View Full Version : a milestone of sorts...

10-06-2006, 09:53 PM
I know this won't sound impressive to you experienced runners, but tonight at the gym I ran a 5k on the treadmill. Now there are two important points here. 1. I ran the whole time, no walk breaks and I didn't feel like I needed any. 2. I ran it in about 39 mins.

I hopped on the bike after to try do a brick since I think I am going to try and do an end of october duathlon... and was happily cranking away when the gym lady informed me I had to leave cause they were closing (didn't know they close the work out area a 1/2 hr before actually closing).

I can't remember the last time I've done this. I have completed several 5ks in recent years by running/walking, but never feeling like I could run the whole time. And my times have always been above 40 mins unless you go back to when I ran in high school. I don't know how my running fell off the map so much, especially since I have from time to time tried to train for an event, and been generally active outdoors.

I guess I am realizing that w/cycling I managed to establish a base level only by doing it for several months. I guess the same is probably needed for running. I realize I am just beginning w/running, and it is very different from cycling. However, it seems like I can realize faster improvements because of my cycling.

Anyway, it's kind of a cool feeling. I am resting tomorrow, cycling on Sunday, but will run again on Monday and I'll see how it goes!

10-06-2006, 10:41 PM
Congratulations! I remember the first time I was able to run a 5k on the treadmill without walking. It is such a great feeling and no small feat. I know a lot of people who run often who still struggle to finish a 5k without walking. Great job!!! :D

On a side note- I found it much easier to establish a base cycling than running. I am not sure what the difference is, but it sounds like you now have a very solid base for running.

10-07-2006, 01:08 AM
Awesome Job. I do brick workouts every week training for a race. Tough stuff.
It is very exciting when you hit a running milestone...I tell everybody that will listen about my milestones....hmmm, no wonder people at work are avoiding me!!!



10-07-2006, 06:04 AM
Congratulations Ty! I think we all remember the first time we ran a 5K without stopping -- I sure do! Keep up the good work. I think you'll find that running and cycling are complimentary sports -- I think I'm a much stronger runner since I started riding. Keep us posted on your training for the duathlon.


10-07-2006, 06:27 AM
Congratulations! What a great feeling. Good for you for turning it into a brick, too. Will this be your first duathlon?

10-08-2006, 12:37 PM
Yes, it will. But I hope not the last, and that I'll move on to tri's next year. I swam when I was a kid but it wasn't really my forte. That's the biggest hurdle.
I'm not too worried that if I just keep on running I will shave time and eventually be reasonably competitive since I did run track and I have some memory of competing. Swimming, though, is just something I don't have a lot of technique or competitive backround in. I swam as a 7-10 year old or something in a club and I wasn't too fast. Skinny arms and legs. I don't really hope to be competitive there, just to get thru it.

At the end of the day I am hoping this du will be a baseline for me for winter training. And I do not maintain exercise well without some kind of goal, I've realized.

I just joined USAT last night. Can't wait til I get the magazines! That should keep me motivated too.