View Full Version : Low Rise Jeans Question

09-12-2006, 04:07 PM
All these long rides have changed my leg shape enough that low rise jeans actually look okay - except for one thing - my undies show! :o Most of the time my shirt will cover it.

What do they call underwear that is low rise, but not a thong and not boy shorts? Do they make such a thing?


09-12-2006, 04:14 PM

09-12-2006, 04:16 PM
Yeah... that's what I was thinking. But Patagonia doesn't have any that they label as bikini.


09-12-2006, 04:18 PM

Jockey makes some nice microfiber bikini undies that don't seem to creep around much.

09-12-2006, 04:55 PM
Try Victoria's Secret. They make a bikini and a low rise bikini.

Vicky's Secret (http://www2.victoriassecret.com/commerce/application/prodDisplay/?namespace=productDisplay&origin=onlineProductDisplay.jsp&event=display&prnbr=XD-198614&page=1&cgname=OSPTYLOWZZZ&rfnbr=1928)

09-12-2006, 04:57 PM
Thanks, I figured that's where I'd end up. I just love my Patagonia undies...


09-12-2006, 04:59 PM
Try Victoria's Secret. They make a bikini and a low rise bikini.

Vicky's Secret (http://www2.victoriassecret.com/commerce/application/prodDisplay/?namespace=productDisplay&origin=onlineProductDisplay.jsp&event=display&prnbr=XD-198614&page=1&cgname=OSPTYLOWZZZ&rfnbr=1928)

I have to remind myself that while much of their underwear is not designed to be worn for very long, they do have some practical stuff. :p


09-12-2006, 05:04 PM
Ditto on Vicky's.

They have a "Pink" line (it's not actually pink), that's cotton and great with lower rise pants. They have hipster, brief type, bikini, thong, whatever. I initially got them because you got a free small pink stuffed dog with a purchase of 5 of them or something. Now they're all I wear.

09-12-2006, 05:20 PM
Yeah... that's what I was thinking. But Patagonia doesn't have any that they label as bikini.


Au contrair! (prob wrong spelling). Try Patagonia "hipsters" or low-rise boy shorts. Works like a charm for me. Otherwise, I do like the Victoria Secret Pink undies.

09-12-2006, 05:24 PM
I have a pair of the Patagonia low rise boy shorts - not sure how they'll be under these jeans. I couldn't tell for sure if the hispters were low rise.

I like the Patagonia undies, since I commute to work on my bike in my regular clothes and they don't cause any "issues."


09-12-2006, 05:53 PM
All these long rides have changed my leg shape enough that low rise jeans actually look okay - except for one thing - my undies show! :o Most of the time my shirt will cover it.

Try going commando........ I know, it might sound, uh, unsanitary? Or just uncomfortable? But NO panty lines and no-show at all. Once you get used to it, it's pretty nice! And feels just fine. Just like commando under bike shorts. I just don't like underwear anymore. So I rarely wear it. I DO usually wear a pantyliner. Feels cleaner than way. And at "that" time of the month (tho' I am at the the point of will it-won't it happen this month), I wear whatever it takes to contain the flow.
Heck, I do the laundry. I keep everything clean. And I am more comfortable this way. :rolleyes: Getting eccentric in my old age, I guess.


09-12-2006, 06:04 PM
I don't know about that... it would feel weird at school. Plus jeans on the bike... I'm shuddering. :eek:


09-12-2006, 07:02 PM
Here's to Annie! I, too, generally go commando. Only exception is a shortish skirt at work....heh

OTOH I can definitely see Veronica's point about jeans on the bike. whew! Quite a dillemma!


09-12-2006, 07:17 PM
'Cause you all want to know... I do have a pair of patagonia hipsters. Thom reports that no undies can be seen, even when I sit. :D

I am quite modest about what shows at work. I don't need 5th grade boys fantasizing - especially since I have to do sex ed in the spring!

