View Full Version : Pet Peeves!

09-11-2006, 06:36 AM
Ok, even though my user name is li10up (a reminder to myself not to be so serious) I have a couple of pet peeves...how about you?

1. When talking about different sports a lot of people say how they use different muscles, i.e. cycling vs. running. What they really should say is that the two sports use the muscles differently. Hamstrings, quads, glutes, etc. - same muscles used differently.

2. The use of the word literally. For example, "He literally blew up climbing that hill." They should say, "He figuratively blew up climbing that hill." I know, I know...it's like the word ain't...it's so common that it is now widely accepted to mean virtually. Still makes me cringe when I hear it.

What's your pet peeve?

09-11-2006, 06:42 AM
He literally blew up on the hill -- hee hee, picture that! :eek:

for what it's worth, I feel your pain!

Karen in Boise

09-11-2006, 06:48 AM
literally: Since I am in the forever process of learning a second language, I also spend some time on a language forum. It was really fun trying to explain to Italians why we say "he literally blew up" when in fact, he didn't blow up at all.

Pet peeves? if we're on the subject of language, it's irregardless.THIS IS NOT A WORD.
a very wise senior engineer here says that often... and he likes to sound smart and important but whenever he says THAT, I just GULP and don't say a word. LITERALLY!

09-11-2006, 06:50 AM
I've got lots of pet peeves... probably too many! :rolleyes:

Here are three that really get me:
1) When people say "irregardless" - there is no such word! It's "regardless."
2) When people say "It's hotter than Haiti" - the saying really is "It's hotter than Hades" (as in the Underworld from Greek mythology).
3) When I find a typo or misspelling in a book... it happens more often that I would have thought!

09-11-2006, 06:51 AM
Ha! I'm with you, Mimi! You were too quick.

09-11-2006, 07:02 AM
literally: Since I am in the forever process of learning a second language, I also spend some time on a language forum. It was really fun trying to explain to Italians why we say "he literally blew up" when in fact, he didn't blow up at all.

I had a high school teacher (many years ago!) who often complained of the saying "walk the dog" as in "I get up early in the morning to walk the dog." What? Your dog can't walk by itself?? Poor thing. How about "I get up early in the morning to take the dog for a walk"?

Regardless.... I also agree with these - but am frequently guilty of overuse of cliches.

09-11-2006, 07:02 AM
How about "disirregardless"?

And why do people say "utilize" when they could just say "use"?

09-11-2006, 07:11 AM
I had a high school teacher (many years ago!) who often complained of the saying "walk the dog" as in "I get up early in the morning to walk the dog." What? Your dog can't walk by itself?? Poor thing. How about "I get up early in the morning to take the dog for a walk"?

She'd have a fit at our house... every morning we "pellet the kitties" when they are hungry! :D

09-11-2006, 07:33 AM
Hmmmm, the question isn't what are my pet peeves, but rather, how to condense them all into one mere post?! :eek:

So a few favorites (ie..., thorns in my side!)

1) using the word 'loose' to mean misplacing something. Hello! lose not loose, we aren't talking about baggy pants here!

2) People who pass, typically men, without ever saying 'on your left', or whatever, it is soooo annoying, especially when they are on their spindly aerobars and a mere inch move on your part would send you both tumbling!

3) People who, when you pass them and say hi good morning, grumble, grunt, and generally bark out something nonsensical. Again, predominantly men as most women will say thank you and hello.

4) Red wine being served at room temperature. Hello!!! That so-called rule was invented in the british isles within drafty castles. Nobody I know keeps their house at 62 degrees! Chill the bloody wine for pete's sake ;)

5) When folks insist that the tv/news media in America is vastly left-wing while they toss softball questions to the people running the country. I mean seriously, who believes that?

6) Talking to someone and when they find out you bike ride, they say 'well i would but it is way toooo dangerous/far/tiring, etc'. Then they stroll off, super-sized burger meal in hand, and jump into their suv.

09-11-2006, 07:37 AM
I have 2 pet peeves that come to mind.

1)The wave of amnesia that is sweeping society regarding the use of the apostrophe for possesives, NOT plurals. (ie: The club will meet on Sunday's from now on.) I even see it in newspapers and magazines now.:eek:

2)This is not a language peeve per se, but I HATE when people spend time on my voice mail guessing where I might be. "Maybe you're working in the garden, maybe you're writing, maybe you're out doing errands or working late at the rehab" Ay yi yi, just leave the message!:mad:

09-11-2006, 08:26 AM
I was behind a gasoline tanker truck yesterday...on the back was a huge red sign saying "Danger Inflammable"


I thought gasoline was highly flammable.....

(ok, it probably comes from the root "inflame", but it seems so...bass ackwards somehow...)


09-11-2006, 08:49 AM
Irregardless of the way people utilize there grammar, maybe your all just too uptight and need to loose you're hangups. I don't know if you will get this message, since your all out literally walking your dogs. Me? I am going to get 11 items and stand in the 10-Items-Or-LESS line. ;)

09-11-2006, 08:59 AM
My "peeves" are more general in nature... remember I'm an old lady and am easily irritated so forgive me my irritants.

1) I am out somewhere nice, its beautiful and peaceful out and all of a sudden some whiny little kids came screeming in and there's not a parent in sight. Just my take, nowadays, some little kids are allowed entirely too much freedom. They have no manners or consideration for others.

2) People who talk on cell phones everywhere. No I am not interested in your conversation!

3) People who do not know how to fix their drink at a fast food place. Get in line, get your ice, fill your cup and move away for the next person. I've literately had to stand behind some idiot who fills their cup and sips, and fills and sips while there is a line behind them. Also, parents who let their little kids mess around with the drinks... OK when no where else is around, but when it's busy - fill their cups for them. PLEASE!

4) Sortof of the same thing... people who believe the world rotates around them. They drive 3 miles an hour looking for an address and block traffic. They stop their grocery cart right in the middle of the aisle so people can't get around, they chat on a cell phone in a retail line so the clerk and people behind them have to wait... people who talk in theaters... that sort of thing.

5) People who smoke and think its OK to dump their nasty butt on the ground. People who litter in general. Do they also do this in their own home? I entirely don't get the cigarette dumping thing.

Sorry - I realize I sound like a cranky old woman... but then again, I am!:p

Bad JuJu
09-11-2006, 09:00 AM
I was behind a gasoline tanker truck yesterday...on the back was a huge red sign saying "Danger Inflammable"


I thought gasoline was highly flammable.....

(ok, it probably comes from the root "inflame", but it seems so...bass ackwards somehow...)
Yeah, that's one of those English oddities--"flammable" and "inflammable" mean the same thing--no wonder English is so hard to learn.:D

Well, I'm an English teacher, so when we're talking about pet peeves in the area of language, I've got piles of them. But here are a choice few:
* Using "if" when you mean "whether," as in "She asked me if I preferred the green bike or the red one." HELLO! It's "She asked me WHETHER I preferred the green bike or the red one." "If" is supposed to be used to imply conditions, whereas "whether" simply refers to choices. Jeez! :mad:
* I, too, get steamed by that "literal"/"virtual" confusion. Thanks to computer technology, we're all familiar with the concept that "virtual" means "not in reality." Is it really so hard to make the leap to apply that reasoning to other things that are not true in reality? Double jeez! :mad: :mad:

On the other hand, I still walk my dog--that's standard, though idiomatic, English.;)

09-11-2006, 09:27 AM
I was behind a gasoline tanker truck yesterday...on the back was a huge red sign saying "Danger Inflammable"


I thought gasoline was highly flammable.....

(ok, it probably comes from the root "inflame", but it seems so...bass ackwards somehow...)

inflammable was a word before flammable was. So many people got it mixed up that flammable is now considered a proper word.

09-11-2006, 10:30 AM
He literally blew up on the hill -- hee hee, picture that! :eek:

Ha! This reminds me of the drummer spontaneously combusting in "This is Spinal Tap."

09-11-2006, 10:33 AM
and what really drove me crazy was the theme music from 24 hours, a police drama series that my husband watched for a while. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!

09-11-2006, 11:22 AM
2) People who talk on cell phones everywhere. No I am not interested in your conversation!

Amen! I just had to be that person at lunch. My husband's doctor's office called while I was wandering through Linens N Things. I answered the call only to be asked if he was still constipated. :o Fortunately, the store was empty.

Has anyone heard the Bud Light commercial for the real men of genius? One of the ads is "Mr. Way Too Loud Cell Phone Talker", it is really funny.

09-11-2006, 11:50 AM
Hmmmm....? Pet peeves??? Let start a list!

1.) Is when people use "too" and "to" wrong in a sentence....

2.) DRIVERS: Not using signals, or turning them on when they completely stop (I would have like to know a little before where you were going!), stopping at an enterance to a interstate. (Does it not say "yield?" ), going 15 mph in a 45 mph speed zone, (usually this is not a Sunday when this happens), people that drive past me at 70 mph and not move a single inch to the left of me when there is plenty of room, when I see trash being thrown out of a vehicle going down the hwy, (hmmm...? you wonder if they are that clean in there house or does trash land on the floor too?) I should quit while I am ahead.:D

3.) TRASH: The biggest pet peeve of mine. I live on a pretty busy hwy and it always happens that I have to pick up trash in the morning. It is usually Burger King or McDonalds litter. Hmmmm...? For some reason, I never see an empty granola bag...

