View Full Version : Long Runs -- 9/18 - 9/24

09-23-2006, 08:14 AM
9 miles today; 76 degrees, 81% humidity and light rain part of the time. Not pretty.

Hope everyone else had better weather today.


09-23-2006, 08:28 AM
managed to get my long run in yesterday before tornados started. (doesn't look much better today). As for the run, I did 8 1/2 total, with that 1/2 being my warmup and cooldown walk. Did the 8mi in 1:30 with the first 4miles being at a 10min mile pace. Felt much better than my last long run did, like I could have kept going, although slowly.

09-23-2006, 03:50 PM
Hi Everyone!

I had my 1/2 this morning. It was windy, hilly, and muggy. This was my second 1/2 marathon and I wasn't nearly as nervous as I was last time. The first two miles I took off fast again (when will I learn?). I always mean to use them as warm up, but the adrenaline always gets me. I took half a goo at mile 4 and the rest at mile 9.

At mile 6 I started to lose heart when I was passed by a limping old man. When I looked behind me I couldn't see anyone else. I thought I was in last place. This really killed my spirit. But, I pulled it together by mile 7 when I realized the old man had at least 50 years of training on me and how am I seriously supposed to compete with that????

I crossed the finish line not too far behind the old guy. I had a time of 1:14 exactly--that ends up being 10:11 minute miles---not too bad! I really wanted to average 10's, but I won't complain.

09-23-2006, 03:52 PM
My run today was to be 5 miles, which I did. I've been feeling crappy on my runs lately. Just awful. Slow, tight, out of breath. Very discouraging. I've been doing more stretching, sleeping very well, on vacation for the past two weeks, so I didn't know what the problem was.

This morning I went to grab my cheapo Timex cloth band watch I usually wear for running or biking. Couldn't find it, so I put on my Polar watch. I haven't used my heart rate monitor for months. Several months ago, there was a discussion here about HRMs, and what I picked up was that they weren't a very useful tool for a variety of reasons. OK, I thought, I'd just go by perceived exertion. Today, out of curiousity, I put on my HRM and ran with it. Here's what I learned:
--I'm having more PVCs than I thought. Just standing there in the kitchen, with my HR ~ 80, I was skipping lots of beats. It's kind of creepy to hear it beeping, then...nothing...then beeping again. At the same time that I feel that usual tightness in my chest. I almost didn't go run, but thought of my doc saying that exercise is a good thing with PVCs, so I off I went. I did turn off the volume on the watch! Funny thing, at one point I turned it back on when my HR was 155. Fewer skipped beats at that pace. :confused:

--My "perceived exertion" has a whole lot of negative judgement to it. When I ran within my comfortable HR range (not >155), I was fine. Problem is, I think I should be running faster by now. So I run faster. Then I feel awful. Then I judge myself for being a failure. Then I walk. Then I think I'm a loser, etc. Not fun.

--I ran when my HR was < 155, walked briskly if it went over, ran again when it got down around 140. Still did 5 miles in one hour, my usual pace, including stopping and waiting at stop lights, and one puppy petting.

So the plan for the 1/2 marathon next week is: Don't push it too much. Run with Jamie, enjoy the party atmosphere of a race, and appreciate the fact that I can run at all, much less 13 miles! There was a time when this wasn't so.

It's good to have our TE running pack! :D

09-23-2006, 03:53 PM
Congratulations on your second 1/2 marathon. It sounds to me as though you ran an awesome race. Congratulations again. :)

09-23-2006, 03:57 PM
Hi Everyone!

I had my 1/2 this morning. It was windy, hilly, and muggy....
I crossed the finish line not too far behind the old guy. I had a time of 1:14 exactly--that ends up being 10:11 minute miles---not too bad! I really wanted to average 10's, but I won't complain.

Limewave, you rock!!! What a great race! How was the pain from the ganglion cyst? Girl, I would love to break 11 minute miles, so you're still my hero! I always start out too fast, too. Tough to control that one.

Where was this race? It certainly was muggy here in the city. I love it that you recognized that the old guy was an old running guy. His "limp" was probably the running form he developed years ago!

Last year in the 1/2 I did, my goal was, "don't lose to the fat girl in the pink skirt." She finished slightly behind me. :rolleyes:

09-23-2006, 03:59 PM
It sounds as though you have a good idea of just how far you can push yourself right now. Your times are good, you are out there runnning do not be too hard on yourdelf. I do not have PVC, so I do not know what it is like. I do however think you have the right idea on turing the HRM off. I personally cannot stand the beeping, but if yours makes you nervous or worried it is probably best to leave it off, with the exception of periodic checks. Keep running and best of luck next weekend.

