View Full Version : I used to be....

10-05-2006, 09:59 AM
I used to tell everyone I was a runner who cycled. Then I was a cyclist who cross trained by running. Lately, I am an overweight version of the woman I used to be. In August in retreated to the luxury of air conditioning. In September I patiently waited for my DH to recover from a hospital stay and used it as an excuse to do nothing. Now it is October, I can barely fit my clothes and I have had enough.

Tonight I will go on my first run in over a week. The past few weeks I have ran about once a week. How do we let ourselves fall in these ruts? Tonight I will start easy with a 20 minute run. I am breaking out- wish me luck!!

10-05-2006, 10:12 AM
Aggia Ama,

It only takes one 30 minute run or one 30 minute bike to get back into it. You are planning to run 30 minutes tonight, that is the first step!!! That is awesome!!!! Way to go!!!! :D :D :D :D

Just remember to not push it too hard too fast, becuase you may not be able to enjoy it. Slowly get into it and you'll be back to your old self in no time!!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

Roshelle from Milwaukee

10-05-2006, 11:27 AM
all that matters is your getting back out there. you can't change the past, only work on the future. if i could change the past i would take back a lot of the cr@p i've eaten in the past month and with working on feild work i haven't been working out as much. i'm feeling very blah! i'm trying to get back on the wagon with you. i support you 100%!

10-05-2006, 12:50 PM
Right there with you and supporting you. Ruts are yucky!!!! and I think there is some kind of depression that sets in (maybe withdrawel from the working out endorphins) when you take too much time off.
Just do a little, and when those endorphins kick in again you will be back on track.

10-05-2006, 12:56 PM
I'm well familiar with the rut! But you've already taken action to get out of it, so you're well on your way. I find it helps to lay out my running clothes the night before and tell myself that I'm going to put them on the minute I get up. If I do that, I'm much more likely to go out the door than to talk myself out it again. Good luck, keep us posted. I, too, will be doing a lot more running than riding as the weather gets cold, so I'll need my own reminders!

10-05-2006, 02:15 PM
See I knew I would find the support here! And I knew if I put it on TE I would feel like I had to do it. Off to start being me again. ;)

10-05-2006, 03:11 PM
You still are a runner girl and a biker chick....you always will be. You just have to let her out again.

Tri Girl
10-05-2006, 03:40 PM
I know what you mean! It's been months since I dragged my butt outta bed for pre-work workouts. See, now you've inspired me to just go do it in the morning.
You can do this, Amanda. Like Cheri said, once those endorphins kick in, you'll be back on the wagon in no time! We'll be here to either kick your butt, or support you when you need a tender ear to listen. We're good for both!
Now- get out there and run your little legs off!!!

10-05-2006, 04:23 PM
You still are a runner girl and a biker chick....you always will be. You just have to let her out again.

Thank you!!

Day 1- Finding the Old Ama

I went down to my favorite running path today. It was still pretty hot, muggy and my allergies are pretty bad right now but I refused to let this sideline my run. I started out and really felt pretty awful from wearing heels today. Most of the run I felt like a newbie (note to self- drink more water) but I kept on pushing. I made it 21 minutes before I had to walk. I walked for about one minute and then pushed along. I ended up having to walk to more times before I made it to end of the trail.

Overall I ran 34 minutes with about 3 minutes of that walking. I feel very good about my efforts and remember why I enjoy running. I have really missed it.

Tomorrow I will pull my bike out and hit the road for about 19 miles after work. I will not let myself sit on my butt!

I might need some gentle TE pushing, my DH and I always do a hilly 5 mile "Turkey Trot" on Thanksgiving morning. After today I know I am not anywhere near where I want to be.

Tri Girl
10-05-2006, 04:50 PM
Great job Amanda!!!! :D

10-05-2006, 07:01 PM
good job! you got out there, so what if you had to walk more than run, you did it!

tomorrow when you pull the bike out you'll remember how much you love it too.

way to go!!!! go amanda, its your birthday, go amanda. :cool:

10-05-2006, 07:02 PM
I run and bike as well (or I used to). Not a very fast runner or biker. About a month or so ago, my knees starting hurting on the uphill portion of my run. I stopped to walk and then tried to run again. And the knees started to hurt once again.

I decided to take some time off from running to give my knees a break. And guess what happened? I just took some time off of everything. Didn't walk, didn't bike, and didn’t go the gym for spin class or weight training. In the last 4 - 6 weeks, I would be lucky if I have run/biked/exercised/anything 4 - 6 times. Okay, maybe not that bad but pretty close.

I tried running last week on the treadmill and had to stop after 1/2 a mile. I successfully ran 3 10Ks in the last 8 or 9 months so I know that I can build back up to my 6.5 mile runs slowly.