V. - off to order more Patagonia underwear and maybe a cashemere sweater. :p

09-12-2006, 08:52 PM
My UnderArmor compression shorts do just peachy with my lower rise jeans. My other favorite undies are the "No Panty Line Promise" Jockeys. I have 5 or 6 pair of those. They don't stick out of the top of my trousers, either. (and no lines)

09-12-2006, 10:57 PM
he he he...

Believe it or not, but I love my Target liscened print Bikini briefs (he he he, They're cheap and cute too!) with my low rise jeans. that or BONDS... But I don't you guys get them over there.

09-12-2006, 11:08 PM
he he he...

Believe it or not, but I love my Target liscened print Bikini briefs (he he he, They're cheap and cute too!) with my low rise jeans. that or BONDS... But I don't you guys get them over there.

Ah Bonds undies! Very very comfy undies huh! ;) heard about that one..

09-13-2006, 04:28 AM
I use Vicoria Secrets' Low Rise Bikinis.

09-13-2006, 04:37 AM
If i went commando in jeans, i'd have to throw them in the laundry after every other wearing or something...they sure wouldn't last long! I like to wear my jeans many times before I wash them. I don't wear jeans for biking any distance- those jean seams are too lumpy.
I wear comfy panties with pantyliners for all my clothes- even biking! I consider my pantyliners to be a thin disposable chamois- they don't bunch or have seams, and they are soft and comfy, similar to padded cotton- works for me!! I get the wide/long coverage ones, they are still very thin. I don't need any other chamois pads if i use my pantyliners with my Brooks saddle. I can't imagine all those giant foam pads! Saves me money too, because the unpadded bike shorts and tights are WAY cheaper (sometimes $30 less for the same style but unpadded). Calls me nuts but my "chami-liners" work great for me. ;)

09-13-2006, 04:37 AM
I wear Victoria's Secret Low Rise Bikini with my jeans. It is the cotton type that have the little "Victoria's Secret" waistband. Comfy and fairly cheap for their stuff. ;)

09-13-2006, 05:59 AM
One of the Target brands is made by Jockey. I compared a Target version of a cotton bikini to a Jockey version (both after being worn for a year or so) and the Target version was much better made and held up better.

I think it's "Form Fit" or something similar.

Hee hee, I'll spend $80 for biking shorts, but don't wanna spend more than $5 for underwear! Gee, what priorities I have!

09-13-2006, 06:04 AM
Go Commando!! :eek: :p :)

09-13-2006, 07:07 AM
Ok so I have embraced, slowly but surely, the notion of going commando in bike shorts. No problem there.

Jeans on the other hand? Eh, no thanks!

I tried it twice and never again. Denim is to girly bits as oil is to water - at least for me. I found it very uncomfortable.

Plus, essentially you are asking your jeans to do the job of your underwear. Without getting too TOO graphic, I would rather my underwear do that than vice versa.

Now about undies....I am hooked on victoria's secret PINK~! They are fun, colorful, cute, available in countless styles and colors, plus they even have what they call 'extreme' low rise - also of note, these are seamless. VPL my friends, is a thing of the past :D

short cut sally
09-13-2006, 06:03 PM
i wear low rise jeans, and my panty of choice is victoria secret..i wear the little t-strings from the very sexy collection (picture dental floss with a small piece of material to cover the front) or the v-strings (slightly more material on these, front and back) or thongs from the pink collection, along with their boy shorts..i haven't heard any complaints of lines so far. i think the v-string and t-string you have less material to worry about showing, and are my preference to wear. good luck in finding something.

09-13-2006, 06:20 PM
Funny, I've never gone commando in bike shorts, but I have in jeans for the simple reason mentioned from the start. My thought though, ultimately, is that if every single women were to start wearing panty liners every single day in addition to the undies, what effect would that have on our environment?:eek:

09-13-2006, 07:00 PM
Extra-vert, thanks for saying that. I, too, have visions of landfills of nothing but diapers and pantyliners.

09-13-2006, 07:27 PM
Extra-vert, thanks for saying that. I, too, have visions of landfills of nothing but diapers and pantyliners.