4.) SMOKING: People that smoke around me and don't give any consideration in that maybe I don't want to breath in all the toxins that they are enjoying. People that smoke around their children, (I think it is getting a little better now.)

I am sure I have more, but I do not want ya'll to think that all I do is complain...Oh, but wait....That is all I do :D

09-11-2006, 03:31 PM
when people call me at work and ask for someone's voicemail. once i explain that we don't have voicemail here, they refuse to leave a message with me with their name and number. what were you going to do on voicemail?

when people call me at home, get the answering machine and hang up and call back 10 more times and still don't leave a message. i didn't answer the first 9 times, do you think i'll answer this time?

general pet peeve: stupid people.

09-11-2006, 03:42 PM
this thread also reminded me of this saying:
Some people are like Slinkies...
Not really good for anything, But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs. :eek:

09-11-2006, 03:54 PM
Hmmm, pet peeves...

I'll go with people who are mean, insensitive, and/or rude. The loud cell phone talking/blocking the aisle at the grocery store/cutting you off in traffic folks pretty much all fit into that one "peeve".

09-11-2006, 03:55 PM
Cell phones!!!!

And mean people.

09-11-2006, 04:24 PM
this thread also reminded me of this saying:
Some people are like Slinkies...
Not really good for anything, But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs. :eek:

Ha! Nice one.

09-11-2006, 05:34 PM
A big pet peeve of mine are vehicle stickers or accessories that are just plain tasteless. Examples of stickers would be the playboy bunny, the boy peeing on various things, "horn broken, watch for finger", etc. By far the worst accessory that seems ever so popular with the bubbas here in GA are the truck nuts. If you don't know what I am talking about please feast your eyes here: http://www.bumpernuts.com

Hiddeous! :eek:

09-11-2006, 05:46 PM
1) When people come up behind me and read over my shoulder.

2) 12 minute voicemail messages. The purpose of vmail is to let me know you called, not carry out your entire side of the convo.

3) People who cc: everyone on emails. This happened all the time at my old job. We called it email poker, because everyone was always "raising" the ante by adding a higher up on each reply.

4) Politicians in general

5) People who drive slow in the left lane and only move over after you pass them.

6) People who litter

7) People who try to pass themselves off as being smarter than they are by using big words that they use in the wrong context half the time, or discussing things that you covered your 2nd year of college yet they're just learning them now. Like they're some sort of genius for learning the periodic table.

8) People who are generally aloof to others

I think that's it :p

09-11-2006, 05:53 PM
... By far the worst accessory that seems ever so popular with the bubbas here in GA are the truck nuts. If you don't know what I am talking about please feast your eyes here: http://www.bumpernuts.com

Hiddeous! :eek:
I've seen a bunch of those, they're truly nauseating. :mad:

09-11-2006, 06:02 PM
Bumper nuts?
That's it, I'm packing now.
Mongolia, here I come.

09-11-2006, 06:07 PM
I know, I could just heave everytime a see a pair! Testosterone at its finest! :rolleyes:

09-11-2006, 06:37 PM

Professionals who use the word "myself" incorrectly ie. "John and myself will be giving the presentation."

People who turn in front of me and cut me off when I'm riding. I'm so tempted to run right into them but I'd hurt my poor bike.

LateLate - I usually get "you're probably out biking...."

09-11-2006, 06:42 PM
By far the worst accessory that seems ever so popular with the bubbas here in GA are the truck nuts. If you don't know what I am talking about please feast your eyes here: http://www.bumpernuts.com
Wow. Maybe we should have let them secede after all. :eek:

Top pet peeves of mine:

Misuse of the apostrophe.
See my hero, Bob The Angry Flower: http://angryflower.com/aposter.html
I have this poster on my refrigerator. This week I took it to Kinkos to be laminated. I never want anything bad to happen to this poster. I saw my 7 year old nephew studying it the last time he was here. YAY!

Mistreatment of the flag. I am a bleeding heart liberal. AND I love and respect our flag. I grew up pledging allegiance to it every day, and we were taught how to honor the flag by treating it properly. It infuriated me when people displayed flags all over after 9/11/01, but then let them hang there day and night (not illuminated), in all weather (take it in when it rains), and they became faded, tattered remnants. Our flag, a tattered remnant? I was in Peru as an exchange student when I was 16. At the time, Peru was ruled by a military dictatorship. Soldiers, guns, tanks, fear, everywhere. When I saw the American flag flying at the embassy, I was grateful and proud. I'll never forget it.
One day, recently, as I was pulling out of a McDonald's, I saw some teenaged employees in the process of putting up the flag for the day. They had it in a heap on the ground. I stopped and called out the window, "You guys, the flag shouldn't touch the ground." Given that they were teenagers, I considered it possible that they'd throw something at me. But instead they grabbed up the flag and yelled, "Sorry!" :D

Cigarette butts. I have a fantasy in which every butt a smoker has ever thrown on the ground mysteriously ends up in their bed one day.

And, of course, loud cell phone conversations. YES, WE CAN ALL HEAR YOU!

09-11-2006, 07:01 PM
Some people are like Slinkies...
Not really good for anything, But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs. :eek:

You are truly a wonderful woman, CWR. *hug* That saying has a special place in my heart.

Bumper nuts-
I find it really funny that they have a subaru on the main bumper nuts page. I thought Subarus were pretty stereotypically driven by l... ...nevermind.
Doesn't having an 8" pair of nuts on the back of a big, 3/4-1ton truck make the nuts look really, really, really, just terrifically little and inadequate? (Though a truck that big screams "COMPENSATION!" anyway...)

Pet Peeves: (note: both links contain comics that may be offensive to the sensitive *you know who you are*, so to be fair, you've been warned. )

1) I'm a "grammar nazi (http://www.somethingpositive.net/sp08252006.shtml)". Yes. I know I use and abuse the (...) but when one is accustomed to speech online, the (...) have come to signal a longer pause where the use of a comma would be otherwise inappropriate. Bad spelling makes me sad, but I've come to realize that bad spellers are not bad people. Just, please, remember 'your/you're, to/too/two, lose/loose, they're/their/there'. Think of the children!
1b) PUNCTUATION IS A TOOL, NOT A TOY (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/11/03).

2) Stupidity. If you don't know, please ask. I can take all the stupid questions in the world. I can. But if I TELL you, don't turn around and SCREW IT UP AGAIN. There are REASONS why I've had a 6 month long, on and off eyetwitch after starting work as a Security Officer. *twitch*

3) Rudeness/coarse behavior/childishness: If you're over 18, you better act like it. I'm sick of talking to people my age, and feeling like I'm talking to children (No, college is *not* high school with beer and cigarettes!) or worse, someone older than me, with kids my age (or younger) who are acting like children and obviously setting a craptacular example for their kids. Then they go and complain about kids these days. WTF?!

I must come off as a b*tchy something-or-other, but I'm SO tired of seeing/meeting people whose shins are begging for a good kicking, and I'm *always* wearing my steel-toed Docs.

09-11-2006, 07:23 PM
as they say...."only in America!"
please don't let someone discover them and import them here

09-11-2006, 07:37 PM
This thread is making my day. I thought I was already as amused as I could possibly be until I read the second link on Kitsune's post.

Thank you for that.

My pet peeve is malapropisms. I had a boss who used to say "The onerous is on you."

Oh, and apostrophe misuse. But not sentence fragments.:rolleyes:

09-11-2006, 07:49 PM
"The onerous is on you."

Glad I could amuse, Pyxi. =D

"The onerous is on you." SO reminds me of Kingdom of Loathing's (http://www.kingdomofloathing.com)"An Adventurer is You!"
...oops! My gamer is showing!

09-11-2006, 09:14 PM
And why do people say "utilize" when they could just say "use"?

Yes, this one cracks me up. I'll never be able to say this word, ever again. :)

My pet peeve is agressive drivers. Maybe I'm turning into a little old lady in my car, but I've had it up to my eyeballs with the idiots who do everything short of driving me off the road, just so they can get to the next stop light sooner. They're so rude! And unsafe! But you can't honk your horn any more, that just makes it worse. They're so rude!

09-11-2006, 10:12 PM
I'm starting to wonder if there's a new, obscure "left turn on red into lotsof traffic as long as you've stopped and sat in the left turn lane for a moment" law here in Idaho.

And I'm also concerned about the use of too in the same sentence as the word also too.

but: if you loose enough weight then you ARE talking about baggy pants!

Crans (for coloring)

lawn mowers that don't work properly

putting my fingers on the wrong keys on the keyboard and having to retype everything...

Wouldn't it be nice if some people really did "literally blow up???"

Karen in Boise

09-12-2006, 01:11 AM
Smoking. Why do people consider that it is their right to poison everyone around them?

Misuse of the apostrophe is annoying too. Has anyone read "Eats, shoots and leaves" by Lynne Truss? She has dedicated a whole chapter to the apostrophe.


09-12-2006, 02:39 AM
Misuse of countables/non countables...It drives me up the wall when my boss says "there is 6 blah blah in blah blah"....I taught ESL and can't believe native speakers get it wrong...URGH

The use of advice and advise...LEARN PLEASE..before i pop into little Canadian parts.

In Australia, there are alot of words that are shortened but they drive me nuts! Servo(service station) is one of them. Don't get me started on Mate and No Worries...

When people call me American...I AM NOT AMERICAN..I AM CANADIAN thank you very much and YES there is a difference. DO NOT GO DOWN THIS GARDEN PATH...:mad:

K..cranky person here again..Children on planes, trains, restaurants & most places in general. Parents learn how to handle your sprogs & stay out of my way. If your children can't behave in public don't go out. Period. Keep your whinging sprogs at home.

