View Full Version : Do you get massage?

09-13-2006, 03:04 PM
I went for a massage today because my hip's been so sore. And I'm on vacation. :p The therapist commented that it was "remarkable" that I was so tight from above my left hip all the way down to my ankle. "It's like a perfect line of tightness". We didn't even get to the right elbow tendonitis.

Of course she asked, "Do you get regular massages?" (Why even ask? It's abundantly clear that I don't! :rolleyes: )

I realized that before this year, I didn't really consider myself an athlete. I've been running and doing triathlon for four years, but it felt like something of a fluke. I think running a 1/2 and full marathon last fall pushed it over the edge, even in my denial-ridden brain.

Next year I want to do a 1/2 Ironman tri. It's dawning on me that I will need to be much smarter in my training than I've ever been. You can be 24 and just go full out, or you can be 47, and train intelligently.

So, OK, regular massage. How regularly would that be? What do you ladies do?

09-13-2006, 03:10 PM
I give massages every dang day. Haven't gotten one in about 1 1/2 years.

I've got a "perfect line of tightness" (aka myofascial meridian) on my right side that I must get worked out. But $70 could buy so much good bike stuff...

09-13-2006, 03:11 PM
Folks keep telling me how wonderful massages are but I think I'd come out the worse for wear. I can't handle the idea of someone touching me for money. I'm a very huggy kind of person but I really resent time spent on "foo-foo" stuff. Now, I know, massage for therapeutic reasons isn't foo-foo, but I can't get my mind wrapped around that. I think I'd be one uptight bundle of noives.

So, I'll be 47 and still train unintelligently. Stoic, that's me.:rolleyes:

09-13-2006, 03:17 PM
I've got a "perfect line of tightness" (aka myofascial meridian) on my right side that I must get worked out. But $70 could buy so much good bike stuff...
Interesting phrase, "myofacial meridian". Pleasing to say. And makes sense.

I came home from the massage, called TE, and cancelled the on-sale yet very expensive jacket I'd impulsively added to my knickers order right before the massage. $160 will buy two massages. While this jacket is a good deal and would be wonderful, I can make do with what I've got for weather riding. I'll keep my eye out for a similar windproof, waterproof, yet vented and brightly colored jacket on Steep&Cheap. Or keep on doing what I do with what I already have!

Two massages would actually help me be healthier and stronger. If I buy 5 massages, they give a 10% discount. This is a women's spa called Thousand Waves www.thousandwavesspa.com
I thought of you, KN, because they are commited to helping women with cancer, and have been for at least 15 years that I can remember. A woman in treatment for cancer can get 5 free treatments, and 5 free spa visits.

I don't get massage because it costs money. But I'm going to invest a lot of time and no small amount of money in a 1/2 IM tri. I should do everything I can to actually get not only to the start line, but the finish line as well. Happy and strong.

I'm also going to pick up a foam roller and work on this myofascial meridian myself! :D

09-13-2006, 03:35 PM
I like to go once a month, more or less depending on how tight I am. My sports chiropractic office has massage therapists, so I am able to get worked on for my $35 insurance copay. There's no soft music, heated beds or aromatherapy, but they get the job done!

09-13-2006, 03:46 PM
Massages are wonderful...however, I agree, they are so much money... that I would rather spend on bike things! But I did just get a massage last weekend, after years of going without, and it was wonderful. It also took away some nagging lower back pain. So now I've changed my story a little. I plan on getting a message whenever I feel terribly tight in my back!

My brother gets a message twice a month, but then again, he doesn't ride a bike and therefore has money to spare.:D

09-13-2006, 04:27 PM
I give massages every dang day. Haven't gotten one in about 1 1/2 years.

I've got a "perfect line of tightness" (aka myofascial meridian) on my right side that I must get worked out. But $70 could buy so much good bike stuff...

Check out the Seattle Institute for Oriental Medicine (www.siom.edu)
Give them a call and see if and when they will be starting up the Tui Na (Chinese massage) clinics again. The massages are given by students, but at $20 for an hours worth of massage they are great and even somewhat affordable. I went to them every couple of weeks throughout the racing season this year and I highly recommend it.

09-13-2006, 05:29 PM
KNotted -- schools where they teach massage therapy sometimes "need victims." Is this a good place for those of us who would rather spend money on bike toys to keep from using up all our bike budget on massages?

Karen in Boise

09-13-2006, 05:58 PM
I wish I could afford massages, I would go all the time.

09-13-2006, 06:22 PM
Lise - the foam rollers are awesome.

I get a massage every 3 weeks - it started out as a chiropractic session a few years ago. I had a slightly crooked spine, Mara helped get me straightened out. She is also an amazing massage therapist, so I go to her to keep my shoulders from gripping my ears :D . She also takes care of my arms and wrists, so I don't end up in PT again. Every few months I also see Bob, he does the really deep tissue massage. I'm usually sore when he's done with me.

09-13-2006, 06:23 PM
I had a couple of massages around the time I injured my shoulder, maybe a month or so later. My chiropractor decided to partner with a local massage therapist, and she's really good.