:eek: :eek:

09-14-2006, 04:53 AM
Extra-vert, thanks for saying that. I, too, have visions of landfills of nothing but diapers and pantyliners.

I think there are way more fast food containers and coffee cups in landfills than pantiliners. And you'd need a month of pantiliners to equal just one disposable diaper. What about all that petroleum based chamois butter gooping up the landfills? (just kidding)
What about all the panties that have to be tossed after only a year of wear? ;) (my panties last for many years, and with panyliners I don't have to launder them after every single wearing- thus saving more water, electricity, soap use, etc)
It always horrifies me when I hear about women who launder their jeans after just one wearing. I wear mine about 10 times before I wash them. Under normal conditions, I usually wear a shirt several times too, and socks twice! :rolleyes: Needless to say, I don't need to do a lot of laundering. We don't change our sheets excessively either.
I may use a pantyliner every day, but I save tons of natural resourses by not using paper napkins or paper towels much. I am very conscious of the things I do use. Personally, I would draw the line at the medieval practice of using rags instead of tampons and then laundering them....:eek:

People have long compared energy/resource/environmental savings differences between using cloth napkins, dishtowels for drying hands, hankerchiefs instead of tissues, and thier accompanying increase in laundering, as opposed to using paper products that don't need laundering. There are of course pros and cons to each choice. i try to reach a thoughtful balance.
I do hope everyone here recycles ALL their household paper (not just newspapers) like we do- our home offices paper, paper milk, egg & OJ cartons, empty rolls of TP, cardboard boxes, cat food bags, ground coffee bags, toothpaste boxes, cereal boxes, junk mail, etc. etc.

09-14-2006, 07:00 AM
I think there are way more fast food containers and coffee cups in landfills than pantiliners. And you'd need a month of pantiliners to equal just one disposable diaper. What about all that petroleum based chamois butter gooping up the landfills? (just kidding)
What about all the panties that have to be tossed after only a year of wear? ;) (my panties last for many years, and with panyliners I don't have to launder them after every single wearing- thus saving more water, electricity, soap use, etc)
It always horrifies me when I hear about women who launder their jeans after just one wearing. I wear mine about 10 times before I wash them. Under normal conditions, I usually wear a shirt several times too, and socks twice! :rolleyes: Needless to say, I don't need to do a lot of laundering. We don't change our sheets excessively either.
I may use a pantyliner every day, but I save tons of natural resourses by not using paper napkins or paper towels much. I am very conscious of the things I do use. Personally, I would draw the line at the medieval practice of using rags instead of tampons and then laundering them....:eek:

People have long compared energy/resource/environmental savings differences between using cloth napkins, dishtowels for drying hands, hankerchiefs instead of tissues, and thier accompanying increase in laundering, as opposed to using paper products that don't need laundering. There are of course pros and cons to each choice. i try to reach a thoughtful balance.
I do hope everyone here recycles ALL their household paper (not just newspapers) like we do- our home offices paper, paper milk, egg & OJ cartons, empty rolls of TP, cardboard boxes, cat food bags, ground coffee bags, toothpaste boxes, cereal boxes, junk mail, etc. etc.

Me too Lisa!

I absolutely do not wash clothes upon a single wearing (except undies!). It seems, to me anyway, very wasteful not to mention that it wears out your clothes much faster. How jeans or a blouse can be considered dirty and in need of washing after wearing them, say to work, is beyond me.

09-14-2006, 05:13 PM
A friendlier alternative to a pantyliner is a carefully folded up little wad of toilet paper, which can be easily flushed and discarded whenever you visit the toilet. Plus, you can have a new fresh liner every few hours if you like, just make a new one every time you go. I got the idea when this product (http://www.mum.org/insync.htm) went off the market.