09-23-2006, 04:25 PM
Congrats, LW, 10:11 is a GREAT pace :)

How were the feet? Couldn't have been too bad to finish so well ;)

09-23-2006, 04:32 PM
I've had the same experience, Lise. I like the marathon training plan because it throws me out of my element -- it's not the same distance or route every day. When I do the same route, I end up doing the "push harder, we're not going fast enough!" then "why am I so tired?" program, instead of "slow and steady wins the race." With the longer distances, I know I HAVE to pace better or I absolutely won't make it.

Most days I set the heart monitor to a wide zone and use it only to tell me "okay, now we should really back off" or on some days "we're stuck in a rut, let's pick up the pace" if I get way too low. Racing with it... I'm not sure. I used it during my half marathon last time and even when it beeped I just ignored it. I used it during my 12k run in May and ignored it. I used it during the bike and run of my tri and actually tried to behave and pace better. I'm not sure what I'll do next time.

Relax, take it easy, have fun. Advice I need to take, too! ;)

09-23-2006, 04:42 PM
I never use the HRM when I race. I am so excited by the crowd that I know I run better than when I'm training. So I don't want to know if my HR's through the roof! If I can breathe, my muscles work, and I don't have a killer side stitch or something, I just keep running. When I run with Jamie, it's usually she who says, "Can we walk now?"

I only give myself a hard time when I'm running alone. Like you, Colby, I like the "slow and steady" training because I know it's all about endurance. I *have* endurance. Speed, not so much! :p I have a 1-2-3-4 pace that, if I stick with it, I can go quite a distance before walking. Last year in the marathon, I only walked through water stations until about mile 16. After that I'd need to walk some more. I don't think I'll ever do that long of a race again, but who knows?! It's wonderful to know I *can* do something like that.

09-23-2006, 05:41 PM
Congratulations, Limewave! Great run, especially with a nagging foot. How's it feeling now? I'd love to finish with mins./mi. in the 10's but I'm usually in the 11's and am going to try and pace for the 12's tomorrow since that's in line with how I've trained. Since I'm not so hot on the speed, if I finish strong I'll feel good about the endurance.

At least that was a man that passed you. Limping, walking, or whatever, the guys have physical advantages over us. That plus having more running experience doesn't make for a very level playing field. Good job keeping it close!


09-23-2006, 10:00 PM
I crossed the finish line not too far behind the old guy. I had a time of 1:14 exactly--that ends up being 10:11 minute miles---not too bad! I really wanted to average 10's, but I won't complain.


did you say you ran a 1/2 marathon (i.e. 21 km) in 1h14m?????


Thanks for the report, I can't wait to be ready for my first 1/2... (in the spring)

I have a 13 km tomorrow morning. Sweet weather is forecasted... Will report.

09-24-2006, 03:16 AM
Ooops, 2 hrs and 14 minutes :D Sorry.

Anyway, the ganglion cyst is not as soar as it was. I tied my laces around it so there is less pressure and I took advil before. I actually didn't notice too much pain this time while I ran, although it hurt pretty bad at the end of the day.

09-24-2006, 08:22 AM
Oh well, at a 10 mile and a bit pace, that's great in any case!! Glad you foot is feeling a little better... hopefully you'll be good when the time comes to run twice that.

I had my longest run to date today, 13 km on generally flat land (which, around here, means very gentle ups and downs), on pavement, some concrete and some trail. I'm running with a friend and I must confess that sometimes I'd rather run with music, I'm fairly sure I would stay more motivated, but it still went really well and I'm looking forward to adding a couple more to break the magic 15.

Ran soon after jumping out of bed, so I took a half-full water bottle with me and a Clif gel (feels like raspberry jam!). I am sure that helped me feel much better than I would have without it. I'll probably try the camelback next time so I can have my hands free...

I love this thread!

09-24-2006, 12:12 PM
Did my first half marathon today!

The weather was almost perfect. Temps were in the upper 50's, partly cloudy. The wind was a little gusty every now and then. I like to wear a ball cap when I run in cool weather, and it nearly got blown off several times, but that's no biggie.

I managed to keep it slow at the beginning. Stayed at the back of the runners/ahead of the walkers, but I still went a little faster than I'd planned. It felt good, though, so I kept plugging away. The first half was awesome. Felt great and kept running at a steady pace. We turned around at 6 1/2 miles and I walked a little here and there to shake my legs out during the second half. The last mile was the toughest, but what I wanted was to finish and finish strong - no wobbling or belly flops at the finish line - so I just took my time. I finally got there - 2 hours and 36 minutes. I really didn't think I could do any better than 2' 45" so I was really surprised to see it on the clock.