I do go to the chiropractor regularly, I can tell the difference there. Since the massage is with their office, it is covered by my insurance. I haven't gone since I started training for the marathon and whatnot, but there are many days I think about it.

However... I also started acupuncture a couple of months ago, and while I haven't been in a few weeks (bad colby), it made a huge difference for me as well. I don't know whether acupuncture or massage is really a better investment of my time. Acupuncture is also most certainly not covered by my insurance, though the money isn't a huge part of the issue (I am stingy when it comes to spending money on myself, I admit, whether it's necessary or not).

Every time I go to the chiropractor I think "mmmm, massage!" but I'm not sure how to put massage, chiro, and acupuncture together with marathon training (and whatever I'm doing) to make success at reasonable time and money cost. I let my chiropractor guide me on that front, but my acupuncture and massage people are a little passive -- they don't tell me when I need it, they "suggest" it. I wish these people would communicate!! ;)

09-13-2006, 06:51 PM
Just recently my partner and I purchased a brand new massage table from ebay.

One of the best purchases we ever made.

Now we are real novices at all of this but with the help of a book and correct oils etc it is a great feeling.

Not suggesting we are getting rid of all the knots or doing it like a professional but the lovely relaxed feeling afterwards, must be beneficial to our well being.


09-13-2006, 08:03 PM
when I was a consultant, I'd treat periodically treat myself to massages while traveling for work as a way of making myself feel better about the otherwise not enjoyable life of the road (believe me, it was very stressful doing so much travel - even things as simple as trying to find food I would like to eat for dinner).

Anyway, that stopped when I decided I was not enjoying the life of the road enough to keep doing it.

Fast forward to a month ago and I have 2 gift certs for massages awaiting my use. I used one for a massage after my big ride in August as I figured I'd be pretty sore. Then it occured to me that getting them more regularly with all the x-r cize I plan to do (I wanna be really fit and do tri's and centuries and all that) maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to do them periodically.

Being in a relaxed and healthful state is very important to me, and something I feel I've been putting off/neglecting for too long. Something I came to realize this summer as I had to wash away an accumulating amount of unhappiness about certain aspects of my life (mostly work related).

Bottom line is it's part of the 'new me' changes I am trying to make. I figure, in the long run the cost of the gym + once a month massage is a small price to pay preventatively for my sanity and hopefully health too... sure beats lots of stress related things I would get like migraines or PVCs.

And those are things that will keep me motivated to push myself even in between more outdoors fun things (time, daylight, and weather constrained).

09-13-2006, 09:20 PM
I've been getting weekly massages (fairly inexpensive) for several years and although it may seem like an indulgence to some, it's a necessary healthful and relaxing therapy for me. My sessions last for 1 1/2 hours, and afterwards, I sleep all afternoon because of the deep relaxation effects of the massage. This is the only time I am able to relax so very deeply and therefore is one of the best things I can do for myself because of my history of fibromyalgia and a seemingly abnormal amount of daily muscular pain. I imagine if one were to "google" the healthful effects of massage, one would find many more that what I've mentioned here.

09-14-2006, 05:53 AM
I'm getting one this afternoon! I don't do it nearly often enough because I'm cheap, but every time I get one, I think "Why don't I do this more often?" SadieKatie, I know what you mean about the "foo-foo" stuff (I could live the rest of my life without ever getting a manicure), but massage therapy is not at all foo-foo. I just think of it as something that athletes need, like proper rest, nutrition and training.


09-14-2006, 05:52 PM
when i worked in the spa i would get one every other week. i would trade services for them (mani/pedi = 1 1/2 hr deep tissue massage, i miss those good times. need a massage bad!)

anyone in phoenix i know a great massage therapist that comes to your home and he doesn't charge as much as going to a place (if your comfortable with that.) many massage therapists will do that, come to you for a cheaper rate, its just a matter of finding them. you can always ask a massage therapist if they work for themselves also. many do besides working in a salon or office.

09-14-2006, 06:20 PM
Oooh, I'm jealous of the girls that can go every month.

DH treated me with a 1 hour massage gift card when I was 3 mos pregnant. I had never been before and was very self conscious about it (especially being pg). But it was great. I told DH that I had to go every month while I was pg because it was important to the development of our child ;)

So, for those blissful months of pregnancy I enjoyed regular massages. Now that I'm doing more running and cycling, I'm going to try and get back in the habit. I'm sure we couldn't afford for me to go every month . . . but maybe every other?

And, my massage therapist teaches at a local school. I can ask her if its safe to sign up as a victim. I'll let you know what she says.

09-15-2006, 09:54 AM
i have been a "victim" at one of the schools. it went well. my friend that is a great mt got me to go in and have a couple done because they were running low on "victims". no problems at all.

i've been on the other end with beauty school and glad i had "victims" to work on.

09-15-2006, 09:58 AM

I love massages. I get them as a gift for myself after each triathlon. I think that as hard as you work you body massage is a non pharmaceutical way to aid recovery.