Or, an even better no-waste solution is to just wear your menstrual cup 24x7, menstruating or not. I do this when I'm travelling and trekking and it significantly reduces panty goopage. :rolleyes:

09-14-2006, 05:26 PM
i like vikki's low rise underwear, they also have ultra lowrise underwear too.

i've found more and more underwear companies are making low rise underwear and usually lable it as so on their package.

i'm also with shellyj on the t-string. love them! i love wearing the really little underwear. my favorites are the wicked weasel knickers (http://wickedweasel.com/usd/knickers/default.asp). (and if you look back in their contributer's archive page for 2004-finial i'm on there. my two second claim to fame on a bikini contest)

09-14-2006, 05:35 PM
A friendlier alternative to a pantyliner is a carefully folded up little wad of toilet paper, which can be easily flushed and discarded whenever you visit the toilet. Plus, you can have a new fresh liner every few hours if you like, just make a new one every time you go. I got the idea when this product (http://www.mum.org/insync.htm) went off the market.

Or, an even better no-waste solution is to just wear your menstrual cup 24x7, menstruating or not. I do this when I'm travelling and trekking and it significantly reduces panty goopage. :rolleyes:

Well, to each their own. I've used wads of toilet paper for insurance when I was nervously expecting my period and had no pads on hand, but they stuck to me and then left tissue bits all over me and I didn't like that much. Most toilet tissue shreds too much, and I wouldn't want to have to carry my own supply of wads with me everywhere. Wouldn't like having to peel sticky tissue pieces off every time I pee- I pee OFTEN. As to menstrual cups...I used a diaphram for contraception for MANY years and am fairly content now to not have to stick rubbery cups up there anymore. :rolleyes: I'm sincerely glad you have found methods that suit you, though!
I like my one-a-day pantiliners. I ride bike almost every day and for me they double as both panty savers and riding chamois- duo purpose.

09-15-2006, 03:51 PM
(and if you look back in their contributer's archive page for 2004-finial i'm on there. my two second claim to fame on a bikini contest)[/SIZE]

CWR - you go wit' yo badddd self!!

On another note, I for one am a firm believer of thongs (god now that song is in my head), but DAMN those skimpy things on your web link make me think commando might be more comfortable!!!

09-15-2006, 05:50 PM
I'm definitely a fan of the thong...for all pants and skirts. I don't 'do' panty lines just like I don't 'do' visible bra straps. :p

Gap Body also makes low rise bikinis and thongs. The pairs I own have lasted way longer than my VS stuff (bras, too) and all my undergarments go in the washer and dryer. :D

09-15-2006, 05:58 PM
Gap Body also makes low rise bikinis and thongs. The pairs I own have lasted way longer than my VS stuff (bras, too) and all my undergarments go in the washer and dryer. :D

Thanks for the heads up. I always had a problem with VS as I am not one to hang my undies on the shower bar, and their stuff always gave out way before some of the other less nicer items.

Love the Gap already, this just gives me more reasons to go Shopping!!

09-16-2006, 05:15 PM
CWR - you go wit' yo badddd self!!

On another note, I for one am a firm believer of thongs (god now that song is in my head), but DAMN those skimpy things on your web link make me think commando might be more comfortable!!!

actually they are pretty comfy.

09-16-2006, 05:31 PM
... and here I thought growing up in WI prepared us for things like finding snowmobile suites sexy, etc.

Geex./. They're so... small... and... :eek:

*rubs steam off monitor*
I'll wear thongs if I'm wearing something sheer or esp. body-hugging, but I'm more a briefs or commando person.

boy briefs are cute, too... and boxers...
but biking commando in jeans? Uhm. uh... no.

09-21-2006, 12:21 PM
I just say no to thongs. Geez louise, talk about uncomfortable.

I floss daily, but only between my teeth thank you very much :D

As for panty lines, I could care less, comfort is my concern not what my coworkers think about my underwear. :cool:

09-21-2006, 12:39 PM
I just say no to thongs. Geez louise, talk about uncomfortable.

I floss daily, but only between my teeth thank you very much :D

As for panty lines, I could care less, comfort is my concern not what my coworkers think about my underwear. :cool:

Same here! I found thongs to be the most uncomfortable thing I'd ever worn! I don't see the need to give myself an all day wedgie, either! :cool: :D

09-21-2006, 12:53 PM
Calvin Klein and Maidenform makes low undies; I think Calvin calls them modern boyshorts, not sure what maidenform calls their low undies.