Tomorrow is a new day and I'll start it with some type of physical activity.

10-05-2006, 07:04 PM
Excellent! Sounds like you're already on the road to coming back strong!

You can come back from "ruts". I had a BIG one when my dad died in a car accident last October. Didn't do much of any exercise besides walking the dog for months afterwards. Just sat on the computer and wrote and wrote, and curled up in bed and read and read. Cried a lot too.

Slowly but surely, over the course of the late winter, spring and summer, I started hiking and weight-lifting, then mountain biking, then trail running, road riding again, and even got in a few paddles (kayak) recently. I feel stronger than ever and am enjoying all the activities even more.

You'll do it too. :)


10-05-2006, 07:12 PM
Go get 'em Aggie! And stop being so hard on yourself. Life Happens! You are smart enough to acknowledge the negative and counter it with a positive!

You'll be back to par before you know it! :)

10-06-2006, 01:31 AM
The Turkey Trot is still 6 weeks away...you can do it....putting a race on the schedule always keeps me on the straight and narrow.

Hope you had a good ride today.

10-06-2006, 05:29 AM
I'm just a newbie here, but I wanted to chime in since your story is so familiar and say way to go on the run! :) I understand what you're going through. Long boring story, but I became physically unable to work out at all seriously for about 1 1/2-2 yrs. Though we'd go for hikes or ride our bikes, I'd pay for it afterward. Recently I decided I'm repaired enough to get my fat arse up and start moving again regularly. Well, the first couple early mornings were NOT easy, but I did it. Then I realized that not even a week into setting my alarm to get up, I was waking on my own - and even much earlier - because I couldn't wait to get outside! I think cherinyc is spot-on with her thoughts on endorphin effects.
Anyhoooo....have a SUPER ride tonight! :D

10-06-2006, 10:37 PM
Day 2

I did not make it to ride today. DH got home late and we didn't have enough daylight. Damn traffic for the UT-OU game doubled his commute. I was not going to use it as an excuse to be a lazy bum. I went to the fitness center and hit the treadmill. I ran 2.25 miles in 20:46. That is slow compared to the 3.5 miles I was doing in 30 minutes, but I know I must build my base back up. I am a little sore, but satisfied. Tomorrow we are definitely riding before hitting the LBS to do my SS shopping.

Thanks for all the cheering, it means so much to know I am not the only one to ever feel like this. I will climb out of the rut- one small workout at a time!

10-08-2006, 11:54 AM
I made it to ride yesterday. DH and I did a wonderful 18.37 mile loop. The hills were hard, but overall I was still able to maintain a good pace. I felt much more tired than I normally would on this route. We have decided to do a Metric 11/11, so I need to get back on the bike. My next ride will be Tuesday evening, I forgot how much I love cycling.

10-08-2006, 12:38 PM
Slowly but surely, over the course of the late winter, spring and summer, I started hiking and weight-lifting, then mountain biking, then trail running, road riding again, and even got in a few paddles (kayak) recently. I feel stronger than ever and am enjoying all the activities even more.


Tri Girl
10-08-2006, 01:03 PM
You're doing great, Amanda! Just hang in there, and you'll be back at it in no time.

Oh, and BTW, I'm glad that we don't have to deal with all the UT-OU crap this weekend. If the game ever comes up here, I'm moving. Yikes! It's bad enough that I live within earshot of OU, I can't imagine the mayhem down there. Sorry you have to deal with it!!! Sooner fans can be pretty obnoxious (but then again, I'm sure UT fans are just as bad). I'm glad it's over for you!

10-11-2006, 07:51 PM
UT fans are annoying when you are an Aggie and want to get home on Friday! I was fortunate to be home napping that afternoon.

So I took a break Sunday, was exhausted from taking my DH to doctor's appointments Monday and lazy last night. Tonight I wasn't going to sit at home. I went down to the fitness center at my apartment and pushed myself to 3.35 miles in 30 minutes. It was hard, but I am happy I did it. Tomorrow DH wants to ride- yippee!! It is supposed to be cool, I might have to break out the arm warmers. ;)

10-11-2006, 08:01 PM
Great job, ladies. :D Sometimes you just have to imagine your TE peloton is there with you... we're your virtual cheerleader! http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/colby-digital/cheerleader3.jpg

10-12-2006, 04:52 AM
Amanda somehow I missed this thread. You are doing great! And you are not alone in working out. You can and will do it, we all will. :)

10-17-2006, 04:15 AM
Don't listen to your head. There is a lazy fat person in there saying, "Hey, you can do this tomorrow. You had a hard day. Sit down, take it easy, you deserve it. Here, have some ice cream. You can work it off tomorrow."

