View Full Version : Some thoughts about the earthquake in hawaii

Running Mommy
10-15-2006, 07:25 PM
So as I was driving home from San Diego today listening to the CNN coverage on the quake an immediate thought came to mind. Today was the day that they USUALLY have the Ironman world championships in Kona!!! For some reason they changed it this year to the following weekend... And I also seem to remember hearing some scuttle butt about that. I bet those folks are thanking their stars now! When it happened there would have been 2000 athletes in the water just starting their swim. And from what I heard the queen K hwy up to Hawi is a MESS! they even referenced some Im athletes training on the road when the boulders came down! :eek:
YIPES!!! Now that would make me pick up the pace on the bike!!
All I can say is WHEWWW!!!
Now I just hope they can get everything in order to race next weekend. And I also really feel for those who lost their homes. I'm sure it's pretty bad in some of the more rural (read poorer) areas.

10-15-2006, 09:48 PM
A earth sciences grad student and friend of mine told me tonight that Hawaii was the world's most unlikely place to have an earthquake, too (despite the volcanos).

I feel sorry for the competitors too. I hope everything will be okay for them and everyone else...

10-16-2006, 03:21 AM
As an update to news reports, Ironman has been in continuous contact with state and local authorities assessing the situation from this morning's earthquake in Hawaii. Ironman's foremost mission is the safety and care of the Kona community, event volunteers and its Ironman athletes. While reports from the local/state authorities and the resort management agencies are still coming in, local daily operations are resuming and proceeding as normal. Contingency plans are in place regarding the Ford Ironman World Championship event, but at the present time, no alterations to the event or course are necessary. We, at Ironman appreciate all the calls of support and should anything change in the next few hours or days, Ironman will release all information via the website, www.ironman.com as quickly as possible.

(I've never heard of an earthquake in HI before!)

Two weeks till IM FL...

10-16-2006, 04:58 AM
For anyone else who is interested in Hawaii and earthquakes - apparently smaller quakes there are quite common (per the link I've included below, on the scale of thousands per year) and are often related to the volcanic activity. Here's an article about the Big Island and earthquakes: http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/hazards/earthquakes.html. (Source of article: US Geologic Service)

10-16-2006, 05:05 AM
checking the map of likely earthquakes


10-16-2006, 05:57 AM

10-16-2006, 05:58 AM
We've been having some little ones here at Mt. Rainier. Usually Mt. Rainier is pretty quiet. Or at least, Mt. St. Helen's gets all the attention.

And Mt. Baker throws out a huge steam cloud every so often. (that gets exciting)

10-16-2006, 07:52 AM
Two of my cycling buddies are competing next weekend at Kona. I haven't heard from them so I'm hopin' and prayin' they're OK. The local news reported that LAX Int'l was jammed with passengers stranded because of canceled flights to Hawaii, some of them camped out at the airport for up to ten hours. :eek:

10-16-2006, 08:15 AM
We've been having some little ones here at Mt. Rainier. Usually Mt. Rainier is pretty quiet. Or at least, Mt. St. Helen's gets all the attention.

And Mt. Baker throws out a huge steam cloud every so often. (that gets exciting)

I'd call that scary... If either of those gets mad, Seattle won't have a good time! (Nor probably will Vancouver.)

10-16-2006, 11:19 AM
My coach is in Kona right now. I believe everything should be in order for Saturday - otherwise how heartbreaking to do all that training only to have a little act of nature throw a wrench into it!

We're all going to be tracking him on Ironmanlive on Saturday and referring to this race now as the EarthquakeMan.

10-16-2006, 05:18 PM
Wow. Boulders raining down on the Queen K.

The competition is next week, the NBC broadcast isn't until December! How to wait, how to wait? (Have no choice, have no choice! :p )

10-16-2006, 06:32 PM
Growing up in Hawaii, I remember feeling an earthquake or two... nothing quite like the frequency in CA though. I haven't been able to reach my family yet due to the phone circuits being overloaded. They are on a different island though so I'm not too terrified... Here's wishing everything returns to normal there soon!

10-16-2006, 08:30 PM
LL_Super_D "I haven't been able to reach my family yet due to the phone circuits being overloaded. They are on a different island though so I'm not too terrified... "

LLSD, I hope your family is all ok.

This goes double for all in quake/huricane/tornado/monsoon country.

Everyone should have an emergency plan that includes phone contacts.

This is the reason why.

All circuits are busy for a reason.

Your central office (where your dial tone comes from) is an amazing thing, yet it was never meant to be able to carry the traffic of all the thousands in some areas millions of numbers it maintains ALL AT ONCE.

Same goes for wireless traffic.

In an emergency when everyone picks up the phone to call or see if the phones work or call the neighbor or....the sytem shuts itself down to protect the capability for all.

In a quake etc stay off the phone, if you're ok stay off the phone, if you're not quite ok but believe you can make it for 24-48 hours stay off the phone.

Leave the dial tone for emergency personnel.

If it is a life threatening emergency dial 911 of course.

Those of us in quake country it's a good idea to have the POTS (plain ol' telephone service) numbers for police emergency fire on your fridge, and programed into cell.

911 could be down.

At that point whether POTS or 911 if you get slow dial tone (delayed) or no dial tone do...not...hang..up and try again! Stay on the line, wait, it will be there...just wait...see! There it is.

Make your call, hang up.

If you're in a disaster prone area it's a good idea to have a family call tree. Pick a family member outside of your area, aunt Gladys in Peoria for example. She's 80 and retired and unless she's out on another double century she'll be home ;) :rolleyes: :cool: She will be your contact each hurricane season.

Once you're able to call aunt Gladys, tell her you are ok...or not... if there's something you need like "send Dove chocolate" tell her. Everyone else calls her and not into your area.

Also everyone should have at least one plain ol' no frills no fancy c*&^ phone that does not use AC power. Power is off? Your phone still works but not if the cordless is the only phone in the house.

another good thread here:


10-17-2006, 03:19 AM
We're fortunate to have you as a knowledgeable resource here, Trek.

During the Gulf war, my sister lived in Tel Aviv. The first time the SCUDS hit Tel Aviv, of course I tried to call her, and couldn't get through. I called the operator--"Can I not get through because the lines are tied up, or because there's no there to get through to?" She informed me that the lines were being used for official calls, which told me there were at least officials who could still be on the phone over there. A good lesson.

10-17-2006, 06:59 AM
Lise "We're fortunate to have you as a knowledgeable resource here, Trek."

Lise, we have a lot of knowlege on this board. ;) :cool:

from bee docs to birthin' babys. OK headed out the door.

10-17-2006, 08:00 AM
We've been having some little ones here at Mt. Rainier. Usually Mt. Rainier is pretty quiet. Or at least, Mt. St. Helen's gets all the attention.

And Mt. Baker throws out a huge steam cloud every so often. (that gets exciting)

"I don't know,
I don't know,
I don't know where I'm 'a gonna go
When the volcano blow"

Sorry...couldn't help my parrothead self :rolleyes:


10-17-2006, 11:05 AM
The competition is next week, the NBC broadcast isn't until December! How to wait, how to wait? (Have no choice, have no choice! :p )

:eek: are you serious! i won't be here!!! are they going to have it on OLN i'm sorry i mean VS. earlier? anyone know?