That's enough for now. I'll go and pop into little bike parts :) ..


09-12-2006, 07:08 AM
K..cranky person here again..Children on planes, trains, restaurants & most places in general. Parents learn how to handle your sprogs & stay out of my way. If your children can't behave in public don't go out. Period. Keep your whinging sprogs at home.c

I have a 22 year-old daughter who, until very recently, and from the time she was not much more than a small child herself, always said that children should be kept in "Borg Maturation Chambers" until they're full grown and civilized. She's gotten to know a coupld of very small children now, and has a bit more tolerance, but yeah -- when we take the wee creatures out in public, every effort is made to contain them and not bother others on accounta we hate the being bothered by other wee brats!!

The sad part is we've learned where not to go at what times, like, stay out of grocery stores between about 4:30p.m. and midnight! (leave the kids and one of you home with them at that hour for crying out loud. Grocery shopping does NOT have to be a family affair!)

Karen in Boise

09-12-2006, 07:19 AM
In Australia, there are alot of words that are shortened but they drive me nuts! Servo(service station) is one of them.

I particularly despise "addy" for address, and " 'puter " for computer. Nauseatingly cute. How lazy can you get?

09-12-2006, 08:23 AM
Pet peeve? THe word "like". Its like so.. like kinda like... like that, you feel me?

The people i work with absolutely love using the word "like"... in fact some of the guys do it too.. whats more infuriating is I'm beginning to catch myself talking LIKE that all the time LIKE when i'm talking to my like friends?

But i'm kinda like getting used to it...

09-12-2006, 08:38 AM
I'm starting to wonder if there's a new, obscure "left turn on red into lotsof traffic as long as you've stopped and sat in the left turn lane for a moment" law here in Idaho.
Karen in Boise

Amen, sister!

My peeves:
- goatheads in my tires
- rude, immature, ill-mannered, disrespectful teenagers
- iPod nation. Everyone has one and they wear it everywhere!
- people who think they know more than they actually do
- glass in the bike lane
- kids who go bananas because mom said no to something they wanted.
- people who leave the shopping buggy in the middle of the lane, then get all bent out of shape when I say 'scuse me and try to pass by.
- over ripe bananas and squishy nectarines
That's about it for now. :cool:

09-12-2006, 08:51 AM
OOh! yesterday in the big W-store, in one of the grocery aisles, a lady left her cart right in the middle, and went to another aisle! We were stuck, waiting to get through, since there were other people too, including an old guy, standing in JUST the right spot to keep all these people bottled up. I thought the cart had to be his, since there was no one else to claim it.

The lady came back from wherever and walked away with the cart, leaving the old guy behind. He promptly moved so that he could be much more in the way than he suddenly was.

Gotta admit, every now and then, my daughter and I will decide that when in Rome, we should be doing as the Romans do, and make every effort to block up an entire aisle too. Until someone wants to use it, that is!

Karen in Boise

09-12-2006, 09:35 AM
I'm SO tired of seeing/meeting people whose shins are begging for a good kicking, and I'm *always* wearing my steel-toed Docs.

you learn well my child.

when i leave here and go back to "society" everything seems to annoy me. i think i've become to "bushey".

09-12-2006, 10:02 AM
For some reason the kids around here have started saying "right on" when they mean to say "okay," or "yes," or "that's really cool" or "I agree. "

I've heard it so much lately, that "right on" has replaced my former number one annoying phrase, "my bad," which had previously unsettled "it's all good."

09-12-2006, 10:07 AM
I always thought "my bad" was an acknowledgment of goofing up like in "oh I spilled the beans... my bad!" An apology.

09-12-2006, 10:22 AM
- iPod nation. Everyone has one and they wear it everywhere!

Guilty :D

09-12-2006, 10:52 AM
Guilty :D

You don't wear it to the copy machine and into the bathroom at work, do you? That's what gets me. :rolleyes: :D

09-12-2006, 11:17 AM
-people who circle around the parking lot looking for a close in space when the back of the lot is empty - at the gym

-people who stop at a red light and then turn on their left turn indicator just as the light turns green, thus trapping the person behind them

-people who tell me I am "lucky" that my kids are "easy" rather than realizing just how had dh and I work to have well behaved children

-the abreviation gyno for gynocologist. I don't know why, it just sounds vulgar to me

-speed bumps

09-12-2006, 11:20 AM
I know that I have pet peeves. Why? Because I'm not perfect. :D I'm having a human experience here on planet Earth LOL :)

Okay, just want to provide some food for thought here...

The thing is that when I object to someone else's behavior, I really feel it is because the person is mirroring something in me that is similar. For instance, when I get annoyed at my mother-in-law for being so neat and immaculate, I wonder at times if it's because I also like order and neatness. However, I'm just not motivated to clean my house every day (once a week is doable, however). My dear MIL mirrors that part of me that wants a clean house too...and well, my jealousy :)

I like the idea that sometimes those that are toughest to love are the ones who need it the most :) Yeah, it's hard for me to still swallow this, but it really felt true for me.

I know that I probably do things that would be considered one of your pet peeves :) I sometimes drive slow...or fast. Once in while, I may giggle very loudly in public. I slurp my tea loudly at times (I want to get every last drop). I often have poor grammar and punctuation (especially on message boards). I like to sing at times when I ride my bike, especially my mountain bike LOL.

But, underneath all of the 'annoying' stuff, I am a great person. I'm a good listener. I have compassion and if you're my friend, I'd walk a million miles uphill in the rain and snow for you. I care about people and that is what matters...in my own heart.

So...for me, what matters most is if there is love underneath the outward appearances and other 'annoyances'.

Just wanted to get this off my chest and share my own personal truth and provide food for thought.

With peace and love...and loving intentions...

09-12-2006, 11:53 AM
People who are too nice! - Just kidding Yogabear! ;)

Wow, guess this one hit a nerve. Glad I'm not the only one who gets peeved now and then. Thanks for sharing.

09-12-2006, 12:55 PM
Thanks for the good food, Yogabear. ;)

09-12-2006, 12:59 PM
Wow, guess this one hit a nerve.

This thread hit a nerve with me...It caused me to look at myself in a deeper way...that's all. It's actually quite hard to offend me, seriously :)

Much love to all...

09-12-2006, 01:10 PM
This thread hit a nerve with me...It caused me to look at myself in a deeper way...that's all. It's actually quite hard to offend me, seriously :)

Much love to all...
Sorry, I hope I didn't offend anyone with all my complaining...I guess. it just depends how full the moon is when I get irritable and have to complain about something...I drive my dh mad and a young veterinarian that I work with. I tell him that I am training him so that he knows what it will be like when he gets married! LOL It does feel good to vent sometimes...Oh, wait..I do it a lot! LOL :D

09-12-2006, 01:12 PM

Hey, I'm all for venting :) It's a good release...it's nice to blow off steam and let go...very healing :) I'm all about releasing the old so the new can enter. And, I don't think you offended anyone :)

09-12-2006, 01:17 PM
This thread hit a nerve with me...It caused me to look at myself in a deeper way...that's all. It's actually quite hard to offend me, seriously :)

Much love to all...
I didn't mean a nerve in you...I just meant that it hit home with just about everyone...that we all have our little pet peeves. Hope I didn't offend.

09-12-2006, 01:25 PM

Hey, I'm all for venting :) It's a good release...it's nice to blow off steam and let go...very healing :) I'm all about releasing the old so the new can enter. And, I don't think you offended anyone :)
Is is good or else I end up really driving my dh mad! LOL...I am sure that I do plenty to annoy people too..We are all unique in our special way.:D

Thank you for the reply..:D

09-12-2006, 01:46 PM
Biking Goddesses,

Never think that you offend anyone :) We're so used to not speaking our truth as women...I say express yourself, girlfriends! Express whatever is in your heart and on your mind...and yes, vent too :)

Oops, forgot to add the part about dancing naked! LOL

09-12-2006, 02:17 PM
Never think that you offend anyone :) We're so used to not speaking our truth as women...I say express yourself, girlfriends! Express whatever is in your heart and on your mind...and yes, vent too :)

Oops, forgot to add the part about dancing naked! LOL

that just makes me feel so much better reading that. like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. people i can vent to.

09-12-2006, 02:31 PM
You don't wear it to the copy machine and into the bathroom at work, do you? That's what gets me. :rolleyes: :D

Yes I do wear my iPod to the copy machine and bathroom.

What I don't do is make cell phone calls in the bathroom (or answer them). I can't tell you how many times I've been in there and some woman makes a call and then goes into the stall to do her business - I mean her business. Man, that's just creepy!!!!!! There are some places that should always remain private... :mad:

09-12-2006, 02:32 PM
Tater made me think of one, people who bring cell phones into the bathroom. I've been in there when someone's phone rings, they answer and proceed to have a conversation. You're sitting on the potty for goodness sakes!!

Whoa! jinx Pam! Great minds think alike etc....

09-12-2006, 02:33 PM
People who are too nice! - Just kidding Yogabear! ;)

Wow, guess this one hit a nerve. Glad I'm not the only one who gets peeved now and then. Thanks for sharing.