Or- in my case as a morning exerciser - that person tells me - "Hey, you can go after work tonight. The gym will be mysteriously empty/the streets will be vacant and the sun won't be shining at that horrendous angle. You'll be invigorated after working nine hours straight and ready to hit it hard!"

I envision that person on my shoulder. I tell her to go back into her cave.

10-17-2006, 05:49 AM
Don't listen to your head.

I envision that person on my shoulder. I tell her to go back into her cave.

That is great advice, until the voice in my head becomes my cheerleader! Lately I have had a great cheerleader on my shoulder. Sunday night she urged me to keep running even though it was humid and I felt every painful step. Last night she encouraged me to charge up a hill that is always my nemesis. I like her this week!

I felt myself slacking again towards the end of last week. I shoke it off Saturday and got back out there.

Sat- 15 mile ride
Sun- 20 minute run (oh it was awful)
Mon- 18 mile ride and I kicked the above hill's butt!! The hill isn't that big, it is just long and gradual. I often find my speed dropping from 16 mph to 9 mph on the hill. Last night I was able to keep my speed heading over the hill around 14 mph. I won last night.
Today- Rest
Tomorrow- 20-25 min run (I am committing myself to it in front of all TE)

I am back on WW to counter the weight and back in the right mind to conquer the activity. It is still hard and I have a lot of work to do before the Turkey Trot, but now I am determined. :D

10-17-2006, 07:29 AM
Tomorrow- 20-25 min run (I am committing myself to it in front of all TE)

and we will be waiting here for the report.

10-18-2006, 06:02 PM
I did it! A little bit longer than Sunday night, a little further. It was humid and still painful, but I did it. We are going to keep adding a little distance to each run. I forgot how hard it is to run when you aren't conditioned. :o

10-19-2006, 03:55 AM
YAHOO!!! You go girl!!!

Tri Girl
10-20-2006, 03:43 AM
I did it! A little bit longer than Sunday night, a little further. It was humid and still painful, but I did it. We are going to keep adding a little distance to each run. I forgot how hard it is to run when you aren't conditioned. :o

Good for you, Amanda! And, yup, I hate how hard it is to get back running fitness! You're doing a great job! Congrats!

10-20-2006, 08:28 AM
Good for you, Amanda! And, yup, I hate how hard it is to get back running fitness! You're doing a great job! Congrats!

Why is it so hard to get back running fitness? I have been riding this week and you wouldn't really know I have been off the bike for most of the last two months. The hills take more out of me, but my average speed is consistent.

Running on the other hand is so hard! I used to run 6-7 miles without walking, now I am struggling to go 20 minutes. :confused:

10-20-2006, 10:18 AM
i think it is probably because its a higher impact sport and so your hr is usually higher. once you stop working out all the time when your heart is conditioned and hr is low, getting back into it your hr is naturally higher and you get worn out quicker.

10-21-2006, 04:33 PM
Good point CWR. Although today the cycling was just as hard! We put in 38.52 miles and I feel like I did after my century last fall. Ironically the same century was held today, maybe it is sympathy pains. :p

Friday- 13 miles cycling
Saturday- 38.5 miles cycling
Sunday- WE WILL ride 40-50 miles
Monday- Running

Tuesday is our much needed rest day. :D I feel like I am starting to fall back into the routine of running and riding. They are still painful since I spent 2 months doing virtually nothing, but I am out there.

I keep telling myself what my mom used to say when I would tell her "I can't do X." She would reply very sternly "Can't never could." I used to annoy me so much. Now I know I can and I will. Thanks Mom!

Tri Girl
10-22-2006, 06:48 AM
Oooohhhh- I like what your mom said "can't never could." Yes, annoying when you hear it from mom- but it's so true...

I also like what Henry Ford said "Whether you think you can or think you can't; you're probably right."

You think you can so YOU CAN!!! You're getting out there and that's all that matters! I'm so proud of you for "just doing it."

Now go ride that bike an amazingly long way today. I'll be thinking of you (and secretly wishing I was riding with you).

Oh yeah, when do you move into your new house?

Tri Girl
10-22-2006, 06:49 AM
oh nevermind- I just read it under your pic. 3 more weeks! Woo hoo!!! :)

10-23-2006, 06:34 PM
Thanks Tanya. I feel so great having a little group to tell me I can do it. And none of you have ever met me, what a great board this is.

Wow the ride yesterday was tough! I posted all about it in the adventure section. We decided after that long haul to rest today. Since DH has his IV therapy Wednesday we have to play it by ear:

Mon- Rest
Tues- Run
Weds- Run or Rest
Thurs- Run or Rest
Fri- Run
Sat- Camping/light hiking, maybe a short ride
Sun- 52 mile ride.