09-21-2006, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by CassandraCain I floss daily, but only between my teeth thank you very much

:D :p


Thanks for the laugh !!

Peace & Love,


09-21-2006, 05:17 PM
FYI - for those of you who think thongs are butt floss..... g-strings are butt floss. Thongs are wider in the "string" department. Thongs with skirts or dresses are a bit uncomfortable if they crawl. I will admit that. But thongs with pants or shorts cannot be beat. Yeh you need a couple days to get used to them but I guarentee if you give yourself a week, you won't go back to regular undies.

09-22-2006, 07:57 AM
FYI - for those of you who think that thongs are comfortable. Fact is, some of us do not. :eek: Nor do some of us want to wear underwear or any garment for a week in hopes that it becomes comfortable or bearable.

Guarantee is a really strong word, especially when predicting what another person will or will not find comfortable. I know what I find comfortable and what my priorities are - yours may well differently. I am completely oblivious to what bob in accounting or the neighbors think of how my underwear look in jeans, shorts of whatever.

So whether it is thin, wide, narrow, whether you call it thongs, g-strings, t-strings, or dental floss, some women want no part of it.

run it, ride it
09-22-2006, 01:11 PM
I think a distinction needs to be made here between finding thongs uncomfortable and writing them off self-righteously as either promiscuous or merely for fashion's sake.

Regular panties, for me, are hell. One side always, -always- wedgies in. For them to be wide enough, I get diaper butt. For them to be low enough, they might as well be compressed into a thong. So no thanks; I'd rather leave my diaper-wearing days behind.

Were any panty-wearers mildly offended by that last line? That's how us thongers feel when you compare our picture of comfort to dental floss. To each her own.

...I liken thongs more to slingshots. Sounds cooler. And if you ever get in a bind, well.. you're armed. What else is great about them? They hardly take up any space in the washing machine, and they hang-dry in mere hours, so you can go through as many pairs as you like without wasting resources.

Oh, and about the 'women's sanitary products don't take up much space in landfills compared to other packaging' argument--yeah, you'd rationalize it that way, wouldn't you? But after cleaning washrooms for a few seasons, I have to disagree. Most of our garbage ends up being sanitary products and packaging. Truckfulls daily, for just 1500 campsites. that's less than 10 000 people, so less than 5 000 women--and many of them aren't of fertile ages. Emptying those bins is absolutely revolting and completely unsanitary. I never could have conceived of this before working there--I go through maybe 8 tampons a month, and I don't buy the kind with applicators. Even then I was thinking, "I need to cut back and get a cup or something." The same volume could be doubled by just one maxi-pad.

09-22-2006, 05:15 PM
I think a distinction needs to be made here between finding thongs uncomfortable and writing them off self-righteously as either promiscuous or merely for fashion's sake.

Regular panties, for me, are hell. One side always, -always- wedgies in. For them to be wide enough, I get diaper butt. For them to be low enough, they might as well be compressed into a thong. So no thanks; I'd rather leave my diaper-wearing days behind.
I couldn't have said it better myself. :D

09-22-2006, 05:32 PM
Re: thongs
Fair enough.

I go back and forth on thongs, because to me and some people, thongs can feel like what would happen if the 'creep' with regular underwear over one 'cheek' happened with both. :eek:

They can be pretty freeing, too, though, which is why I go back and forth on 'em. Very nice in the summer, though.

Run It- Right on with the 'waste' thing. Cups are totally worth it (if you can get 'em to work) but I end up using pads, too, on heavier days b/c sometimes it's "just not enough" or you just need that little bit of insurance (khaki pants at work, anyone?)

Could any of the thong-worshipers tell me if the thong-designed pads actually work? There's so little there, I can only imagine them being there for 'insurance' but not doing much there, and needing to be swapped out pretty quickly.

