View Full Version : Bike Shorts

01-28-2002, 05:22 AM
Hi there. I read over the discussion regarding choice of bicycle shorts. I have been doing spinning classes at my gym and wear regular workout clothes which is fine for those purposes. However, I am participating in a three-day bike ride in June (my first excursion of this nature!) and was wondering if I should invest in some good bike shorts with the padding.

I would appreciate any input.


Mary T.
01-28-2002, 07:19 PM
Please do yourself a favor and get some shorts and a couple of Coolmax (or similar wicking type of material) jerseys. It will make all the difference. Also remember--Nothing should come between you and your shorts---(no underwear!)

Good Luck on your ride. Let us know how your training rides go.

01-29-2002, 03:51 AM
hi there

i second that...definitely invest in a good pair of shorts. beware of shorts with elastic-y things on the bottoms, sometimes they pinch after a while...also....not all chamois are the same...i have a pair of LG shorts, and the chamois might as well not even be in them...oh and finally...NO UNDERWEAR! maybe i am stating the obvious, in our group of riders (mountain mainly), there seems to be a division whether to wear undies or not. my vote is not. if you are going on a multiple day ride, you should also have more than one pair of shorts too.
ok that was my two cents...

have fun!

04-09-2002, 02:29 PM
I wouldn't ride ten miles with out my padded shorts and cycling jerseys. They make all the difference with comfort and staying as dry as possible. The pros don't wear them for nothing, that's for sure. I just wish that I could find team jerseys in women's cuts. My husband bought me a US Postal Jersey (I love Lance), but as I've heard in other threads, they are really tight on the hips and have a tendency to ride up. Make sure you get a jersey and shorts specifically for women!! Good luck. I look forward to hearing about your race.