:D :D :D ;)

This sortof reminds me of an exercise I did in business class. People are divided up in 4 categories. I know different names were given to different exercises - mine used birds - Eagles, Doves, Owls and Peacocks. Pretty self-explanatory. I am an eagle. No surprise there. Yoga appears to be a Dove. Note Doves make good teachers, human resource adminstrators, nurses etc. Attitude is "can't we all just get along?". Unfortunately my attitude is "What's the bottom line? How fast can I get there" . Doves and Eagles generally do not work well together. I'm best with an peacock.

Would be interesting to find out what we all are and what we do for a living. I'm in law - perfect for an eagle. Owls are usually accountants, financial anaylsts, engineers. Peacocks are perfect in sales or design.

Anyone else out there ever do this exercise and what was the result?

PS Yoga: This is just a website - take nothing of what I say seriously. I some times like to rile up the natives!

09-12-2006, 02:51 PM
What I don't do is make cell phone calls in the bathroom (or answer them). I can't tell you how many times I've been in there and some woman makes a call and then goes into the stall to do her business - I mean her business. Man, that's just creepy!!!!!! There are some places that should always remain private... :mad:

i thought that was a guy thing. my BF does it all the time to me. does he not realize i know where he is even though i'm on the phone?

09-12-2006, 02:53 PM
In no particular order (some of which have already been stated):

-Losing the 'u' in Canadian spelling. It's colour. Neighbour. Favour.
-People who suck their teeth. I sat in front of someone on a 6-hour flight yesterday who made that sickening sound the entire time. I wouldn't be surprised if her enamel is all gone.
-mixing up your and you're
-possessive plurals and other apostrophe mishaps
-people who toss their cigarette butts out the vehicle window thinking that the world is their ashtray
-tailgaters, especially when I'm already driving at least 20 km/h over the speed limit

09-12-2006, 03:02 PM
My pet peeves:

People who decide to go thru life and be perpetual victims.

People who do EVERTHING for their kids and then wonder why they can't graduate from college, get a job or even raise their own kids.

A woman who used to work here and complained to me that the toilet paper was not soft enough (oh the combacks I can think of)

People who think everyone has as much money as they do to spend on the most, the best and the latest of anything. Ofcourse not realizing that some of us need our money for nonsense items like food, rent, etc.

Young men in the bike shop who think that me a woman over 40 would not be interested in a road bike made of carbon fiber

People who get on the elevator before you can get off it

People who want you to change your plans to see your family so that you can go something with them.

Off the soapbox..........

09-12-2006, 03:09 PM
-People who suck their teeth. I sat in front of someone on a 6-hour flight yesterday who made that sickening sound the entire time. I wouldn't be surprised if her enamel is all gone.

how do you do this? i've never heard of it.

09-12-2006, 03:28 PM
Tater made me think of one, people who bring cell phones into the bathroom. I've been in there when someone's phone rings, they answer and proceed to have a conversation. You're sitting on the potty for goodness sakes!!

And when someone does that, you just HAVE to stop what you're doing and wish they'd hang up the phone...

Karen in Boise

09-12-2006, 03:29 PM
:D :D :D ;)

This sortof reminds me of an exercise I did in business class. People are divided up in 4 categories. I know different names were given to different exercises - mine used birds - Eagles, Doves, Owls and Peacocks. Pretty self-explanatory. I am an eagle. No surprise there. Yoga appears to be a Dove. Note Doves make good teachers, human resource adminstrators, nurses etc. Attitude is "can't we all just get along?". Unfortunately my attitude is "What's the bottom line? How fast can I get there" . Doves and Eagles generally do not work well together. I'm best with an peacock.

Would be interesting to find out what we all are and what we do for a living. I'm in law - perfect for an eagle. Owls are usually accountants, financial anaylsts, engineers. Peacocks are perfect in sales or design.

Anyone else out there ever do this exercise and what was the result?

I was part of a similar study years ago, except they were broken down as:

- Courageous (leaders, sales) "Lead, follow.. or get out of my way!"
- Harmonious (extroverts, people-oriented, emotional) "Let's talk about it"
- Organized (managers, number crunchers, planners) "Let me sort it out"
- Analytical (introverts, scientific) "Leave me alone, I'm working"

I scored off the charts as Analytical. The head of the program said it was unusual for an artist, especially a female one. The category had the fewest members of the four groups – just 13% of those studied – and 80% were male. All I can say in my defense is... At least I didn't wear my plastic Spock ears that day!

09-12-2006, 03:29 PM
how do you do this? i've never heard of it.

If I tell you, do you promise to never do it?

Imagine you have a piece of food (say, parsley) caught between your two front teeth. Take your tongue and, while placing it on the front of your teeth, apply pressure to your teeth / suck hard enough (ok, that didn't come out right at all) to make a sucking / suction noise. I really can't describe it.

Trust me. It was enough to make me want to reach back & stick my complimentary pretzel mix in her ear.

09-12-2006, 03:33 PM
You don't wear it to the copy machine and into the bathroom at work, do you? That's what gets me. :rolleyes: :D

how about in the other ear while on the phone (cell or otherwise) or in just one ear while dealing with a customer?

And how about loud enough so that people around the user have the user's choice of music inflicted on them too!

Karen in Boise

09-12-2006, 03:55 PM
If I tell you, do you promise to never do it?

Imagine you have a piece of food (say, parsley) caught between your two front teeth. Take your tongue and, while placing it on the front of your teeth, apply pressure to your teeth / suck hard enough (ok, that didn't come out right at all) to make a sucking / suction noise. I really can't describe it.

Trust me. It was enough to make me want to reach back & stick my complimentary pretzel mix in her ear.

i tried it (don't worry no one around me to annoy) but i can't get it down. hmmm... you don't have to worry about me annoying you with it. though i can see how that pretzel mix may have wound up in her ear or up her nose. :eek:

09-12-2006, 04:09 PM
In Australia, there are alot of words that are shortened but they drive me nuts! Servo(service station) is one of them. Don't get me started on Mate and No Worries...

Wow - you better not read my posts then or I may peeve you off for the rest of the day.:D

09-12-2006, 04:18 PM
I love imagining how you would say the things you write Leslie! Sorry, I think certain accents and turns of speech are just fascinating.


09-12-2006, 04:20 PM
Nearly forgot here is a jab from the Australians to the North Americans. My pet peeve.... adults in the USA that call a trip to the toilet going to the potty. Please I dont know about you but I stopped using a potty when I was about 2. Cute ??? NO it just sounds weird.:D

09-12-2006, 04:20 PM
i thought that was a guy thing. my BF does it all the time to me. does he not realize i know where he is even though i'm on the phone?

It must be a comfort thing. My gf does it to me. She'll call me at work and we'll end up chatting for awhile (sometimes up to an hour- my work just *is* that way) and all of a sudden I'll hear a flush.
"...Uh, Thanks, honey."
Her: "Hehehehe... you like that?"
":rolleyes: I work in a manufacturing facility full of boys and big kids. I would have to, or I'd go nuts."

The other fun part about my job is that since we man the phones 24/7, we actually have to take the phones with us into the bathroom- 8 hr shift means 8 hrs straight. no lunch, no bathroom breaks... so... yeah. It's a common thing for me to radio someone, and have them say they're busy. "Busy" here means anything from "checking out this chick in a plastic clean room suit" to "I'm in the bathroom." so I radio back about 30 secs later to have them push the 'ptt' button and flush.
The appropriate answer is "I'm indisposed at the moment."

09-12-2006, 04:26 PM
I guess I would be an analytical owl. Gee that sounds attractive.

Ditto, carback, on the sucking teeth thing. The woman in the office across from me does that and it makes me nauseous everytime. Hers is really juicy sounding too, uggghhhhh!

09-12-2006, 08:20 PM
Dunno... analytical owl sounds better than a china shop storming, "get out of my way" eagle... :(

BTW, when I did the "test" alot of the women were "owls" or analytical. Most of the men were peacocks (no surprise there). Doves were all women. Alot of eagles were men. I really thought it was interesting how the groups were split sexually. I have to say I tend to enjoy the company of men. All my friends are men. I think it's because I'm such a "tomboy" not married and never had kids. But I think most of our personalities are decided in the womb so maybe I ws supposed to be a guy.

Audrey - I agree with all your peeves. Especially these 3:

People who decide to go thru life and be perpetual victims.

People who do EVERTHING for their kids and then wonder why they can't graduate from college, get a job or even raise their own kids.

People who think everyone has as much money as they do to spend on the most, the best and the latest of anything. Of course not realizing that some of us need our money for nonsense items like food, rent, etc.

Have had alot of things bad happen in my life (from being molested as a young child, to being beaten and hospitalized by my mother, a verynasty and butter divorce, an abusive BF) but I've never sat back and Blamed my life on all that. I've always know I have control of what happens. If I want things to be better, than it's up to me to make it better.

I have so many friends whose children (this includes one of my sisters) have failed to "launch." They can't seem to get and keep jobs, make their own money, be independant human biengs but then again these same kids had everything growing up - their parents never said no. Interesting...

For 25 years I had a best friend. She and her husband in the last few years became very sucessful and have lots of money. Theys started taking very nice vacations (next month they got o Italy for a 3 week bike trip =sigh= would love to go) and going to very expensive restaurants etc. I just couldn't hang, couldn't afford to keep up so they are moved on to other friends. To me it's sad that money was the reason we no longer keep in touch. Money should be the last thing. Oh well.