I wear the cup @ night (pretty much 24/7 that whole week) and for the first half have to have a backup diaper pad, too (yay) so I guess for 3 days out of the month, I have to go back to diaper days. ;)

09-22-2006, 06:00 PM
V- you do have the mandatory tattoo on the small of your back - right?

09-22-2006, 06:20 PM
V- you do have the mandatory tattoo on the small of your back - right?

Ahh... noo...

I've been wearing them with a tucked in shirt . That's probably not "fashionable". But reports on the look have been favorable. :p


09-22-2006, 06:30 PM
V- you do have the mandatory tattoo on the small of your back - right?

A tat. artist I used to work with called them "a** antlers" (owing to the celtic design of most) :p

09-22-2006, 06:45 PM
Well hey, if anyone likes using menstrual cups and thongs, then that's great, go for it I say!
For me, thongs feel like unpleasant major wedgies, tried them, hated them. I don't happen to get wedgies with my regular panties, maybe I'm weird? But more power to anyone who likes thongs. I think they look a bit odd but definitely look sexy in the ads. (Probably helps to have a younger smooth cellulite-and-lump-free body though.)
And after about 15 years of using a diaphram for birth control, I'm just not into pushing rubber cups up there onto my cervix anymore. Been there, done that, year after year after year. Thanks for the suggestions, but at this point of my life I'll stick with tampons and pads until I hit menopause (which could be anytime now).
Incidently, while all the neighbor women I knew were using Pampers for their babies in the early 80's, I was washing my 2 babies' cotten diapers out daily by HAND in the laundry sink and hanging them up to dry in the sun.

What I REALLY find environmentally offensive are the thousands of various plastic "All Natural Spring Water" bottles purposely thrown on the sides of the road these days. They are EVERYWHERE. How can people who are supposedly health conscious be so oblivious to strewing their garbage all over the landscape??

09-23-2006, 05:53 AM
There's definitely something to be said for the menopause:D

I wear thongs all the time. I find them much more comfortable. Most of mine have pretty, lacy backs to them.

Heard the other day that low-rise jeans are going out of fashion again in favour of the high-waisted type. I like my low-risers in warm weather but prefer high-waist jeans when it's cold. I like to tuck my shirts in when it's cold.

I don't take much notice of fashion as a general rule, preferring to wear what I feel comfortable in.

09-23-2006, 08:08 AM
I find myself unwilling to buy the 300 count tampons at Costco - just in case it happens anytime...oh please...I'm 52. I've had my period since I was 9. That's enough!

09-23-2006, 08:20 AM
I don't take much notice of fashion as a general rule, preferring to wear what I feel comfortable in.

I'm with ya there. Be yourself and dress the way ya want!

run it, ride it
09-23-2006, 09:27 AM
I believe the proper term for the tattoo on the small of the back is "tramp stamp."

09-23-2006, 12:14 PM
I believe the proper term for the tattoo on the small of the back is "tramp stamp."

Now THAT is funny! I wonder what they'll look like when they get all wrinkled & old...

09-23-2006, 02:00 PM
Could any of the thong-worshipers tell me if the thong-designed pads actually work? There's so little there, I can only imagine them being there for 'insurance' but not doing much there, and needing to be swapped out pretty quickly.

The thong liners are fine on the first or last day of my cycle when there is just a little bit of spotting, but I surely wouldn't trust them during the middle four days or so! You are right, the coverage they offer is minimal, and they are pantyliners, not pads, so can only do so much. I use a Diva Cup normally, but I am always paranoid about leakage, so even though I wear thongs most days of the month, I go with regular bikini undies and a long pantiliner on the heavy four days of the month.

Re. comfort. I find thongs to be more comfy after a ride when I might be just a bit chafed in the crease of my thigh/groin, since they don't hit that area, and bikinis do. Other than after a ride, I think regular bikinis are more comfy than thongs, but I do not care for panty lines, so do wear thongs with any pants/shorts that would show panty lines. During my heavy days, I wear dark pants (mostly jeans and others where panty lines are not noticeable). I am always paranoid about khakis on the heavy days, as you mention, so save them for other days of the month. My absolute favorite undies for comfort and cuteness (!) are boyshorts, but they don't work under all pants. I wear them (in wicking fabrics) always for hiking. Thongs would not be too comfy on a long day hike!


