brands, I'm just getting to trying them (fruit seemed easier to stomach to start out with).

Hammer gels: I've only tried one or two Hammer flavors, but the raspberry was really good, better than Clif's Razz. Too bad my local REI doesn't carry hammer, I'm going to have to buy them online. I would like to try more flavors.

I have not tried Accelerade's gels yet, but might to get some protein in on my longer runs.

I did not like PowerBar's gels at all, they tasted too much like PowerBar bars. ;)

Sport Beans: good, but I don't like the sugary feeling on my teeth. I guess I have a similar problem with the bloks, while they are both more satisfying to eat than gels, I still get the feeling of stuff on my teeth. That's okay for shorter runs, but the longer the run, the more irritated I get by that feeling on my teeth that just won't wash away with water :)

As for water, I carry the Camelbak Flashflo, which will also hold gels/beans/bloks along with my cell phone and ID/credit card. I usually carry it for any run longer than an hour (6 miles or more, assuming 10 minute miles), and for shorter runs I consume gel and plenty of water beforehand. I do miss the Camelbak sometimes on those 4-6 mile runs, but it's a lot of effort for less gain than on the long runs where it's really necessary. I tried carrying bottles, and I hated it. Haven't tried backpack style Camelbak yet, or a fuel belt which is another similar option (the Camelbak is a little more easy to access, but some of those fuel belts might carry more, and let you vary water/electrolytes).

I was a skeptic about experimenting with what I eat during training, but it has really helped to try different brands, flavors, and items during some of my runs. I'm going to run the distance anyway, might as well try something new.

Happy running :)

10-25-2006, 07:04 AM
Another Camelbak Flashflo user here, I use it on most runs as I like to sip all the time and get an annoying dry mouth otherwise. It takes approx 1.5 litres of water plus space for keys/gels/phone/stuff. It doesn't bounce at all but I have it cinched down as much as I can and still breathe. Because I am short (5ft 4) it feels a little big on my back initially but I forget about it once running.

I don't think it sloshes that much, but I do suck all the air out a Camelbak bladder before doing anything.

Have only just started experimenting a bit with gels - like the High5 lemon Cola one (its caffeinated), the PowerBar Vanilla one was a bit yuck though, I have a strawberry one (I think) to try. I don't want to use them all the time but I thought it would be good to carry one or two in my Flashflo as my long run mileage increases. When I was doing eight mile runs at the beginning of the year I would start to feel like I was in need of some calories (I run at lunchtime before lunch) and gels could be a convenient way of doing this. Also thought they would be useful as emergency rations on hikes/long mtb rides.

10-25-2006, 09:12 AM
I just started experimenting with flavoring my own plain GU's. I got some soda extracts at a brewing store and started mixing cola and ginger-ale into just plain GU. I must say I like the results. Maybe I'll try rootbeer next :p Otherwise the only flavors I find tolerable are bananna and vanilla.

10-25-2006, 05:34 PM
Clif gels: I like Razz which tastes like syrupy raspberries, Vanilla tasted like vanilla icing, strawberry was really good but caffeinated, orange cream tastes JUST like creamsicles (which I hate, but if you love creamsicles you have to try it), and I haven't tried chocolate yet.

I forgot to post that I tried the chocolate flavor... I had to chew it, it was a little too thick for my tastes. Tasted chocolatey, just too thick ;) I'm still a little mixed on the vanilla, I find it less strong than the raspberry and banana, but it's not my favorite. Good to have around I think for something different.

10-25-2006, 06:40 PM
Wow, thank you all for your opinions. This thread is so very helpful. Thanks. :)

roadie gal
11-02-2006, 09:29 AM
I'm getting in on this thread a little late, but...

I need a lot of water, too. I use a Camelbak Flashflo - a fanny pack that holds 45oz of water. I put a clip on the tubing so it's right up near my shoulder and I don't have to fiddle with it or go looking for the end when I'm running.