09-12-2006, 09:56 PM
bcipam "What I don't do is make cell phone calls in the bathroom (or answer them). I can't tell you how many times I've been in there and some woman makes a call and then goes into the stall to do her business - I mean her business. Man, that's just creepy!!!!!! There are some places that should always remain private... :mad:"

thank you! I work in call center for a beeeg company and eveyone is doing two things at once these days, calling us and driving (If I could I'd hang up on them) and yes .... that.

I'm in the middle of a complex order with you and **** flush****

yuch. :mad:

also related to what bcipam sed about kids: I get lots of calls from elderly parents, "kid" in the background demanding DSL, wants it NOW needs it NOW whine whine on Mom/Dads line.

Get your own dang line brat.

Sure I *heart* to take the sale but I'm telling your Mom/Dad that the bill, e-mail accounts and contract is part of their account not your brats.

09-12-2006, 11:02 PM

I'm in the middle of a complex order with you and **** flush****


Wow. I've never had the opportunity to hear a flush in the background before!
Most of the time people would go "Can i call you back in 5?".. hint hinting hint.. i'm going to try prolonging the call now...

09-13-2006, 12:12 AM
thank you! I work in call center for a beeeg company and eveyone is doing two things at once these days, calling us and driving (If I could I'd hang up on them) and yes .... that.
yuch. :mad:

No kidding. when I worked for Adobe up here, I got the weirdest calls. That situation, and some guy who was calling us way early (I had the 6am shift) and in the middle of the call, his gf (I hope?) asks him if he could find the condom from last night. :eek: I mean... geez.

Anyone working in a callcenter gets weird stuff-enough for a few good comic strips, anyway. I don't even wanna go into the calls DGF's fielded for GM.

09-13-2006, 03:03 AM
Ok so I feel compelled to chime in here, now that it is getting really gritty! :D

When I was in college, I had a job at a call center, for a cell phone company no less. I worked in tech support.

Moaning? Heard it. Chewing in my ear? Constantly. Arguing and fighting? Every day.

It amazed me what people did on the phone and even more so, what they expected you to put up with. No dude, I will not sit and try to explain what you need to do to fix this problem while you are inhaling a bag of potato chips!

Nowadays as has been pointed out, you have people using cell phones in bath rooms. While some of us have jobs that require that kind of behavior, my job clearly is not one of them. Yet there you are, in a little moment of privacy in the stall at the far end.....when suddenly you hear Bambi from accounting talk about her romp with Joey from Sales this past weekend....oh yes, she's 2 stalls down didn't you know?! :eek:

Sorry but I find it all incredibly creepy and very invasive. I like those European style water closets infinitely more! :cool:

09-13-2006, 08:02 AM
K, ladies one more related to the whole bathroom and phone issues, which I think is disgusting that people talk on the phone in the bathroom. Anyway.

One more pet peeve-people who walk into the bathroom, lean down to see the feet in the stall to look for me to ask me some stupid question. Geez can't I have 5 minutes of peace! BTW My standard reply is "Is someone dying? If not, please go away!"


09-13-2006, 08:31 AM
otherwise nice, friendly people who can't tolerate children being children.

Followed closely by people who throw trash out of their cars, wait in their idling cars in the fire lane of any store, and tailgaters.


09-13-2006, 09:30 AM
Irregardless of the way people utilize there grammar, maybe your all just too uptight and need to loose you're hangups. I don't know if you will get this message, since your all out literally walking your dogs. Me? I am going to get 11 items and stand in the 10-Items-Or-LESS line. ;)

Yea! It's those people who use weird misspellings for LIGHT (as in li10up) who get to me!!! MIght will become MITE... (spight will become spite?)

09-13-2006, 09:31 AM
literally: Since I am in the forever process of learning a second language, I also spend some time on a language forum. It was really fun trying to explain to Italians why we say "he literally blew up" when in fact, he didn't blow up at all.

Pet peeves? if we're on the subject of language, it's irregardless.THIS IS NOT A WORD.
a very wise senior engineer here says that often... and he likes to sound smart and important but whenever he says THAT, I just GULP and don't say a word. LITERALLY!

I don't want to be a smart a**, but I had this same conversation with my husband one night (long before reading this forum), which has left me confused.

I worked with a lady who constantly said, "irregardless", which I found very annoying. Being the English expert, my husband said it wasn't a word. The Historian in me, who tends to look things up before making a comment, I found the word in the dictionary. It quotes: "[prob. blend of irrespective and regardless] nonstand: REGARDLESS."

Can someone explain to me why it isn't a word?

09-13-2006, 09:37 AM
"nonstandard" - means people use it, but it's not "good english."

You'll find swear words in there, too... doesn't mean you should use them.

Irregardless bugs me because it ends up being a double negative, so it should logically mean regardful. Irr consistently means "not," as opposed to "in," which sometimes means "not," but can also mean "in" or the same thing as "en"... which is why "inflammable" isn't really such a double negative. Those things are able to be inflamed. However, flammable would more obviously connect with flames as opposed to athlete's foot :rolleyes:

It *is* harder to communicate clearly with people when the consistent, standard patterns of our language have been eroded by disuse. However, it is in too many folks' best interest (as in financial) to be able to sell us ideas and products via verbal appeals to our emotions, and thus, analytical thinking has gone out of fashion. Our current educational system doesn't encourage it, either.

09-13-2006, 09:41 AM

Thanks for clarifying. I wish my husband explained it that easy.

09-13-2006, 10:31 AM
Just remembered a couple...
"I could care less."
"He takes me for granite."

Granite? He thinks you're a rock?

09-13-2006, 10:38 AM
I don't want to be a smart a**, but I had this same conversation with my husband one night (long before reading this forum), which has left me confused.

I worked with a lady who constantly said, "irregardless", which I found very annoying. Being the English expert, my husband said it wasn't a word. The Historian in me, who tends to look things up before making a comment, I found the word in the dictionary. It quotes: "[prob. blend of irrespective and regardless] nonstand: REGARDLESS."

Can someone explain to me why it isn't a word?

Well, there goes the language! It has evolved once more; that word is NOW in the dictionary. I stand corrected. But i still don't like it...

09-13-2006, 10:46 AM
Just remembered a couple...

"He takes me for granite."

Granite? He thinks you're a rock?

Do people really say that?!!

It's a good thing I can't correct other people's posts, I would be fixing typos all day.
What was it like before spelling was standardized?

And another one: OTHER people's kids. I confess, I don't really like kids too much, they're noisy, inconsiderate, irrational, uncontrollable.
I used to sit and complain about children with a friend of mine. Then one day; I had kids... (2 boys) and they were nothing like what I remembered from my own childhood. They were.. Noisy, Inconsiderate, messy, irrational, uncontrollable.. and ALL MINE!!!! talk about a rude awakening! Suddenly I understood... all of it... suddenly it was me at the table in the restaurant
red as a beet because MY kid knocked over a table... or told me in a loud clear voice (age 2) that the man on the bench was ugly... or would i please take my kid home because he'd messed his pants (age 6) AGAIN...
I narrowed my pet peeves to people with annoying kids who did absolutely nothing to try and control them... rather than just being peeved about the kids.
Now my sons are men, gentlemen, and I can go back to not liking kids in general...:cool:

but... I don't expect children to act like adults...

09-13-2006, 11:06 AM
People who invent words, like


Just joking, Kit. :D

People who confuse "formerly" and "formally".

People who whine about things they could fix. Eg. My son at 12 on winter hike, wants to rest, sits on rock, complains that he's cold. Me: "Get your butt off that rock!".

09-13-2006, 12:59 PM
Folks, there's a logical explanation for a lot of the errors that are pet peeves. Many of them are similar sounding words with similar sounding meanings.

Some years back, there was a very effective movement in education called "whole language." Well, it was effective at being adopted; it wasn't quite as effective when it came to educating.

The premise of whole language is that learning to read is all about making meaning from text - and it doesn't matter whether you get *exactly* the right word, as long as you basically get the meaning from the text... and, well, maybe it's not the *author's* meaning but as long as it means something to you, that's "right."

All that old-fashioned inane stuff about pronouncing words correctly and knowing how to break a word into syllables... oh, that is horrible torture and will make our children hate reading and never know the joy of literature.

It works fine through grade 3 or 4... and then we get words like granite and granted, vaccination and vacation, malevolence and male violence.

The educational journals even have this stuff - one highly respected book about teaching to underprepared college students begins with saying that whether you are "reading from the cannon" ... YIKES!!! and there's another homophonic blunder on the same page! (I'm glad to say that the actual articles in the book don't have such errors, so I suspect editing was not as rigorous there.) I wish I could say this were uncommon.

For me, it's a deep peeve, especially since the more I read of inexact English, the more likely errors are to invade *my* communication. I like communicating clearly. I treasure it.

Some of my students have specific difficulties with actually *hearing* the differences in the sounds of words; too many of them, however, simply haven't been taught to even care.

(I don't run around correcting every utterance - it would not be effective and it would be annoying and negative. It does, however, make my job and their learnign much more difficult.)

09-13-2006, 02:05 PM
It's funny but I actually like invented words. I have a very good friend who is incredibly funny and part of what makes him so funny is his ability to combine words to really express what he wants to say. Wish I could think of an example but my mind is blank right now but you understand. He's very clever.

Back to kids: I really do like kids and have no problem with kids being kids. What makes them so delightful and fun is all their noise making. What I don't like is when kids are being brats. You know what I mean. The kid that screams at his mom in front of everyone that she's a ***** because she wouldn't buy him candy or the kids that are running around in a restaurant while waiters are trying to serve food and I'm trying to enjoy my meal and the parents are just ignoring everything. The behavior I dislike is not the childrens but the parents. I dislike parents who let their kids run amok. A major peeve of mine.