09-23-2006, 03:48 PM
Thanks for enlightening me, Emily- I think I'll pull my thongs out of storage and give 'em another shot. They fit better now that I've been biking a lot. When I worry about chafing etc, I go 'commando' under boxers and then wear baggy pants... almost like going commando completely, but with some safeguard. And that's silk boxers, not cotton etc, so they breathe really well.

09-23-2006, 05:56 PM
Could any of the thong-worshipers tell me if the thong-designed pads actually work? There's so little there, I can only imagine them being there for 'insurance' but not doing much there, and needing to be swapped out pretty quickly. I wear the cup

Just my 2cents but I have not used pads since the day in 7th grade gym class, a boy made a reference that he could see my pad line....scarred me for life.

As a die hard thong wearer, I must say that since I use tampons, I have no need for "thong pads". Honestly I can not see how they would work. Unless they were used as "panty liners". At night, tampon in place, have no need to wear the thongs at all. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones who aren't "heavy" enough to have to worry about leakage......... and the cup just freaks me out. I realize its environmentaly friendly and such, but I just can't bing myself to jump on that wagon.

As I stated earlier, even tho thongs are designed to be in your "crevace" they can still annoying crawl if wearing them with items of clothing other than pants/shorts.

Did I mention am also a fan of "commando"??

09-23-2006, 08:27 PM
check out www.utilikilts.com. SO comfortable on hot days and the ultimate to wear with a thong or commando. (You wouldn't think so, but get it long enough and it's all good) XDH bought 4 kilts and no longer wears pants... :rolleyes: and yeah, lots of scots do wear 'em 'traditionally'.

09-24-2006, 04:44 AM
Ha! I finally got around to reading this thread. I won't weigh in on the panties v. thong issue, cuz, who cares about my undergarments but me? :p (and the elusive fabulous man I'll someday show them to...but I digress...)

You've given me two new terms! A** antlers and Tramp stamp! HA! From now on, when I see one of those, I'm sure my mind will say: a** antlers. tramp stamp. Very funny. We're going to have a nation of heavily tatooed old people in about 60 years, and the 20 year old nursing assistants will be completely tat-free! "Eeew, you got a tatoo like the geezers? Gross, man!" :p

09-24-2006, 05:26 AM
Tramp stamp---kinda says it all, doesn't it? Those things are a dime a dozen--where I live, I see them mostly on overpriviledged princesses whose parents bought them BMWs for their 16th birthdays. Probably had to get drunk before they could get up the nerve to get them, too! (meow!). :p

I have a tattoo of a small bike on the outside of my lower left calf. No, I wasn't drunk when I got it. It was my "mid-life crisis moment" and a salute to my glory days in the 1980s when I was a punk rock girl (multiple piercings in my ears before it became "the thing"). If old age ever makes my bike start to sag, I can easily get it lasered off because it's a simple "line" design in black ink.

09-24-2006, 05:49 AM
I think you need to post a pic of your tattoo. :)


09-24-2006, 09:33 AM
If old age ever makes my bike start to sag, I can easily get it lasered off because it's a simple "line" design in black ink.

Clever! And yes! Pix! :D

09-24-2006, 11:40 AM
Tramp stamp---kinda says it all, doesn't it? Those things are a dime a dozen--where I live, I see them mostly on overpriviledged princesses whose parents bought them BMWs for their 16th birthdays. Probably had to get drunk before they could get up the nerve to get them, too! (meow!). :p

Same here. And most of them REALLY should not be wearing this fashion - ever heard of "the muffin"? That is the little roll that hangs out over the belt. Apparently, college girls don't own full length mirrors (apologies in advance to TE sisters who have WAY more class than this!)

