View Full Version : A reposting about the Nuva Ring

09-27-2006, 05:00 PM
Helloooooo -I am reposting this, in a different location, to hopefully get some more replies. I am a tad concerned (and admittedly obsessive) so I am hoping to hear some more opinions/confirmations that something is not wrong.

Hi - From discussions in a previous thread I started a little while back dealing with a decreased libido, I decided not to refill my Rx for Nuva Ring this month - to see if it helped/changed anything. It's been about 6 mths since I've had intercourse, and don't really expect to anytime too soon, so I feel pretty safe by taking a break from it.
Last month, I used the Ring as usual, took it out and had my last cycle run Sept 12-16th. I should've started a new Ring on Sunday Sept 17th. Going on a 28 day cycle, my next period should start around October 10th-11th.
HOWEVER - my period started last night...Sept. 25th. It hasn't even been 2 wks since the last one ended. Without using hormonal BC, I usually run on a 35-ish day cycle. I got used to that, knowing it's a bit strange, but this is definitely much stranger. Last night I thought it was just spotting, figuring that might be normal after stopping the BC, but no...this is more than spotting. Not heavy (I have always been very light anyway), but regular for me.

What's going on? I have my annual scheduled for Monday Oct 2nd, and wanted to talk to the Dr about maybe an IUD. (I read a recent report on how much safer they are than before (circa 1974), and they don't all involve hormones). Should I be worried that I am getting my period so soon?

Anyone had an experience like this? I am not sure whether I should be concerned or not.


09-27-2006, 05:30 PM

I haven't used the ring, so I can't speak to that. I can tell you that my Dr. got the great idea of taking me off oral hormonal birth control to see if it was the cause of weight gain (it wasn't). My periods had never been normal, but they were all weird. 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 6 weeks without, 2 weeks without. There was no pattern to it. I think the body doesn't know what to do without the hormones for a little while. I understand from others that it will re-regulate. Definitely talk to the Dr., though.

FYI while I was off the pill, my Dr. suggested an IUD (about 7 years ago now...) Bad experience. I don't want to get into it here, but it was NOT fun.

Good luck whatever you choose!

09-27-2006, 06:26 PM
Going off birth control hormones can definitely make you irregular as your body tries to figure out what's going on. I hope you have an alternate plan in place in case you and yours do get "in the mood" before your next birth control method is set up...unless you want to get pregnant.
But really, you just need to get your checkup and ask the doctor all your questions. Make a list of questions before your appt, and bring it with you.

For someone who has sex rarely, a diaphram w/spermacide or a sponge w/same, or a cervical cap, might be smart choices. Easy enough to use after a little practice. Or yes, even a condom. Forgive me, but it seems like overkill to be on the pill 24/7 if you only have sex once every few months. But the pill certainly does regulate one's menstrual cycle, I'll say that much!

09-28-2006, 05:13 AM
I'll second the bad experience with IUDs. Bad cramping, heavy periods, etc., with two different kinds. I felt like I was trying to give birth to the thing every time I had a period. It's supposed to be easier on people who have had children, but that wasn't the case for me. I wouldn't suggest it for someone who has never given birth, if it was so hard on this experienced womb.

The best birth control I've ever tried is VASECTOMY. lol. You know, fear of pregnancy is one of the biggest libido killers, and sometimes you don't even know how deep the fear is until there's no chance of pregnancy. I've been married a long time, and I hear this from married women a lot. That the vasectomy saved their sex life.


09-28-2006, 05:52 AM
CA - that definitely sounds like me. I was a very competitive gymnast when I was younger, so I think that is why I started so much later than everyone else. And even after that - I would go a couple months or more in between. I've always wondered if there was any corrolation between a woman having very light menstruation, and having a low libido. I'm certainly not complaining about the lack of cramps and such, but (I know this may sound weird) I wonder if I am less of a woman - maybe I have too much testosterone (but I hear that gives you more libido). Anyway - I am just way too curious for my own good. A worry wart, who happens to be overly inquisitive, and good at research. Bad combo.

Lisa - I agree about the pill being overkill when you're not sexually active. I mentioned this to my doc 6 mths ago, and she said that the Nuva Ring would have the lowest amount of hormones. A year ago I asked about getting a diaphram, and then again 6 mths ago. I was talked out of it - but I am thinking it might be worth a shot. I am sick of side effects.

I am interested to hear the docs perspective on the new IUD's, more so b/c this article I read was so FOR them. I am wondering who's behind the article and if it's really accurate. The article is from this month's Women's Health Magazine.

Tuckervill - I am too young for a Vasectomy, and still hoping to have a baby someday, so it's not one of my options currently. However you have a really good point about fear of pregnancy being a libido killer. Interesting concept.

We women just can't win.
Take BC, have no fear of pregnancy, also have no libido...so no sex.
DON'T take BC, have fear of pregnancy, which kills libido...again no sex.
ERASE ALL CHANCE OF BEING PREGNANT EVER...boosts libido...have sex.
:confused: :confused: :mad:

Then there's men.
No fear of having to carry another human being in their stomach for 9 mths, plenty of libido.

Hmmm. I'm telling you...100 years from now some brilliant woman scientest will come up with a way for man to have a baby (though probably not vaginally):eek: . Can't you just see it? Man and wife at beach. Wife with 6 pack abs and buns of steel, Man won't take off t-shirt because he's embarassed about his post-pregnancy stretch marks.:D

09-28-2006, 06:45 AM
Tuckervill - I am too young for a Vasectomy, and still hoping to have a baby someday, so it's not one of my options currently.

You're also too female for a vasectomy. ;) ;)

This reminds me of my older brother telling me last year that I should be sure to have my prostate checked regularly. :eek: I told him I felt pretty confident I didn't need to.

09-28-2006, 06:47 AM
Don't worry about being irregular when you go off the pill. Whenever I am off by even 6 hours (which hopefully doesn't happen often), my menstruations are all wacked out, and usually show up a week early!! :eek:

This being said, I am on the pill, very physically active, and have extremely light menstruations (I use a whooping total of 2 light-flow tampons and 4 pantyliners for a cycle). Libido is not an issue though... Your mileage may vary. I think we're all built differently...

09-28-2006, 06:56 AM
Cheri, don't equate BC hormones with having low libido. I'm living proof it just ain't so! Just as many women not on BC have low libido problems. Birth control hormones always gets blamed for weight gain too- though those same women probably would have gained the same weight if they were not on the pill. Everyone seems to be gaining weight these days in America- regardless of whether they are on the pill or not! :( (note to self- keep riding my bike!)

Again, a cervical cap, a sponge, or a diaphram might work quite well in your situation. They are very non-aggressive and non-invasive methods with no long term ill effects at all. Their only drawback is the inconvenience of putting them in and out- but if you only need do it once a month or so that's hardly a big deal! Sponges are expensive if you use several a week, but that's not your situation at all. I too would stay away from IUDs- I had a bad experience with them long ago as well.
Good luck!