Back to cell phones: Today I was in the elevator. Another woman's phone rang (BTW the ringtone was as obnoxious as her call). She answered and immediately starts screaming at the caller about being stood up the night before etc. Geez Louise... we are not alone here! I don't need to know you and your BF are fighting! Have the good sense and graciousness to let the phone take a message and then call the idiot back, in private.

Word play: The English language is abuse everyday and I'm as much an offender as the next person. But unless the offense is especially horrific, I don't get crazy. I mean, I hate it when someone says "Me and my friend.." but oh well, at least I understood what was meant. Let's save our ire for something really bad - like using a cell phone while going tinkle!!! ;)

09-13-2006, 02:21 PM
...or the kids that are running around in a restaurant while waiters are trying to serve food and I'm trying to enjoy my meal and the parents are just ignoring everything. The behavior I dislike is not the childrens but the parents. I dislike parents who let their kids run amok.

Reminds me of a time a few years ago, at an cafe in Beverly Hills. A friend and I were enjoying Sunday brunch, sitting near a large party of adults + one 2-3 year old. The adults were busy talking so the bored boy left them and wandered from table to table. He came over to our table, stared at us and then grabbed my food! The parents and their friends looked over and instead of retrieving him, burst out laughing. The boy was delighted to get attention so he started laughing and throwing the food in the air, which caused the adults to laugh even harder. The mother finally got the boy and lamely apologized, saying, "At least it's a buffet, you can always get another plate."

09-13-2006, 02:27 PM
People who invent words, like


Just joking, Kit. :D

That's alright. I never really used such words until my ex and his friends got me into it. I argued that it was totally incorrect, and a way to 'cheat' in the English language- to screw with other words so you don't have to stretch your vocabulary to encompass the *correct* words to convey your thoughts... until one of his friends (physics major- go figure) told me that it was only as much of an insult to English as the way English takes/borrows words from other languages or 'verbs nouns' (i.e. to 'google' something or to 'xerox' a page). We bickered over it for awhile, but here I am... doing the same thing. Logical people. Gruh! :D

One other peeve of mine is when I'm with friends and we have inside jokes or a little 'language' between ourselves (bizarre words that have no meaning for anyone else, but make perfect sense within our group) and I start noticing the words working themselves into my normal vocabulary.

09-13-2006, 02:47 PM
Reminds me of a time a few years ago, at an cafe in Beverly Hills. A friend and I were enjoying Sunday brunch, sitting near a large party of adults + one 2-3 year old. The adults were busy talking so the bored boy left them and wandered from table to table. He came over to our table, stared at us and then grabbed my food! The parents and their friends looked over and instead of retrieving him, burst out laughing. The boy was delighted to get attention so he started laughing and throwing the food in the air, which caused the adults to laugh even harder. The mother finally got the boy and lamely apologized, saying, "At least it's a buffet, you can always get another plate."

Oh lord, what is our society coming too! I wonder what those same parents would have done after the little brat grabbed something off my plate and I grabbed his arm and walked him back and sat his little rude booty back down with this parents and told them "barbarian behavior is just rude and crude and very sad, not funny" And don't think I wouldn't have done that either cause I would! Told you am old and cranky! :p

09-13-2006, 03:12 PM
I don't think of it so much as not letting kids act like "kids"- I see it more like teaching kids how to act considerately of others around them. I was taught gently from an early age, and taught my daughters as well, about stuff like:

-- sitting patiently in a restaurant rather than running about from table to table.
-- not using a loud shouting "outside" voice when inside.
-- not interrupting people when they are talking (wait for them to finish a sentence and say excuse me first).
-- not insulting people because of how they look, etc.
-- not screaming in a tantrum fit when my mother didn't buy me something I wanted in a store.
-- not PUSHING ahead in front of old people when going through doors (i see this all the time), but holding the door for them instead and giving up seats on the bus for people who are not as strong as me.
-- eating with my mouth closed, and not talking with a mouth full of food.
-- saying please and thank you and excuse me.

I had no trouble learning these things from the time I was 4 or 5. They were repeatedly explained simply and kindly but firmly. I don't think learning to be kind and polite "ruined" my enjoyment of childhood or stifled me emotionally. :rolleyes: I had a pretty unrestricted childhood.

09-13-2006, 03:17 PM
I don't think of it so much as not letting kids act like "kids"- I see it more like teaching kids how to act considerately of others around them. I was taught gently from an early age, and taught my daughters as well, about stuff like:

-- sitting patiently in a restaurant rather than running about from table to table.
-- not using a loud shouting "outside" voice when inside.
-- not interrupting people when they are talking (wait for them to finish a sentence and say excuse me first).
-- not insulting people because of how they look, etc.
-- not screaming in a tantrum fit when my mother didn't buy me something I wanted in a store.
-- not PUSHING ahead in front of old people when going through doors (i see this all the time), but holding the door for them instead and giving up seats on the bus for people who are not as strong as me.
-- eating with my mouth closed, and not talking with a mouth full of food.
-- saying please and thank you and excuse me.

I had no trouble learning these things from the time I was 4 or 5. They were repeatedly explained simply and kindly but firmly. I don't think learning to be kind and polite "ruined" my enjoyment of childhood or stifled me emotionally. :rolleyes: I had a pretty unrestricted childhood.

my sons were not insulting (well, at age 2 they didn't quite get it yet) or disrespectful but they were noisy, hyper, annoying. They could sit still for a minute or two. . . and they didn't run through restaurants, but we did WALK a lot through restaurants and outside taking turns with the boys... because
it really was hard for them to sit down.

they really are a different animal...those snips and snails go a long way.

09-13-2006, 05:07 PM
You should hide a pair of slip on shoes in your desk and only wear them in the bathroom...

K, ladies one more related to the whole bathroom and phone issues, which I think is disgusting that people talk on the phone in the bathroom. Anyway.

One more pet peeve-people who walk into the bathroom, lean down to see the feet in the stall to look for me to ask me some stupid question. Geez can't I have 5 minutes of peace! BTW My standard reply is "Is someone dying? If not, please go away!"


09-14-2006, 05:38 AM
Yea! It's those people who use weird misspellings for LIGHT (as in li10up) who get to me!!! MIght will become MITE... (spight will become spite?)It's called a play on words...lighten up. My username gets to you?:rolleyes:

09-14-2006, 05:52 AM
OK another Pet Peeve....

So I live in an apartment which means I have to use the dreaded laundry room. Put my clothes in at 5:30 am and went out at 6:10. Some lady was pulling my stuff out and putting it on the counter. I was 5 minutes late for gosh sakes. DON'T TOUCH MY UNDIES! EEEEEEeeee, now I have to wash everything all over (not really - but I like to whine). I don't understand her haste. She now has to wait for my stuff to come ut of the dryer so she could have been patient. She does better not touch the dryer with my stuff in it!!!! Gotta go... gotta get out to the dryer before she does.....!!!!!

09-14-2006, 06:51 AM
People who say NUCULAR instead of NUCLEAR - dangit - it's not that friggin hard!!!! Practice it a few times, for cripes sake...

(Oh, wait, I just described the leader of a large powerful country who has his finger on the button....)

09-14-2006, 07:01 AM
People who say NUCULAR instead of NUCLEAR - dangit - it's not that friggin hard!!!! Practice it a few times, for cripes sake...

(Oh, wait, I just described the leader of a large powerful country who has his finger on the button....)

and his popularization of ignorance is one of the biggest disservices he's done to our country. :mad:

09-14-2006, 07:29 AM
You should hide a pair of slip on shoes in your desk and only wear them in the bathroom...

Preferably snorkling flippers...

09-14-2006, 07:32 AM
People who say NUCULAR instead of NUCLEAR - dangit - it's not that friggin hard!!!! Practice it a few times, for cripes sake...

(Oh, wait, I just described the leader of a large powerful country who has his finger on the button....)

TV series "Third Rock from the Sun" did a spoof on that word once. John Lithgow's character said NUCULAR, and his housemates jumped all over him. He said something to the effect of, "we're TRYING to fit in on this planet," and made them all practice! (for those who didn't watch, the premise was aliens posing as a human family of sorts, researching humans and earth for some reason)

BTW, good to see you again Pascale!
Karen in Boise

09-14-2006, 07:43 AM
OK another Pet Peeve....

So I live in an apartment which means I have to use the dreaded laundry room. Put my clothes in at 5:30 am and went out at 6:10. Some lady was pulling my stuff out and putting it on the counter. I was 5 minutes late for gosh sakes. DON'T TOUCH MY UNDIES! EEEEEEeeee, now I have to wash everything all over (not really - but I like to whine). I don't understand her haste. She now has to wait for my stuff to come ut of the dryer so she could have been patient. She does better not touch the dryer with my stuff in it!!!! Gotta go... gotta get out to the dryer before she does.....!!!!!

