View Full Version : Open Topic (cycling related)
- Welcome!
- Cyclying shoes??
- Dogs
- handlebar tape
- off to boston
- chain skips
- Good Shops in Milan???
- mountain bikers?
- thanks TE
- Century month.....who is riding?
- some inspiration
- Stranded or strandee
- Century went on...
- Seat Discomfort
- Safety
- How It All Turned Out
- debate- P.E.D.
- Medic Alert
- Cyclocomputers and heart rate monitors
- Seeking Others
- What To Wear?
- Pregnancy & Cycling
- Looking for a Bag
- needing inspiration...
- how to pick a mtb
- "serious" riding while pregnant?
- Is it my imagination?
- What is a century
- bike types
- dana
- Louis Garneau Historia jersey prints
- century
- Bell Influx
- wired or wireless?
- Dog Attacks
- Update on Trigirl Quest for riding companions...
- Bikes for tiny women
- mtn biking courses
- Selling to support son's mtb season....
- Let's have some opinions...or advice...
- conditioning
- Utah - companions or tips
- Tour de France
- Rides with Dog(s)
- cool pix of chix
- women's apparel and bikes
- is cycling a sport?
- North Carolina Sales Tax Holiday
- Just saying hi.
- Went mt bike riding today
- Knee pain
- Carbon Fiber or Titanium?
- Thunder and Lightning
- lightening the load?
- Help...SPD-R pedal problems
- saddles
- Menstrual Cycles
- Trail access issues
- saftey post got me thinking
- Foot numbness
- Bike Commuting - Encouragement?
- free sport travel club
- riding around Burlington Vermont
- need opinions on road bikes
- vagina blisters!
- My summer and a question
- Yahoo, I did my first century.
- What would you name your bike?
- Looking for *natural* chamois cream/lubricant
- Embarrassing wipeout- new to clipless
- Pain "Down There"
- Kudos to Team Estrogen
- Tire Pressure?
- First Century Completed!!!
- good place to ride near Long Beach Island, NJ
- Any thoughts on bonk training?
- Training tape recommendations
- Leg Armor
- Disappointment after a ride (long)
- Saddle sore..bruise
- Disorganized/organized joy ride
- Cycling Injurie Survey
- 1st mt bike race
- weight gain
- carbon fiber vs. aluminum vs. steel
- Needing some advice, badly!!!
- Cold Weather Riding
- my poor tootsies
- If you will be near Winston-Salem, NC on Thu, Nov 7, don't miss this!
- Rollers vs. Trainer
- advice on Ti bellybutton ring?
- fear
- Child Bike Trailer
- Jeff Spencer to speak Nov 7th in Winston-Salem, NC
- bike
- Seeking Peer Support & Motivation!
- Any do it yourselfers?
- Bike Jewelry and Mojo
- Titanium choices
- Component Upgrade
- Biking in Maui
- saddles
- women's cycling article mental_floss
- Looking for bike buying advice...forgot about the bike specific thread! oops!
- Weekend Ride Reports
- Happy thanskgiving to US folks!!
- Tubes?
- name of the bike
- Stolen Bicycle Seats!
- Womans bicycling vests and flannel robes
- HOliday Wish list ( and where is everyone?)
- Weights anybody?
- Shipping your bike
- Heart rate monitor
- Lance's book
- new year
- Music while spinning
- new wheelset vs. new bike
- grip shift?
- Bicycle Mechanics Course for Women
- What do you ride to the drugstore?
- Cool M-Bike photos (dreaming of warmer weather....)
- bike school
- butterfly vs. damselfly
- helmet
- medical questions
- Question about Pedals
- Heart Rate monitoring again
- bike computer
- Long vs. short
- Summer Plans
- Recumbent trikes
- Help! I need specific adjustments...
- Hi Guys
- help with shoes
- Getting a new bike!
- what kind of bike do you ride? pictures?
- Riding buddies...
- BC races?
- Favorite bike shops
- Riding Buddies
- Out of the gym and onto the road - Ideas wanted.
- Out of the gym and onto the road - Ideas wanted.
- Hands keep falling asleep
- Looking for riding buddies in Denver CO
- Anyone use a chiropracter?
- Women's Racing on Adventure Sports Radio
- I won my first race!
- rode the iguana
- Take it easy?
- Pregnant and tours?
- First race
- First solo ride
- Got my new bike today!
- need encouragement and advice on racing
- Suggest some music to listen to
- buried under snow and ice
- What type of rider are you?
- What kind of mountain biker are you?
- Anyone looking for a riding buddy in SE Wisconsin?
- frame life & steel vs. aluminum
- What to wear???
- Things I learned yesterday
- My FIRST Race
- Job Opening at TE
- starting a women's race team...need info
- the calendar
- for admin
- Seattle to Portland Advice Wanted
- First Ride on New Bike!
- Every have a bad day? (mountain biking)
- Go Nicole!!!
- New/used bike!
- Lies bike shops tell you
- Strawberry Fields Forever
- Pedals, feet and Knees
- Forums are back online!
- I did it!!!!
- Very long ride......
- So far,so good
- cool jerseys.
- bike waiting rant
- I need new tires!
- Hamstrings
- cool necklace
- Avatars how to
- I've been riding have you??
- Saddle sores
- Giro de Italia
- Websites
- Boneshaker
- Cycling shorts
- Catrike Speed
- knee sprain pain....seriously
- Team WAR
- Recumbent Bicycle Trainers
- Very off topic
- Lance Armstrong's B*tt
- I Did It
- Bicyclopedia
- new bike!
- Wylder
- how do YOU recover after a century
- almost makes me not want to race
- Been trying to get out but I'm have all kinds of wussy problems
- Summer bike Camps
- blistering after a long ride
- Ebay experience?
- TdF countdown
- Tour de France Trip - 4 places available
- Soon To Be Cyclist
- Reocvery in the Heat
- GPS, biking,and trails
- *ALMOST* did it...
- I'm so digusted...
- Ragbrai
- Tandem advice
- long distant riding
- Omigosh, so stoked...
- I'm So Excited!!!!!
- Who's Watching the Tour?
- We need to act now! (serious)
- Could I be a biker?
- achilles tendon pain
- suggestions
- Sore Butt
- Irulan
- Mountain Bike Vacation.
- 24 hour racing
- NORBA Nationals at Schweitzer
- Stiff Knee
- why ride?
- Soft Tissue/Urethral Irritation - HELP!
- Jersey brand preferences?
- recumbent riding
- New or update?
- disapointing DNF in Etape du Tour
- What is a pelleton (sp?)
- Training for century ride
- Ride Tragedy
- Four days at the NORBA nat's...
- What to expect from a club?
- New with clipless
- Shall we e-mail Lance?!
- OT - chocolate from Nova Scotia tour
- Anyone have an Aegis Swift?
- Weight loss through biking
- Bay Area and Beyond Rides
- another singletrack weekend
- Cycling Shoes & Clipless Pedals
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