Thought about the TE running peloton all through the race and how I'd have to fess up if I didn't finish or if I went easier than I could've. It sure did help. Thanks for all the support.

I'll have a lot of good memories from today. The frosting on the cake, though, was getting home and finding out my shorts were on backwards. (:p I'm such a dork!) (Not a good idea, either - the tags really chafed my tummy!)


09-24-2006, 01:20 PM
Congrats Deborajen! I love the fact you ran so well and wore your shorts backwards. :D

09-24-2006, 02:18 PM
Congrats to both of you! Had to laugh about the part with the shorts on backwards. That is something I can totally see myself doing!

09-24-2006, 02:44 PM
Congratulations, Deb!!! :D Funny about the shorts. I have a talent for doing things backwards myself. Wind is tough to run in, so good for you on your time, too. I'm glad it was such a good run for you. There's nothing like the energy of the crowd that lifts you up!

09-24-2006, 04:35 PM
Deb and Limewire, congrats on your races. Limewire, awesome time. I wish I could do a half that fast. I can do just barely over a 10 min mile, but only for one mile. Deb, too funny about the shorts. You rock.

My "long run" turned out to be only a 5 mile today - it was supposed to be 8, but I just ran out of time. I had to teach sunday school (not just assist like usual) and my one son had hockey this afternoon, then they both had a birthday party to attend, and then I thought I was going to take them swimming, but read the schedule wrong and the pool was closed by the time the birthday party was over.

Lise, as for the HRM, I think they do have a place in training. I know that as a biginning runner I sometimes don't know when I am pushing too hard, versus pushing the right amount of hard. By running with an HRM I have been able to get faster. Then again, I am a bit geeky.

09-24-2006, 06:01 PM
Congrats, Deborajen! If you can run that well with your pants on backwards, imagine what will happen when you put them on correctly ;)

09-24-2006, 06:02 PM
Lise, as for the HRM, I think they do have a place in training. I know that as a biginning runner I sometimes don't know when I am pushing too hard, versus pushing the right amount of hard. By running with an HRM I have been able to get faster. Then again, I am a bit geeky.

My boss refers to herself as an "information junkie" -- she wears her HRM every time she works out :) (Sounds better than a geek, right? :cool:)

09-24-2006, 06:17 PM
Today's run was 18 miles for me (16-20 on the plan, I have been doing the "middle ground"). My original plan was to do 3 out-and-back loops of 6 each (3x2x3) and fill my water at 12, but I decided to do 1 loop of 14 (7x2) and 1 loop of 4 (2x2). I went out on our multi-use trail, starting in a more shady area since it was warm and sunny. I should have stuck with my plan -- 2-3 (times two) miles at the very middle of the 14 were totally exposed sun. That 6 miles sure took more out of me than I had planned!

I had to stop at 14 and grab a bottle of water... I hate carrying water now that I've been wearing the camelbak waistpack. Either I need to get a second bladder or a second whole waistpack so I can quickly change them out instead of carrying a bottle. That really messed up my rhythm all around. In general I felt "off" today, combining the weather and the water bottle and deviating from my original plan. I wanted to quit at 14, then come back and "settle" for 16, but I told myself even if I had to walk, I would do the distance. I had already told myself regardless that I'd do the last 1-2 miles walking to cool down, and I have to say... I hate walking for any distance that isn't "going" somewhere -- booo-riiinnnggg ;)

Looking forward to more clouds and cooler temps, it was perfect in the shade and really great a few days this week. My 1/2 marathon is in mid-October which will definitely be cooler, and my marathon is in November in Seattle which is pretty much guaranteed to be overcast and cool (and maybe rainish). I keep telling myself that I *know* I do better in the cooler temperatures and not to get caught up so much in my training times for these long runs. The marathon's not tomorrow! :)

09-25-2006, 11:58 AM
Congrats, Deborajen! If you can run that well with your pants on backwards, imagine what will happen when you put them on correctly ;)

My thoughts exactly! Either that or wearing the pants backwards is the secret to a good run! :D

Guess I got a little excited and then spaced out getting things ready, but I had a great time. I'm still on cloud nine. Looking forward to hearing everyone else's reports. :)


09-26-2006, 04:43 AM
Woo hoo! You both did great. :D How does it feel to have it over with? Do you feel relief or a let down?


09-26-2006, 05:02 AM
I feel dread for the upcoming marathon :eek: I'll definitely be glad to have that over with!

Congrats, Deb! And too funny about your shorts. I probably would have gotten a wedgie if I had done that.