09-24-2006, 12:47 PM
Hey Kitsune!

Thanks for the link on the kilts :D .

They look cool - and, I'm sure they'd "be cool" on a breezy day. ;)

Reminds me of a very talented guitar teacher I had (focusing on traditional scottish/irish tunes), Tony Cuffe, who passed away in late 2001 from cancer.
Not only was he a multi-talented musician....he was a very sweet & simple guy. It was a privilege to know him.


Back to those kilts......wonder if my DH would wear one cycling???? :D (somehow I don't think so...but, they are cute!)

Peace & Love,


09-24-2006, 12:52 PM
The ones with the privacy snap work very well on bikes and ladders, etc. XDH wore them pretty much exclusively, even when he commuted daily.
I'd use that snap a lot- running, biking, etc- if I had one. As it is, the kilt comes out for special occasions. I've got the black standard kilt with the silver rivets and wear it with a thick leather belt/silver grommets. ...with my work boots. It's a certain look, but very, very nice at summer festivals etc where it's really hot.

looks very good on guys w/o shirts and if you go to the OCF in the summer, looks pretty good on girls w/o shirts.

(hey, we're on a thread talking about going commando. I figure it shouldn't be that much more taboo to talk about going topless where legal and acceptable...)

run it, ride it
09-24-2006, 09:55 PM
Back to the 'how to negotiate heavy flow days' discussion--I too have what I've been told is a light period (I believe I was also beaten repeatedly in a rage of envy). Before I started oral contraceptives I averaged a few hours' light flow every month and a half. It tapered off completely as a high performance athlete.

I thought oral contraceptives were supposed to LESSEN the flow--now I've got a good three days where I need to wear tampons. When it tapers off, I only own black thongs anyway and it never leaks through them.

On the 'muffin' -- I observe many a "bare midriff wobbling over the confines of its low-rise jeans and the oblivious face above it."

09-25-2006, 12:18 AM
Before I started oral contraceptives I averaged a few hours' light flow every month and a half. It tapered off completely as a high performance athlete....
I thought oral contraceptives were supposed to LESSEN the flow--now I've got a good three days where I need to wear tampons.

They don't necessarily lessen the flow in general, they do REGULATE your period.
They can lessen the flow if you normally have excessive flow. And if you have irregular, sparse or irratic periods they can help make them more regular. If you excercise like a demon, you may stop having having periods altogether for a while. Your body senses a high stress situation and shuts down the baby-making potential until it senses normalcy again, this happens with anorexia as well, with illness, or just if you've become way too thin.

09-25-2006, 09:04 AM
as far as the thong panty liners go. i bought some to see how they worked. considering i usually use "dental floss" they didn't work for me. i used them with a regular thong (not fond of) and they just gave me a bigger weggie. went back to the floss and tampons, and i'm a happy camper.

09-26-2006, 06:59 AM
They don't necessarily lessen the flow in general, they do REGULATE your period.
They can lessen the flow if you normally have excessive flow. And if you have irregular, sparse or irratic periods they can help make them more regular.

I think it depends upon the person. I went on the pill back in my twenties because I was so erratic; a period every three or four months. Then, when I had the darn thing, it was heavy the first three days then tapered off the last two. While on the pill, I got onto a regular 28 day cycle and the flow significantly decreased to a light flow for maybe two days total. It could also be dependent upon the different amount of hormones in the different pills.

But back to the thong thing, I gave them a try for a good week or two, 'cause I thought they'd be cool in shorts (I was living in Guam at the time). I just couldn't get the hang of them! More power to those who find them comfortable, I just couldn't.

09-26-2006, 10:55 AM
and yeah, lots of scots do wear 'em 'traditionally'.

I'm Scottish (and yes, I have my own tartan - Clan Scott). Brings to mind a few years back. It was Hogmanay and my neighbour had a party. Her brothers (big, strapping, fine looking lads) were there, dressed in their kilts. Some time later one of her brothers crouched across from where I was...and...what a view!!!. He was definitely a true Scotsman;) :D