I'm afraid I would do the same thing- remove your stuff from the machine so I could do my laundry. (I assume there were no other empty machines for her to use) When you leave your clothes in a public laundrymat and go away, you forfeit your right to hold the machine after it is done washing or drying your clothes. Other people need to do their laundry, and their time is valuable too. How would she have ANY idea how long you were going to take to come back? Sometimes people take an hour or longer to come back. Should she just sit there waiting while your clothes lie in an unused machine in front of her? Not meaning to be insensitive to you, but if you really don't want people touching your undies in a laundrymat, then don't walk away and leave them! :confused: ;)

09-14-2006, 10:37 AM
You have to know I do my laundry at 5 - 5:30a when no one else is generally doing their laundry. Since this is my apartment complex, not a public laundry, everyone leaves and comes back. I very concerned about time and never leave my laundry - another pet peeve is people who do - this same lady, BTW, often does her wash late at night and leaves her stuff in the dryer overnight. I come in at 5 and the dryers are full. I don't take her stuff out although I'm upset I have to come back some other time. This morning I ws only 5 miniutes late so its not like she had to wait and keep in mind she'd have to wait for the dryers anyway - and yes they are 4 other laundry rooms for her to use - none occupied.

Geez, I'm still upset about it... I need to calm down... sorry!

09-14-2006, 11:31 AM
Here's a really irrational one of mine, from the ever merging border between Spanish and English in this country: In English we say take a pill, take my medicine. In Spanish, the verb "tomar" can mean both take and drink. So people who grew up speaking Spanish at home and English everywhere else almost invariably say, "I drank my medicine", "I drank my pills", "How many times a day should I drink it?", etc. It drives me nuts. It's futile to try to correct it, "In English you can only drink a liquid. You cannot drink a pill. Say 'take', not 'drink'." They look at me as if I were a cranky, control freak, middle aged white woman in a lab coat. Which I am, of course! But still.

The latest from the Spanglish files: A dad yells to his little boy, "Watchale!" as he runs down the aisle at Target. ie: Watch it!, but in Spanglish. :rolleyes:

09-14-2006, 11:36 AM
has anyone mentioned "more importantly" yet?

more imortant, importantly is not a word or not a good one anyway....yet. Used to drive my Dad right up the wall, I'm sure its use contributed to his demise. :o

09-14-2006, 11:40 AM
She strutted about, importantly, as her minions greased her bicycle. However, Philippa knew that her grease was no more important than others'.

Personally, I prefer changing to adverb form if, in fact, you are modifying an action. So, "More importantly, you must remember to inflate your tires!" woudl not pique my peevedness.

09-14-2006, 11:42 AM
Geez, I'm still upset about it... I need to calm down... sorry!

I hope you will reach closure on it soon! Have some tea! ;)

09-14-2006, 11:52 AM
My pet peeve: People that leave their shopping carts in the parking lot, free to CRASH into my car! Walk a few yards and put them up!

09-14-2006, 12:08 PM
Geez, I'm still upset about it... I need to calm down... sorry!

How about a funny story?

The scene: basement of a 10-storey (excuse my British spelling) apartment building with three washers, three dryers.

The players: me, another tenant.

We've both been loading and reloading our "own" machine, because the middle washer is in use but not running. As I'm loading my second or third load, I realize the third machine has been abandoned, and, darnit, I'm going to use it, because I'm cranky that way.

Open it up, look inside, and realize IT'S MY LAUNDRY. :( Left by my husband DAYS ago. No one -- least of all him -- had taken it out. Ew. Ran that load again with bleach!

And there's a pet peeve -- forgetting the laundry for days and having to re-run the load. Or forgetting to dump out the toddler's bagged, wet clothes/bibs from daycare, and then, well, I'm buying more clothes/bibs for him.

09-14-2006, 12:28 PM
laundry is where my sons both became self-sufficient early in life. After more than one of DH's work shirts got designed with really neat crayon squiggles from the crayons left in my 8 year old's pockets, everyone got to do their own laundry.
I did all the sheets/towels but each young (and old) male got to deal with his own clothing. really lightened MY load.

oh. they had to make their own lunches too. After witnessing children throwing away the lovely stuff their moms packed for them too many times; I just took mine to the store and told them to pick out the fruit,cookies, bread, sandwich filling... and then they made their own lunch every night before they went to bed all the way through highschool.

09-14-2006, 01:07 PM
Yeah, my husband and three sons always did their own laundry.

But only because I didn't want them to grow up thinking women were their slaves.


09-14-2006, 02:30 PM
My husband and I each do our own laundry. Hey, we have clothes that really require different settings! And we change the sheets together- much faster, and more fun.

Bad JuJu
09-14-2006, 02:41 PM
My husband and I each do our own laundry. Hey, we have clothes that really require different settings! And we change the sheets together- much faster, and more fun.
Brava, Lisa! DH and I each do our own laundry also. He throws all his stuff in together, no concern for color, cycle, water temp, or dryer temp, and I...don't. When we got married, he started out doing laundry for both of us (what a guy!), but after he shrunk three of my best shirts, that was the end of that. Hey, you don't think he planned it that way, do you? :confused: But he does still do towels and sometimes bed linens. I guess he's a keeper after all.

09-14-2006, 04:14 PM
i think i better start using spell check on this forum. sorry i'm REALLY bad at spelling. i'm more of a numbers sort of girl.

and you mean zoomability isn't really a word? its my favorite made up word.

(sorry, i'm sure i have at least one word that is spelled wrong in this post.)

09-14-2006, 04:17 PM
and you mean zoomability isn't really a word? its my favorite made up word.

Today I caught myself calling something "gi-normous." Kill me now! :D

09-14-2006, 05:31 PM
those who "threaten you" and never come through.... (you know who you are, and notice the ... that i added just for you.)

09-14-2006, 07:18 PM
But I like the word gi-normous! :o :D

09-14-2006, 07:58 PM
are you saying ga-zillion isn't an actual number?

09-14-2006, 08:04 PM
I think the correct word is actually "bazillion". See, this is how language gets corrupted...

Actually, I think its living river-like qualities make language beautiful to watch as it grows and changes.

09-14-2006, 08:20 PM
it kills me when you go to talk to some one and they say ok...like go ahead...but then they dont listen to a word you say! they just sit and stare....kinda like DH is doing right now....he aint gettin anything....not from me...:eek:

also...i have a thing about people who eat loud...i could be across the room and hear them then no matter how loud it is that is all i hear...i just want to scream...i know weird...

09-14-2006, 10:55 PM
My pet peeve: People that leave their shopping carts in the parking lot, free to CRASH into my car! Walk a few yards and put them up!

Or the people who put them on the little grass medians when the cart corral is right across the parking lot! The only time I excused this is when I watched my Pawpaw do it at the Lowe's I worked at. The man had congestive heart failure and didn't want help, so by the time he got back to his car he was worn out. He would put the cart where it would not roll away on the median, the Lowe's didn't have a corral anywhere near the handicap spots. Watching that out the front entrance from my job at the return desk broke my heart.

09-15-2006, 05:22 AM
also...i have a thing about people who eat loud...i could be across the room and hear them then no matter how loud it is that is all i hear...i just want to scream...i know weird...

No it isn't weird! Bad table manners drive me up the wall!

09-15-2006, 05:31 AM
OH! And the whole "lend/borrow" misuse - I don't even need to elaborate...

...but I will at any rate.

My mother-in-law talks this way ALL the time:

"I'm just going to borrow youz guys some money" (or whatever item she's talking about)

... like nails across a chalkboard. She also taught her boys to eat holding their fork at the end, in their fist, with their elbows parallel to the floor - it's like eating with cavemen! :mad:

09-15-2006, 08:04 AM
One of my pet peeves is smoking.
I haven't got any problems with smokers generally. It is a legal habit & it's not my money they're wasting.

At my local supermarkets, cigarette's are sold through the customer service desk. It is situated near the express aisles & sometimes the cashiers work both the sections.
Instead of queueing with the rest of the shoppers during the peak-time, all smokers have to do is wait at the customer service section, where there is hardly any queue.
And when the person buying the smokes doesn't get served straight away they get all grumpy about it. Just like a women at my local supermarket did yesterday.
She just walked up to the customer desk & expected to get served straight away. Just because she smokes, she thought she was more important than the rest of us waiting in the looong queues.

09-15-2006, 08:54 AM
Many it's just she was in a hurry knowing she was on borrowed time and all...
Smoking is like a heroin addiction. Maybe worse (which is what people who know have told me). When you need a fix, you gotta get it right away. Give the poor drug addict a break! She can't help being all stung out and jittery/onnerves. (I say all this tongue in cheek!)

09-15-2006, 08:55 AM
those who "threaten you" and never come through.... (you know who you are, and notice the ... that i added just for you.)

Oh aren't we impatient? I do things on my own time... so sometime a couple years from now, you'll have TOTALLY forgotten about ALL of this, and for whatever reason, I'll have vacation time in AK, so I'll go and come through on all these threats. It works best with the element of surprise. ;)

09-15-2006, 09:23 AM
Irregardless of the way people utilize there grammar, maybe your all just too uptight and need to loose you're hangups. I don't know if you will get this message, since your all out literally walking your dogs. Me? I am going to get 11 items and stand in the 10-Items-Or-LESS line. ;)

I couldn't have said it better myself. Well done. :) You touched on my 2 biggest pet peeves. Even though you wrote tongue in cheek, it was painful to read.

1 It's 10 items or FEWER. Fewer, not LESS!!!!! The only store I know that has it right is whole foods. Apparently they care about the safety or our foods and our grammar.

2 Your instead of you're. For god sakes people, your, like an apostrophe is possesive.

09-15-2006, 09:39 AM
Smokers - I'm an ex smoker, so I'm probably worse than anyone! I hate the smell, can't stand walking "the gauntlet" of smokers outside when I'm going to work.