09-15-2006, 11:58 AM
I don't know what others would consider to be "regular massages" but I got my first massage last weekend and have an appointment for another one this weekend. My legs were getting soooo tight from running that I was afraid I'd injure myself with bad form, or I wouldn't be able to finish a long run, or both. It helped loosen things up, but other muscles have been pulling kind of funny since then so I'm getting a second one in hopes of getting things more stable.

Some people like to get massages for a special indulgence, but for me they're more of a treatment to correct a problem. Part of that is because they're expensive and I indulge on other things (bike stuff, etc.!), but right now while I'm preparing for a half marathon, they're well worth the money.


09-15-2006, 01:35 PM
Some people like to get massages for a special indulgence, but for me they're more of a treatment to correct a problem.

i use to get them done all the time to correct a problem. (pool diving injury.) now i kinda have to live with the pain till i can get into town every few months.

09-15-2006, 07:11 PM
I treat myself to one every two weeks. I am one of those "victims" so to speak for I utilize the student clinic at a local school of massage. I find their students do an outstanding job and are well worth the $30 I pay for an hour of relaxation.

09-16-2006, 05:59 AM
Life today is a complete rat race. Our "time saving" devices only add stress. Cells phones, email, PDA's and voice mail pull our attention away from the most precious possession - ourselves. As women, we have two jobs - work and home (just think about somebody walking into your house & remarking, "Gee, Fred sure keeps a messy home!").

I used to get regular (every two weeks) massages when I was single. Had less money than I have now, but made room in the budget. Then, life happened. Big job, marriage, commitments and the excuses. I am realizing that I'm a 7-hour clock wound up to 8 hours. And it happened so slowly that I didn't realize it.

Massage is therapeutic (do a Google search on it) but more importantly, it delivers a message to my core being: "You are worth this." I makes me focus on the moment, if only for 50 minutes.

I'm also going to get back into yoga - but that's another topic. :D

09-16-2006, 06:27 AM
I have some issues - and I'm getting old - the issues are an old back injury and also stress sits in in my shoulder - so I go to this great massage guy. He is this bear of a man with hands to match!

He works on my hips and lower back to get me more limber there which makes riding much more comfortable and he works on my shoulders and neck so I don't have knots in my shoulders

It is wonderful. He does deep tissue massage so sometimes the next day I'm pretty sore, but after that I'm feeling might good!:D

09-16-2006, 07:16 AM
Dogmama said: "As women, we have two jobs - work and home (just think about somebody walking into your house & remarking, "Gee, Fred sure keeps a messy home!")." You are so right! Unfortunately, some of us work FOR men, who just don't understand why we might need an occasional afternoon off just to clean the house or run errands. I've been telling my boss for years that I need a wife!


09-16-2006, 01:22 PM
Dogmama said: "As women, we have two jobs - work and home (just think about somebody walking into your house & remarking, "Gee, Fred sure keeps a messy home!")." You are so right! Unfortunately, some of us work FOR men, who just don't understand why we might need an occasional afternoon off just to clean the house or run errands. I've been telling my boss for years that I need a wife!

Quick thread hijack -

When was the last time a man burned a vacation day to clean & run errands? :confused:

09-16-2006, 03:13 PM
I found I only needed massages when I had unresolved bike fit/biomechanical problems. I have a 3 cm Leg length discrepancy from a cycling accident 5 years ago. Until I got a corrective crank set, they helped, but didn't alleviate my pain. But, once I got my bike position corrected, I found I don't need them anymore. When I was in transition from old to new crankset, I still had a problem with a frozen SI joint, and I saw a physical therapist that performed a very painful type of masage on me in which she pressed very hard and rocked my sacrum, but in time it loosened up and I never needed a massage again. I know pro athletes get them to hasten recovery, but I think the rest of us can recover on our own. However, my physical therapist also mapped out a program of stretching and back strengthening exercises that I do regularly that keeps me loose.

09-16-2006, 04:14 PM
My chiropractor gives wonderful massages. I don't go see her often enough (especially with a $10 copay - sheesh!). She's always trying to get me in for what we both jokingly refer to as "Spinal Hygiene". I usually only go in when hurt or sore. Like lately - once a week for the past 2 weeks, and more on the horizon. Most of my aches and pains are centered in the upper back - all of the tension of the world I carry on my shoulders to the agony of my traps. I've taken to lying on the floor with a raquetball under my shoulder blades for deep massage to work out those trigger points when I'm at home. Just not the same. Sigh....

09-21-2006, 06:26 AM
First of all, if you are doing triathalons and riding pretty regularly and pushing yourself, you are an athlete! Sometimes massage can feel like it is doing more harm than good because it is helping to break up the toxins and remove waste from the muscles. Ideally an athlete should get a massage at least once a week. More often if possible. Once you get them on a regular basis you can see how they really help. When I was training for my double century I was getting them about once a week. I would joke with my therapist that I was coming in for my new legs. It really helped.

I just wish they didn't cost so dang much! They can also be good for rehabilitating an injury. Just make sure you find someone with a sports background.