For some calories I use Amphopod flasks hooked onto the belt of the Camelbak filled with Hammer Perpetuem, Gatorade or other liquid. It looks goofy, but it works really well.

I've found that I can't coordinate opening GU on the run. I suppose you could put it in a flask in your pocket, but the liquid works better for me.

11-02-2006, 10:54 AM
Roadie Gal,
Have you tried Using Hammer Gel in a Flask? I've just got some, and will be expermenting over the weekend...

11-02-2006, 11:36 AM
CWR, I have a Camelbak Alterra which is a lumbar Camelbak, and I love it. After pulling it snug around my waist, I never notice any bouncing - that would bother me, too. It holds about 22 ozs. and it has a couple of small pockets in front for gels and a couple of zipper pockets in back for car keys, etc. I use it all the time for running 10 mile distances, etc.


I have a Camelbak Bluewater lumbar pack. I love it for biking but I hate the way the hose swings and bounces when I run. I've just ordered a Nathan Triangle bottle belt. I'm hoping I'll like that better.

I love ShotBloks (Crann-Razz rocks!) for rest stops but the chewing-while-running thing, not so much. I'm going to give GU a try.

11-02-2006, 12:18 PM
Jennifer, here are several links that you might find helpful from bicycling.com on staying hydrated and fueled during endurance activities:


11-02-2006, 03:44 PM
I like the shot bloks a lot. They are much better than gels, IMHO. I got some samples with the last pair of shoes I ordered. If you use gels, just make sure to drink at least a cup of water with it or you could be more prone to stomach problems.

11-02-2006, 04:12 PM
I've just ordered a Nathan Triangle bottle belt. I'm hoping I'll like that better.

I bought one and I have used it a few times. I still have not found a place I like it. I need to maybe place it lower on my hips? I shall keep experimenting.

11-02-2006, 04:13 PM
Jennifer, here are several links that you might find helpful from bicycling.com on staying hydrated and fueled during endurance activities:


Thank you. I will print these out. I cannot even get midly dehydrated and running around with a full tummy of water does not work-I tried. :(

roadie gal
11-03-2006, 09:27 AM
I've tried the Hammer Gel. I like the plain and vanilla or mixing the berry with plain. I went back to Gu because I wasn't using the gel fast enough and I was getting worried about it spoiling in the big flask once it was opened. I don't worry about the little sealed foiled packs the same way.

Roadie Gal,
Have you tried Using Hammer Gel in a Flask? I've just got some, and will be expermenting over the weekend...

11-06-2006, 06:27 PM
I tried some more gel flavors and thought I'd report back.

REI had Gu Strawberry-Banana... MMMMM tasty! It has a lighter texture than the banana flavor, and when you burp it back up (as is inevitable) it's really not noticeable. It's a really gentle flavor.

I also decided to try some of the caffeienated flavors. I can't really tell about the caffeiene, but it's pretty low on the list of ingredients.

Gu Tri-berry: better than Clif Razz. All of the Clif ones have that brown rice syrup flavor, and Gus and Hammers don't seem to. Cliff Razz is caffeiene-free though.

Gu Espresso: tasted like espresso. ;) It was actually better than I expected. I wasn't sure about the coffee flavor, but it turned out to not be so bad. If you like coffee and can tolerate that taste while running, it would work well.

I also picked up Clif Mango flavor and Gu Vanilla flavor, maybe even Gu chocolate, but I haven't tried them yet. Strawberry-banana is my new favorite, though I got as many regular bananas also so I have a little variety. I like having one or two that I know is good to come back to every so often. Hopefully strawberry-banana is a regular flavor.

11-06-2006, 07:34 PM
without getting too much over my (and everybody else's) head, Clif is organic, so they can't can't use Maltodextrin (which is modified corn starch, not to be confused with the infamous High Fructose Corn Syrup), The different manufacturers will vary the mix of the sugar(s) according to their theories (i.e, Hammer doesn't believe you should ingest anything ending with -ose)
Read the links that Indy Steel provided, Good Stuff