View Full Version : Race report

10-07-2006, 12:21 PM
Well I did an off road tri today. Run, paddle, bike. So because it was race day, we had a monsoon, a Nor'Easter. Buckets of rain all day yesterday and wind like you cannot believe. It always rains buckets when we rain, so nothing new there.

The run was first ,three miles. The DH and I did a good warm up run about an hour before the race, so I was good to go. There were probably about 200 or so people. The gun goes off, and we start running. Now any of you that have followed my threads about training know that I do not consider myself a runner.

Well Not Any More. I passed people. Lots of people...me!!! I just got my pace going and let all of the front runners go out and burnout, and then I reeled them in. It was great. I PASSED PEOPLE!!!! I managed to maintain about an 8 min mile pace. The run was a little short, probably more like 2.7 miles.

Next we got in to kayaks and paddled. Well the lake was ripping, and the wind was horrible. I almost gave up during the first 5 mins. But I just got away from the other boats and gritted my teeth and hunkered down and got it done.

The bike was easy, a flat 5 mile trail. I did not see any other women around me, so I figured they were out in front and that I was probably in the top 5 or 6. I jumped up in to my big chain ring and just hammered it. My legs were feeling it a little, but I figured I could suck it up for 20 mins.

I passed some guys and came hauling butt into the finish and my DH was there holding up his pointer finger...Number One...

I WON!!!!! First woman to cross the line!!!! Not bad for a middle aged mt biker chick.

The best part was that at the finish line, some guy says hey...congrats...you must be like what...38 years old... DH laughed at him and says she is 45 next month.

Now I get to gussy up and go to a wedding, and there will be cake and bubbly!!!


10-07-2006, 12:39 PM

Tri Girl
10-07-2006, 12:45 PM
I'm grinning so big right now, you'd think I won! I'm so happy for you!!! Congrats on a first place finish! Amazing!!!!
Loved the race report, and although the weather didn't cooperate, you didn't let it bother you and you killed the competition! Amazing!!!!
Enjoy the wedding tonight! It'll be a dual celebration for you!

p.s. an off-road tri sounds so cool! I'd love to try one someday!

10-07-2006, 04:02 PM
Congratulations! You rock! (Pun intended. ;) ) You definitely earned the bubbly. I agree with trigirl -- this off-road tri sounds like something I'd like to do!


10-07-2006, 05:02 PM
Wow, that sounds sweet, and you did GREAT! CONGRATS!!! :D :D

10-08-2006, 05:09 AM
ya know....I know it is not much compared to the iron babes on this site...but it was really fun, and winning does not stink!!!!
I really like the off road races, it is a different vibe than some of the tradition races I have been too. Must be the mud!!!!