Eating - OMG. I have a very dear friend, love her madly. BUT. She eats like a barbarian. Fork in a fist, eats with her fingers (non finger food), shoves huge amounts of food in her mouth at a time, then talks with her mouth full. I try not to sit across from her when we eat.....

09-15-2006, 10:05 AM
I hate it when one of my co-workers will comment offhand "Oh, all my kids are SO sick with the flu... the whole nausea/achey/fevery bit."

...then a couple days later, they call in for 3 days in a row...

...then I start getting achy/chilly and say "No! No! Not ME!" ... but then it's the whole fever deal etc.

-Kitsune (at home, drinking hot tea and sleeping anywhere she happens to sit for more than 20 minutes.)

09-15-2006, 10:29 AM
Oh aren't we impatient? I do things on my own time... so sometime a couple years from now, you'll have TOTALLY forgotten about ALL of this, and for whatever reason, I'll have vacation time in AK, so I'll go and come through on all these threats. It works best with the element of surprise. ;)

see what i have to put up with. :p

i will wait for you my pretty... and i'm like an elephant! i never forgit!

09-15-2006, 10:30 AM
you never spell check, either! :p
How do we ever tolerate each other?!

09-15-2006, 10:36 AM
Here's another peeve, which I fortunately haven't encountered in a while... People who see my obviously Asian ancestry and regardless of the fact that I was born and raised in California, assume I don't speak English. And the other ethnic stereotypes, too.
The most common ones I hear:

"Where are you from? Pasadena? No, I meant originally... where are you from? Pasadena? No, I meant before that..."

"My, you speak English very well!"

"pokjfijwfmwjfo???" (I have no idea what they're saying, but they're speaking to me in a foreign language, assuming I am from their country)

"Do you know what 'yellow fever' is?"

The best one was in Lexington, Kentucky. I was there on business, driving in from Louisville and had stopped by a local diner. The waitress came up to me, opened up the menu in my face, pointed to pictures of the various items and then said slowly and loudly, "What... food... do... you... like?" She said this making an eating motion with her hand.
I ordered my meal with the few Spanish words in my repertoire.

09-15-2006, 10:57 AM
The best one was in Lexington, Kentucky. I was there on business, driving in from Louisville and had stopped by a local diner. The waitress came up to me, opened up the menu in my face, pointed to pictures of the various items and then said slowly and loudly, "What... food... do... you... like?" She said this making an eating motion with her hand.
I ordered my meal with the few Spanish words in my repertoire.
Whew! :p That's a good one! I think I'll be chuckling to myself all day every time I think: "What... food... do... you... like?" Oh, man. That's funny. Answered in Spanish. heh heh heh, good one!

My sister (now 42) and I still tell the story of being in Kentucky with our grandparents (we're all from Illinois...well, our ancestors are from Sweden and Scotland and Denmark...oh, you get the point. We're northerners). My sister was 10. The waitress asked her what she wanted to order. When she hesitated a second too long, my grandmother said, "She doesn't understand you, dear. It's your accent, you know." :o

I confuse the heck out of some people when I speak my fluent Spanish at work. I walk in all Swedish looking, open my mouth, and out comes good Spanish. I've been asked if I was maybe...Cuban? :confused: Usually they say, "Where are you from?" Here. "Where are your parents from?" Here. "Are you married to a Latino?" No. Finally they break down and ask, "Why do you speak Spanish so well?" I practice!

09-15-2006, 11:00 AM
you never spell check, either! :p
How do we ever tolerate each other?!

i warned everyone on here i can't spell for the life of me. (good thing for me)
i have no idea how we tolerate each other.

09-15-2006, 01:16 PM
Typically I quickly check in while at work post something quickly and get back to work. Lord knows half the stuff I post doesn't make sense. As long as you all know what I mean...

Also several years ago I sustained a serious head injury. It affects how I type. I use a correctly spelled word but its just wrong... like I want to say "I just saw the cutest jersey" but will say "I just ate the cutest jersey" trust me its weird... oh well.

09-15-2006, 01:21 PM
I'm a selective grammar vigilante... I'm not going to hold it against somebody who isn't *publishing* something - every body makes typos and errors. Failing to find an editor for your "scholarly publication," or using lousy grammar when you're a "newscaster..." that bugs me.
Heck, I don't even like it at all when the Weather Channel uses Impact as a verb, and that's at least 20 times a day~! (And... my fingers typed whether channel the first time through :cool: :cool: ) It's that Getting Old Thing :D

09-15-2006, 06:07 PM
Oh aren't we impatient? I do things on my own time... so sometime a couple years from now, you'll have TOTALLY forgotten about ALL of this, and for whatever reason, I'll have vacation time in AK, so I'll go and come through on all these threats. It works best with the element of surprise. ;)

Hee hee, Kit -- this reminds me: we're still waiting for the "other shoe to drop" from the Christmas present EArl gave my brother one year! It was a frozen deer-head he found on the side of the road on his way to work one morning. Steve took it home with him, and we keep wondering when it's going to resurface! (this is maybe 15 years now...)

Karen in Boise

09-16-2006, 04:12 AM
Honestly - I go on holiday for 5 days and all you've been doing is moaning and complaining...

Misused apostrophes are my pet hate. I recently saw an advert on a block of retirement flats (over-priced, serviced appartments) which read:

"We'll take care of your loved one's". .....Presumably the words 'hard-earned cash' had been missed off the strap line.

Oh, and I wish you Amercans would learn to say 'aluminium' properly :D

09-16-2006, 06:29 AM
Oh, and I wish you Amercans would learn to say 'aluminium' properly :D

So does my DH. He is a Professor of Chemistry and it drives him crazy when it is pronounced incorrectly.

09-16-2006, 11:18 AM
I hate it when one of my co-workers will comment offhand "Oh, all my kids are SO sick with the flu... the whole nausea/achey/fevery bit."

...then a couple days later, they call in for 3 days in a row...

...then I start getting achy/chilly and say "No! No! Not ME!" ... but then it's the whole fever deal etc.

-Kitsune (at home, drinking hot tea and sleeping anywhere she happens to sit for more than 20 minutes.)

Oh, no, you got IT. IT is going around my office at the moment and I'm really not wanting to be sick right now. There's nothing like coworkers with rug rats at home for the spreading of illness to an office.

09-16-2006, 01:09 PM
And it's even worse when you work with 24 rug rats all day and go home to more rug rats of your own.. :eek: I have such a hard time NOT catching stuff. Wash your hands.... Wash your hands.... Wash your hands...

09-16-2006, 03:08 PM
No kidding. As much as I abhor most things 'antibacterial' and 'antimicrobial' when I'm healthy, I dragged a big container of those lysol wipes to work and wiped everything down before starting @ the desk (we all share one desk/phone/computer/etc) and intend to wipe it all down again before the next girl starts.
I have a lousy immune system (it's getting better, but...) DGF works with 20+ boys, who are all just little disease factories, so when she says "Oh, I had to stay back @ the cottage today b/c about 6 guys are sick and..." I have to say "Shh. Don't wanna hear it."
I'm (of course) sick a few days later. DGF *never* gets sick, so when I'm esp. bitter, I tend to pick on her and call her Typhoid Mary. all in fun, of course.;)

09-16-2006, 04:38 PM
OOh! yesterday in the big W-store, in one of the grocery aisles, a lady left her cart right in the middle, and went to another aisle! We were stuck, waiting to get through, since there were other people too, including an old guy, standing in JUST the right spot to keep all these people bottled up.

My husband takes those carts & moves them to adjacent aisles. Evil, but funny.

run it, ride it
09-16-2006, 04:40 PM
Sniffling drives me to irresolvable paranoid OCD minus the relief of the C. The only C is the CRAZY.

The worst kinds? The bored sniffler, the arrogant sniffler, or the just-needs-a-kleenex-but-is-too-lazy-to-blow sniffler--all of which involve an incessant rate of 5 seconds or less between sniffles.

09-16-2006, 04:51 PM
People who come to work sick because they are "so busy." Give me a break. Get off of the cross & go home. I don't want your germs.

"Specially" instead of especially.

Apparently, nobody speaks anymore. They "like." For example, "I was like, give me the 411 dude."

Ditto thinking. "I was like, wow, this dude is really stoned." But, anybody who hangs around college campuses already knows that thinking is a lost art.

09-17-2006, 03:15 PM
Just from today, can you tell I was at the mall today?

People who bring theri dogs with them inside stores/malls. I know this statement will not be well received. But that is how I feel. I LOVE animals. But they do not belong in the cosmetic aisle or being walked in the mall or in the dressing room. Leave your animal at home. Mine are at home.

People who let their little kids look under the bathroom stall doors. I never allowed my girls to do that, they came with me in the stall or they had to stand with thier backs to my door, while I went.

09-17-2006, 03:41 PM
while we're at it; you ever called customer service, for your computer,
your cellphone, your internet service and encounter a mouth breather?
AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this absolutely drives me nuts. So he says; hold on,
let me check your records.. then all you can hear is his breathing. BARF!!!!!


okay, i will crawl back into my box now.

09-30-2006, 10:46 AM
I just thought of 2 things that really bother me....

1)..when a car turns right in front of me with out turning on their blinker.
2) someone throws out their hot cigarette butt when Im on my bike right behind them. Im sure I have more ,but these just happened to me this morning.


09-30-2006, 12:27 PM
Grrrr. I really really hate it when smokers dump their whole disgusting ash tray out in a parking lot. It's bad enough they toss their butts whereever they feel like it, but when they purposely dump the ash tray, I go ape.